Bath Tissue

I was watching MSNBC today and they had an ad for "bath tissue". I had forgotten that was the euphemism for TP in the US. Australia likes scatological humor - the toilet joke is king in the land down under - and I don't quite get it. What's funny must be more nurture than nature.
Enzoblue says...

We have a few that are led by dominant brand name too. We used to call any powdered cleanser Ajax, because it was the only of it's kind for a long time, now we call it Comet. We still call facial tissue Kleenex and those feminine products Tampons, and cotton swabs Q-Tips. There's probably a lot more and corporate sales are always trying to break us from those habits.

thinker247 says...

I've never used tissue in the bath. It just gets soggy and clogs the drain. I'd much rather use a washcloth. But I do miss putting the wet bath tissue on my head and pretending I'm a mummy.

Are there any more mushrooms here?

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