How YouTube Influences Society in Daily Life

Filed under Now that's just funny...
When a robber started taking cash from his register at a New Jersey Dunkin' Donuts over the weekend, employee Dustin Hoffmann fought back by clobbering the man with a ceramic mug. But Hoffmann admits he was less worried about the stolen cash than how he might look on the video-sharing site YouTube.

"What was going through my mind at that point was that the security tape is either going to show me run away and hide in the office or whack this guy in the head, so I just grabbed the cup and clocked the guy pretty hard," Hoffman said.

- AP
Can't wait for that to actually hit YouTube. With the quote above attached, it should definitely be a top 15.
lucky760 says...


I can't imagine "I'm going to be on YouTube!" going through my mind in the middle of a robbery. Sounds like an addict. He should definitely be on the Sift.

MarineGunrock says...

You'd be surprised what runs through your head at crazy times. I almost died in a car wreck when my car started doing a 360 down a two lane bridge at 80mph - and all I thought about the whole time was "My insurance is going to skyrocket"

^Not even joking.

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