Jury Finds Kim Potter Guilty Of Manslaughter

A jury has found former Minnesota police officer Kim Potter guilty of manslaughter for killing Daunte Wright in an incident during a traffic stop.

What she did was a true injustice.
Her convictions are only justice if she gets the maximum 15 years in gen pop. That’s still only 10 years in prison (or less) before parole for killing a kid.
She had a greater duty of care than a normal citizen, abused her authority, and caused a great danger to bystanders (the passenger, other officers, and civilians on the busy street), so if anyone does, she deserves the maximum sentence if not an upward departure from sentencing guidelines for extenuating circumstances (meaning more than 15 years).


Only in America: where cops in general have far less regards for human life and its "patriots" consider as normal & just, while throwing more public money at them without questions other than "Do you need more? Just ask!"

I doubt the sentencing judge will book Potter to anything worse than Club Fed though.


A True injustice.
Hopefully the judge will rule as time served.

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