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How to make a Paperclip Cube

noims says...


Given that the verb 'to cube' could mean to make something into a cube, maybe that's actually Clippy and he was was forced to make this video.

My opinion is as valid as yours. At very least we should teach the controversy.

bremnet said:

Um. Not an engineer or anything, but those aren't paperclips. Retitle?

Google's New Anti-White A.I. Image Generator "Gemini"

Student Car Goes 0-100 In 0.95 seconds

Student Car Goes 0-100 In 0.95 seconds

Student Car Goes 0-100 In 0.95 seconds

Professor Brian Cox will make you love science

noims says...

Primer solves this nicely. The problem is, by the time you've watched and understood Primer your brain has been so messed up that you're a different person, thus resolving the paradox of the lack of paradox.

newtboy said:

Exactly why, even if you solve the going back in time problem, time travel doesn’t work.
You also need a “going back in space” solution to orient you in 3 dimensions relative to the position of everything else in the universe at the time of your time/space reinsertion, and surely that’s a more difficult problem than just the reversal of time. Without the spatial correction, any time travel would put you in deep space or inside a rock with a probability of survival so near zero as to be zero.

newtboy (Member Profile)

noims says...

Iirc (and I saw the film enough times) he ended up wearing the skin of the head alien, en route to the alien homeworld with a chainsaw in him lap.

Both the character and the actor went very far indeed.

newtboy said:

Derik’s gone ape shit!

Chainsaw guy, Derik, had already fallen hundreds of feet off a cliff onto his head, spilling some brains. He uses his belt to tie his skull closed, replacing his leaking brains with any splattered brains he can find during his murderous alien rampage, making him go “ape shit!”.
I don’t think it ended well for him, but it’s been decades since I saw it. Good times, good times.

This Song Teaches Counting But Is INSANELY Hard To Count

noims says...

I didn't understand a single word he said, but I've loved that song pretty much my whole life, so my confirmation bias tells me to think this guy's spot on in saying the tune's amazing.

Tesla Turbine

Tesla Turbine

noims says...

This is all true and it's a very cool turbine, but it doesn't scale up due to the forces on the disks.

Here's a nice explanation of how it works and why it won't scale: *related=

A 15-second spelling lesson: sneak peek versus sneak peak...

noims says...


newtboy said:

Then I’ll retreat, I’ll move my feet to pasture sweet where the elite replete with teat meet to bleat, escape plan complete and free meat!
No being the weak obsique geek for the chiq clique for me[ek].

A 15-second spelling lesson: sneak peek versus sneak peak...

newtboy (Member Profile)

noims says...

As ever, Newt, thank you for the effort you put in to debunking this. It's not great that I'm relying on an amphibian to vet my sources, and I certainly give disclaimers when I repeat this kind of stuff, but at this stage I open these stories just to see your rebuttal.

Yes, I just said I come to see your rebuttal. Own it.

newtboy said:

Nike had sold discounted and out-of-season items at the Northeast neighborhood factory store since 1984.
Not a flagship Nike store, but a flagship “community factory store”….a low profit discount out of season outlet store.

Last year the store quietly shuttered its doors due to internal and external theft and safety issues. With expensive and small/lightweight stock and absolutely no anti theft security in place and police too busy joking about running over citizens to even try to arrest shoplifters, it’s hardly surprising they became targets for petty theft by employees and customers.

Nike did not provide a specific reason for the permanent closure and said it is considering future locations in the area, not that they were abandoning it because of high crime. Sounds like they just need a more secure building. Nice try.

"Nike’s commitment to supporting and uplifting Portland’s North and Northeast community is unwavering. We are reimagining Nike’s retail space, permanently closing our current location at 2650 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, and considering future locations as part of this community’s long term revitalization plan,"

New MAGA Deep Underground Military Base (D.U.M.B.) Theory

noims says...

We need a *mentally ill channel

Hang on. I thought Videosift was the *mentally ill channel. Am I in the wrong place? Are there sane people here?

newtboy (Member Profile)

noims says...

I admit I like the sound of it.
recto + saponification + Cricetidae

A lot of people don't realise that you can just make up words and so long as a meaning is agreed upon, they can become real. It's a perfectly cromulent approach.

newtboy said:

Even google does not know this word, and I like it.

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