Weekly Achievements for 22Sep24 thru 28Sep24
#1 Video
Seal Stuck in Fishing Line - Ozzy Man Quickies! by ant
Water Droplet Orbits Charged Knitting Needle In 0 G by newtboy

Top Comments
I know I'm late to the party (of one) but the way things... by noims
If there are people out there dumb enough to think... by noims

Wow, I remember watching this in QuickTime in college.... by ant

When I was his age, it was definitely an option. It’s... by newtboy

How did the camera guy survive that? by BSR

Most Votes Cast
Water Droplet Orbits Charged Knitting Needle In 0 G by newtboy
She snuck into mom's purse by BSR

Green June beetles in flight! ... by ant

Rare photos that are too incredible to miss! by BSR

Disability Benefits: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver by w1ndex

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