What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) Blog Editor
A big improvement in blogging has been made for all Sift Bloggers who are less than very technically inclined when it comes to HTML programming. We've incorporated a fantastic JavaScript WYSIWYG editor (courtesy of MoxieCode Systems).
Currently, it's active for all new blog posting and existing post editing, but it will soon be made optional via account preferences (for those of us who prefer manual HTML). Most features are included in the toolbar embedded at the bottom of the input form, however the one thing that's a little tricky (unfortunately there's no way around it) is when it comes to inserting video embed code. Instead of simply pasting it into the form, you have to click the "HTML" button to access the source code of your blog entry and paste the video embed code there.
We're hoping this is going to be something very positive for all you bloggers out there, so please share your thoughts and experiences with it.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Very nice. Works great for me.
Will this eventually be extended to all comments and text fields in general on Videosift Proper?
HTML seems to be parsing links out of the embed code I post. Example my post for the Long Beach Aquarium video, I tried to update the embed code to serve the video from the Vimeo site, and what you see on the post now is what came out of the embed code.
I got all excited when I saw your blog decription and sidebar box. lol. The WYSIWYG worked ok for me, the images load rather slowly. I was hoping for an image upload option.
Rembar: No. There are a lot of restrictions on the text contained in videos, comments, etc.
) Sorry, no image uploading; external images only.

MLx: Hehe. Glad you enjoyed that. (It was mainly for your benefit.
YDJ and everyone: It appears that emedding videos with the new editor is extremely complex and at the moment impossible, so the editor has been disabled until this issue can be resolved.
Everything seems to be working correctly. Please report if embedding issues continue.
Hi Lucky,

Still can't embed, same as before.
Thanks for working on this!
Thanks Lucky, for adding the JavaScript WYSIWYG editor.
Okay, YDJ. Made a few more changes and just successfully embedded a video into a blog (then removed it) and it appears I actually got it working this time. Please let me know your results. And thanks for your patience.
The quirky thing about it, though, is that after pasting the embed code and returning to the editor, there may be no evidence of the location of the video.
But rest assured, when you save it, it will be there.
DD: Very glad it's beneficial for you. And btw, been enjoying your blog thus far.
Sweeeeeet! Works great! Proof:
I just made my first post, a real quickie, but this looks awesome. I will of course be back.
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