Autocar- Why Formula Offroad Is The Most Extreme Motorsport

Believe it or not, off-roading is actually illegal in Iceland - they'll lock you up. There is an exception, though, in the form of the outrageous Icelandic Formula Offroad Championship. Strapped into home-built mongrel 4x4s making up to 1500bhp, the unhinged drivers battle for the championship at courses across Iceland, attacking vertiginous rock faces and volcanic gravel pits, tearing through quagmires and even hydroplaning across water. It's a crusade against gravity that has spectacular results, with cars tumbling, sinking and sometimes all but disintegrating along the way. It's all played out in front of a baying crowd to a soundtrack of hard rock - there's nothing in motorsport quite like it.

We join 25-year-old defending champion Snorri Thor Árnason and his nitrous-boosted 7.0-litre V8-powered creation, Choirboy, for one of the most challenging weekends of the season at Hella in southern Iceland. He's the man to beat and perfectly placed to give us an inside view of what it takes to conquer Hella's treacherous terrain - not to mention its deep, icy river.

Read the full story on the Autocar website:

Additional footage provided courtesy of Jakob Hafsteinsson - visit his Icelandic motorsport channel at and his Facebook page at

Thanks to Snorri Thor Àrnason, Gummi Gustafsson, Guðbjörn Grímsson, Tryggvi Thordarson and Europcar Iceland (

For the Icelandic Formula Off-road schedule, look for 'Torfæra' at Find information about visiting Iceland at and

I don't understand the presenter.

I literally cannot fathom how (if you were at all into driving) you could watch that and turn down the opportunity to drive in one.


My answer...twice broken back. I was afraid I couldn't take the bouncing, so I didn't do it when I was there last year. I SOOOO wanted to, though. If it had been at the end of the trip and not the middle, I probably would have chanced it, but a week of my wife dragging me around Iceland totally broken because I just had to play would have probably gotten me divorced.
Also, $500 for 10 minute is hard to swallow.


I don't understand the presenter.

I literally cannot fathom how (if you were at all into driving) you could watch that and turn down the opportunity to drive in one.


Moving this video to newtboy's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.

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