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SpinLaunch Engineering Doc - Throwing Satellites into Space?

noims says...

My intuition says this could never work, but Brian McManus lends a hell of a lot of credibility to it in my book.

If it does work out, then hopefully lots of cheap small payloads in similar orbits won't cause too much space debris.

The Image You Can Only See Once You’ve Seen It

noims says...

You think that's messed up? I see a woman making out with a horse!

BSR said:

I see Axl Rose leaning over on stage singing into a microphone with a big red arrow sticking him in the butt.


Birds Aren't Real!
Strawberry Fields Forever

The Wasserspiele of Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe

Crows are intelligent but just how intelligent are they

noims says...

@12:48 "One idea is to train crows and other corvids to pick up cigarette butts [...]"

What's to stop the more intelligent crows from just taking up smoking?

The Difference Between The UK, Great Britain, and England

noims says...

This is mostly ok, but from an Irish point of view there are a few things that made me cringe a little.

Firstly the term the 'British Isles' isn't universally recognised, but I admit any alternatives I've heard don't exactly trip off the tongue.

Secondly, a statement like Ireland "joining" the UK in 1801 glosses over some pretty important details.

Worst of all, though, is the way he pronounces Edinburgh. It's still making me squirm.

Look Around you 1 - Maths

Daffy Duck for President

Orangutan understands 72 words!

newtboy (Member Profile)

noims says...

You might find it funny that we had The Banana Splits in Ireland too, and it was one of my favourite shows. In fact, a couple of weeks ago I was singing the intro to my own son.

newtboy said:

In Texas in the 70’s we had The Banana Splits, a gang of wacky mascots, that hosted Hanna Barbera cartoons.
Where/when was Wake Rattle and Roll aired?

newtboy (Member Profile)

noims says...

Damn right. Good thing Goggle's there's to protect us from all the tracking

In case you're interested, I use a plugin to redirect youtube, instagram, and a few others to alternative sources that at least claim to respect your privacy a bit more.

It doesn't work a significant percent of the time, but it works well enough for me.

The one I use is Privacy Redirect ( but I'm sure there are plenty of others.

newtboy said:

Screw Facebook. I won’t allow them to track my every move, so they won’t let me see this video. Found it on the Tube…

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

noims says...

I just wanted to say thanks for the updates. I hope you don't forget that there are plenty of people out here - online and off - whose lives you make better in small ways whether or not you know it, and we care about you for one reason or another.

i.e. as I'd say any of my friends face-to-face, get well soon you old bastard, we're counting on you.

Mordhaus said:

I got the MRI, which changed things for the worse. I had a large tumor which they determined to be cancer. I also had to get a CT to see if it had spread to the lungs and it showed some small nodules in my lower right lung. They can't be sure it is cancer or not yet. If they shrink during the treatment, then it is cancer.

The treatment I am undergoing is called Immunotherapy, a targeted drug which adheres to the chemical that cancers put out to trick the body into thinking they are normal tissue. Once it binds, the body sees it as foreign tissue and tries to kill it.

Obviously, all the other issues have taken a back seat. If the treatment works, I could live for some time. If it doesn't, I am looking at an estimated 4-6 mos.

I don't know when or if I will be mentally recovered enough to start posting again. No matter what, though, I appreciate all of you.

How to identify a seal

Intriguing Objects of Intersection

noims says...

Nice use of GEB specifically as a nod to the fantastic book Godel Escher Bach - my edition at least has exactly this shape on the cover.

Cristal Baschet (an instrument that needs to be wet)

noims says...

Monty Python and The Muppets separately had sketches about animals trained/tuned to squeal at a particular pitch when hit. They were assembled into an instrument that allowed a sadist play tunes on them with hammers.

Between the timbre of the notes and the look of the 'keys', from start to finish I couldn't stop thinking of this instrument as the same, but using pleasure instead of pain (if you get my meaning).

Bee extinction: Why we're saving the wrong bees

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