Ugh... more coffee please

This is just me, checking in.... went to bed early last night because, yes, friends and neighbors I am OLD and having a n00blett to feed is taking its toll. I notice the blogs here are light-hearted and informative, rarely introspective or depressed. So I will continue to go along with the crowd and not post any of my usual rambling inner thought processes.


Hmm... okay well just a warning to everyone who does NOT live anywhere near Atlanta GA; if you do not want children, don't move here. There's something in the water and everyone is having babies. I thought I was "special" or at least unique but tis not so. I get my tubes UNtied and next thing you know people all around me are getting with child. My husband's best friend moved up here with his wife last year and you know they are one of those unlucky couples who tried and tried to have babies but it wasn't to be. After about five (?) years of fertility treatments and yadda yadda they resigned themselves to being childless. 

So guess who is pregnant? Yep, his wife found out about her gestational baggage shortly after I gave birth. Another couple I know who were waiting on their HMO to kick in discovered their pregnancy shortly after said HMO actually kicked in. I had my baby just after my best friend had her second and my sister-in-law had her first. Met a really nice woman through mutual friends whose baby was born about two weeks after mine. Aaaand hubby's best friend's roommate is trying to conceive.

It must be connected to the drought. These things can't be coincidence alone, right? Next thing you know, my birthmother will be calling me to tell me her menopause has paused. *shudder*

(yes this whole entry was a lead-in to that one weak punchline) 

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