why dogs have a better sense of smell

Why do dogs have a better sense of smell?

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Dogs stink and are filthy animals. I don't understand how people live with them. I mean that literally. Lately I've been trying to understand. Do people really just let their dogs all smelly and dirty climb into bed, couches, car seats, etc. without ever cleaning them first? It just seems like such a filthy way to live, tracking dirt and dog smell all over everything everywhere they go.

I asked my wife about it and she just tells me people love their dogs, so they aren't bothered by it. Is that really all it comes down to, ignoring it? The answer I wish to be true is that they somehow aren't as dirty or smelly as I believe they are, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

So it's clear, I don't dislike dogs, just can't comprehend the logistics of how one can actually live with those creatures with cleanliness and lack of odor.


Dogs rule.


Kids stink and are filthy animals...much much worse than most dogs. I don't understand how people live with them. I mean that literally. Lately I've been trying to understand. Do people really just let their kids, all smelly and dirty climb into bed, couches, car seats, laps, public places, etc. without ever cleaning them first? It just seems like such a filthy way to live, tracking dirt, germs, and kid smell all over everything everywhere they go.

I asked my wife about it and she just tells me people love their kids, so they aren't bothered by it. Is that really all it comes down to, ignoring it? The answer I wish to be true is that they somehow aren't as dirty or smelly as I believe they are, but that doesn't seem to be the case.


(That said...not all dogs are dirty and smelly, at least not as you seem to think they are. Mine has short 'teflon' fur that doesn't hold dirt or smells, and I wash her at least twice monthly (more if she gets into something stinky) so she has little smell. What smell she does have, I enjoy. Her teeth are good, so her breath doesn't stink...yet. She still has puppy smell, even though she's 3. I'm sure some people hate that smell, but I'm not one of those people. I do however strongly dislike the smell of unwashed, snot nosed/handed, Cheetos covered, poo pants children! I mean that literally!) ;-)


Dogs stink and are filthy animals. I don't understand how people live with them. I mean that literally. Lately I've been trying to understand. Do people really just let their dogs all smelly and dirty climb into bed, couches, car seats, etc. without ever cleaning them first? It just seems like such a filthy way to live, tracking dirt and dog smell all over everything everywhere they go.

I asked my wife about it and she just tells me people love their dogs, so they aren't bothered by it. Is that really all it comes down to, ignoring it? The answer I wish to be true is that they somehow aren't as dirty or smelly as I believe they are, but that doesn't seem to be the case.


Not all kids are dirty and smelly, at least not as you seem to think they are. Mine have thick 'curly' fur but doesn't hold dirt or smells, and I wash them at least twice monthly (more if they pee their pants) so they have little smell. What smell they do have, I enjoy... maybe too much. Their teeth are good and some are still coming in, so their breath doesn't stink...yet. They still have new baby smell, even though they're 2 and 4. I'm sure some people hate that smell, but I'm not one of those people. I do however strongly dislike the smell of unwashed, slobbery, oily, sweaty, stinky, poo-butted dogs, especially when wet! I mean that literally!


Kids stink and are filthy animals...much much worse than most dogs. I don't understand how people live with them. I mean that literally. Lately I've been trying to understand. Do people really just let their kids, all smelly and dirty climb into bed, couches, car seats, laps, public places, etc. without ever cleaning them first? It just seems like such a filthy way to live, tracking dirt, germs, and kid smell all over everything everywhere they go.

I asked my wife about it and she just tells me people love their kids, so they aren't bothered by it. Is that really all it comes down to, ignoring it? The answer I wish to be true is that they somehow aren't as dirty or smelly as I believe they are, but that doesn't seem to be the case.


(That said...not all dogs are dirty and smelly, at least not as you seem to think they are. Mine has short 'teflon' fur that doesn't hold dirt or smells, and I wash her at least twice monthly (more if she gets into something stinky) so she has little smell. What smell she does have, I enjoy. Her teeth are good, so her breath doesn't stink...yet. She still has puppy smell, even though she's 3. I'm sure some people hate that smell, but I'm not one of those people. I do however strongly dislike the smell of unwashed, snot nosed/handed, Cheetos covered, poo pants children! I mean that literally!) ;-)




Not all kids are dirty and smelly, at least not as you seem to think they are. Mine have thick 'curly' fur but doesn't hold dirt or smells, and I wash them at least twice monthly (more if they pee their pants) so they have little smell. What smell they do have, I enjoy... maybe too much. Their teeth are good and some are still coming in, so their breath doesn't stink...yet. They still have new baby smell, even though they're 2 and 4. I'm sure some people hate that smell, but I'm not one of those people. I do however strongly dislike the smell of unwashed, slobbery, oily, sweaty, stinky, poo-butted dogs, especially when wet! I mean that literally!


I think it's funny that being "clean" is where we all should be. As if somehow that so much better. People imo are way to freaked out by dirt and germs(what many call filthy). Compared to most id be considered filthy im sure, as i don't take showers as often as most, and i don't mind being in a "dirty" environment (Not dirty like unhealthy). I'll put my immunity up against anyone's. I rarely ever get sick and i attribute much of that to not worrying about being filthy. Also being around animals make for a stronger immune system for children me thinks.


I think you're totally taking it in a different, deeper way than I meant. For others it may be different, but for me it's literally about the "dirt" in dirty, not anything about germs.

Your points about germs are ones I happen to agree with vehemently.


I think it's funny that being "clean" is where we all should be. As if somehow that so much better. People imo are way to freaked out by dirt and germs(what many call filthy). Compared to most id be considered filthy im sure, as i don't take showers as often as most, and i don't mind being in a "dirty" environment (Not dirty like unhealthy). I'll put my immunity up against anyone's. I rarely ever get sick and i attribute much of that to not worrying about being filthy. Also being around animals make for a stronger immune system for children me thinks.


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