Ants for Ant

Fellow sifter Ant asked if I could post some Macro HD ant footage, here it is... As Ant would tell you these are argentine ants and they are VERY tiny (about an 1/8 of an inch). They have had a hard summer here in SoCal with the lack of water. I have, as many of my friends have, had plenty of the these little guys find their way into the house looking for water.


lucky760 says...

It'd really be something if you could shoot 760 lucky charms in their natural habitat.

Looks like you have a manual focus on that camera. Nice.

In case anyone has ant problems and is unaware, if you ever know the point of entry for a line of ants into your home, just sprinkle some baking powder there. For some unknown reason when ants encounter it, they avoid it at all costs.

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