MarineGunrock says...

Indeed it is a rusty old clock stolen from an alien ship in area fifty two. The lighting was a result of sticking my flash unit inside a small cardboard box and holding it (the camera was on a tripod/no flash) over the clock. I manually set the flash off five times to get the result.

MarineGunrock says...

Well, that's the only choice I had for composition, No other angle would have shown as much. It was exposed exactly like I wanted it,(I do have photoshop myself anyway) and I'm not sure what you mean about shadows - but it doesn't bother me. People are going to like what they like.

Arsenault185 says...

"ugh macro shots of things that don't move. a pet hate of mine." - MINK

Of things that don't move? well, if it was moving, then i don't think you would have had a picture. Maybe a movie, but then it wouldn't be a very good "picture". Besides, Macro shots are difficult enough, what with only a slight portion of framing that isn't blurred. Maybe i missed something. Especially on a 60 sec exposure...

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