yes, I do windows and bake cookies too

for your consideration: i have a pierced nose and lip. I wear a ring in each one. I have a tattoo of three thin triangles on my right bicep.

But, I am a housewife. (actually I prefer "domestic goddess") complete with newborn, kids, two dogs two cats two rats fish and a house in what used to be the suburbs.

But my parents were activists. They were hippies. They took drugs to expand their minds. They sent me to a "free school" I grew up with Buddhism as the family religion.

But my kids go to public school (no parent-coop "free schools" anymore and who can afford private education nowadays?) and they have AUtism spectrum disorders, no place to walk to and nobody hosts parties anymore because all the kids go home and play video games.

 But I was a punk and a goth. I DJed (radio and private) I was in a band I did local theatre and I wore shirts that proclaimed my political views.

So.... yes, I am a counter-culture leftover. But my kids are apparently not. We were all so sure our generation (the smallest on record) was going to be SO different with our kids. Because we "understand" the existential angst of adolescence.

Riiiight. Watch em all be neo-cons.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It's true. I think the harder you try to get your kids to conform to some perspective the more they will rebel. Born again Christian begets crazed atheist. Hippie begets cop. Vegetarian begets carnivore.

We hold hands and give thanks before our evening meal - but not to any specified deity. We tell them what we believe if they ask, and support the development of their own belief system.

choggie says...

hey, work in's a bit of advice..everyday, wake up, look in th' mirror, and tell yourself aloud 10 times.."Everything I know is wrong"....and you'll be where you need to folks were hippie wannbes, in denial of their red necks, who chose the easy to swallow, Hay-Zeus, over the, hard to incorporate" Boodah......I tool the path less traveled, and it's still making a difference....Cheers, mum....get the goddamn rodents outta the house, or feed them to the new pet snake ya get.......

raven says...

Hey! Nice to see other women joining the sift... 'specially kickass ones who dig comix and counter culture and are ex-goths! Welcome aboard and good luck to yas, Almighty Domestic Goddess!

Thylan says...

Which makes me wonder if using reverse psychology by pretending to be what your not, so your kids rebel and become what you'd like, and then revealing this later in life, could actually be construed as emotional torture. Its one thing to become your parents, but to plan for your kids to become you and manipulate them into doing so in ...

Maybe this cough medicine is strong than i realized. Oh, and yay cookies!

MINK says...

ahhh goths. the most conformist way to be a non conformist.

i won't go as far as dag with my kids, i'll tell them what's what, i think that's my job as a father. if they disagree, then ok, but anyway i will tell them they are WRONG and Blur are the best band in history.

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