Just Finished the Demo of World of Goo ...

What a completely original and cool game. It's a good one for the kiddlies too as it's cute and has a lego aspect to it.

Finishing the demo led me to this interesting inverview with the creators of the game - which in turn led me to this video for a decidely un-kid-friendly but fun looking game, BrĂ¼tal Legend. (Dig the Ronnie James Dio - and style that is reminiscent of Heavy Metal, the movie)

thegrimsleeper says...

I have hig hopes for Brütal Legend. It's made by the same developer that did Psychonauts, which unfortunately I haven't played but almost everybody that has say it's one of the best games ever. So Brütal Legend must be good right?

As for World of Goo, that video you linked to just got me interested in that game. I think I'll download the demo too.

It looks like there are many "small" games coming out these days that look really interesting. If anybody has an Xbox 360 I recommend that you check out Braid on xbox live arcade, it's a really good game. The official site of the game says there is a PC version planned but there is no release date on it yet.
Yesterday I saw a trailer for a game called Trine which also looks interesting.

thegrimsleeper says...

Ok I finished the demo of World of Goo also. I enjoyed it very much and I'm definitely going to buy that game.

But I think I'll wait a week or two and see if those US $20 will get any cheaper for me.

Thylan says...

i liked the demo of world of goo enough to preorder it. however, now tis here, im busy doing other thigs, so havent got much passed where i was in the demo. i'll return eventualy.

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