spoco2 says...

Drink Slurm!

You didn't return from your trip to a flooded house did you? I have friends up there who are currently sandbagged.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

No, we're on a little hill - so everyting rolls down towards the neighbours. :0 But it is still raining heavily here - so who knows. Animals are starting to pair up.

>> ^spoco2:

Drink Slurm!
You didn't return from your trip to a flooded house did you? I have friends up there who are currently sandbagged.

kceaton1 says...

So who was who in it's natural habitat there?

We need another Australian guy being videotaped and then commenting about the both of them so we can get a better understanding. Then finally a Discovery helicopter overhead showing us the calamity caused by the hypnotoad.

It can't be too bad; the guy filming was slipping on the rain soaked ground every-time he got caught in the headlights, or it was a girl with high heels. You never can tell with those neighbors.

All glory to his presence. #1 in sci-fi, comedy, drama, news, sports, and romantic comedies!

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