Siftweek Video Podcast anyone?

We've flirted around with the idea before- but I still like the idea of a 30 minute sift show that highlights the big posts of the week and other things going on around the Sift. With a roundtable panel of Sifters new and old.

First off, does anyone know of a good software solution for group video podcasts?

Secondly would you be interested in participating?
maatc says...

Love the idea!

Maybe we could use Livestream (formerly Mogulus) for this?

You can mix multiple cameras from different computers with cameras.
We´d just have to record the livestream somehow.

I think they are quite strict about copyrighted content though, so possibly not everything from here would be appropriate.

Other options might be stickcam or ustream but they are all also just doing live video.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Thanks for the link, Maatc. The format I was thinking of, would be 4-5 remote panelists reviewing videos of the week and talking about what's been happening. And then maybe we put the actual videos in the background after the podcast and upload it. - so that way it wouldn't have to be "live" Though it would be fun to do it live too- we could have call-ins.

blankfist says...

Great idea. Cat rape and cat farts should be the primary focus, me thinks.

I'd love to help out in any way I can, but I'm super busy at the moment, and things don't look to clear up for me until mid to late July. Anyhow, I like the Beavis & Butthead idea of commenting on the videos. I wonder, however, if you did this if we'd all giggle a bit when we heard your expat-US accent muddled with a touch of Aussie?

Sarzy says...

I may or may not be interested in participating in the show itself, but I can certainly help out with putting it all together.

Sounds like a neat idea, either way. Keep us posted.

budzos says...

To be honest I'd be more interested in an audio podcast about the goings on at the Sift. I think a video podcast would be very sporadic and then cease to exist after only a few episodes.

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