A Message to Breitbart from Weather.com

Note to Breitbart: Earth is not cooling, climate change Is real and please stop using our video to mislead Americans.

And how did Breitbart respond?

By attacking the messenger

So there are so many things wrong with those fucking nazi assholes stupid argument, I don't know where to start.

Let's see:
sexism? check! She's just a pretty girl....
Ad hominem? check!
Being completely wrong about climate change? check!

oh and my favourite part... they attempted to coin a new logical fallacy... in their words "argumentum ad puellam pulchram. (aka the Argument from a Pretty Girl)".

Except the fucking morons can't even get the latin right.

"Argumentum ad" is arguing TO not FROM, i.e. they are attacking a "pretty girl", not being attacked by.

They inadvertently exposed their own fallacy while trying to make up a new one.



So science rapists can be swayed by pretty faces so much that they have to remind each other to be wary?

Jeez, why didn't anyone say so. Let's hire women with PhDs to communicate science globally!

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