Ornthoron says...

It has gone continually downhill since the last Apollo missions, with a brief spike when the space shuttles first came into being. But surely you heard about the lost toolbag? That was on the mission that disturbed your suburban calm.

UsesProzac says...

I was able to see a shuttle launch both during the day and night. The night launch is easily one of my favorite childhood memories.

"Like that apartment on "Friends", this file does not seem to exist."

That's what it says when I try to go to the link you provided.

Crosswords says...

Last shuttle boom over where I lived resulted in bits of shuttle (and other things) raining down on my town

When I heard about the tool bag my first thought was I could go down to the Home Depot and show them a nice $4 solution to keep a $2k tool bag from floating away, but it sounds like someone for got to tether it or something.

rottenseed says...

I heard it too. I was trying to jerk off downstairs and I thought it was my girlfriend coming down the stairs so I quickly stuck my beastiality mag under the couch cushion and acted nonchalant.

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