Secession from the United States of Unconscious Insanity
I had originally intended this blogpost to be some idyllic proposal for the State of Texas' jumping off the roller-coaster of the obviously distorted, manipulated, and abused world economy, before we reach the next loop-de-loop-I have lived in a few western States, Cali, Oregon, Colorado, and in those days of escape from the Malaysian summers and my own bullshit thought the pastures greener where the weather was, well, not Houston in the summer-All things relative to perception, I have now decided that if and when the shit hits the fan, Texas is a fine place to disappear into, though nothing beats the untouched expanses of British Columbia or Alaska.
What to do about making some changes for the good of all mankind, and not simply being satisfied with switching on the survival circuit and letting the all-time loser, steal the handle.. A hearty advocate of independence, freedom from opression physically, mentally, and spiritually, I have always embraced the idea of being able to bail on this little experiment called the USA, should the shit get stacked so high that the stink becomes part of the natural breeze.
Well kids, open the front door of your insulated minds, and look around-not only should you, "Throw Away Your TV" need to be marching down to the station and doing what any good military coop commander does, when they want to get their message out and keep it real-Burn the motherfucker down-and control the only one still on air!
Here's a bit of an excerpt form one man's take on Texas History, relative to secession.
Many assert (without necessarily advocating the act) that Texas can secede from the Union. Based on the fact that the U.S. Constitution does not prohibit secession, some would interpret any state’s status as part of the United States as being voluntary. Supporting this view is language in the original Texas Constitution of 1836, which was repeated in the post-Reconstruction Texas Constutiton of 1876, declaring that, “(The people) have at all times the inalienable right to alter their government in such manner as they might think proper.”
A U.S. Supreme Court decision rendered in 1869 seems to obviate these persistent claims to sovereignty. Commenting on its 5-3 decision on Texas v. White, Chief Justice Salmon Chase stated that the Union is “composed of indestructable states,” and established on behalf of the high court of the land that secession is illegal.
Exactly how the division of the Lone Star State into smaller states is tied to the issue of secession may be lost to the vagaries of history, or perhaps, vagaries of logic. It is, however, only the stuff of legend, as the state’s annexation treaty did not include any provision to secede.
As much as the author, a Texan, loves and honors the United States, it is much too distressing to concede in print that Texas cannot, after all, lawfully secede. As Patrick Henry may have said were he a Texan, “Give me liberty or give me vagaries.”
Since "legally" we can't really check-out w/o some real difficulty, I propose a radically saner approach-Mob has always ruled for small durations, hell, go to a fotball match and watch a lot of hind-brainers going apeshit, fans and cops included-The powers behind the puppets have many useful dopes, who for the sake of power, position, and prominence (ego), have sold the entire world a bill of goods, and they are really wanting to call their iinvestment in empire in, at all our expense-here's what choggie would do, to save one beautiful, self-contained and self-sufficient land mass with the handle:

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