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The Violent Left EXPOSED!
i think you guys are missing the point of this video.this video was not produced for YOU.
this is a dog whistle video for those who identify as "right" leaning politically,and may be on the fence in regards to the alt-right.they may adhere to more conservative and traditional values but find the alt-right a tad to extreme,a tad too racist and neo-fascist.
and they most likely already find "leftists" and "liberals" offensive to their political sensibilities.
and here we have a video showing "lefties" perpetrating violence on innocent,rightwing know..their peeps.
so you watch with indignation and disbelief,while the rightwingers watches in horror and fear.this video is meant to do just that:instill fear and prompt a person to action and to view this action as righteous self-defense.
this is identity politics,pure and simple.
and now we have TWO extremists groups growing,and BOTH are convinced of their righteous convictions that THEY have a perpetrate violence in the name of their ideology.
well,it is not EVERYBODY.. shit sherlock.we get that.
not everyone is a neo-fascist,racist,super white nationalist.
nor are they all communists and black bloc anarchists.
but it IS those two groups who have adopted extremist ideologies that in their little pea brains have given them the moral authority to fuck some people up.
and THIS fucking video is a goddamn recruitment video for the neo-fascists!
communists and black bloc anarchists on my left..
racist neo fascists on my right..
here i am...
stuck in the middle...
(Member Profile)
would you like some cream and sugar with that rage?
dude..i was fuming while watching that video having my morning coffee.figured i would share my ineffectual rage about this fucking twat.
I'm gonna be straight, and to the point. I'm not shedding one tear about the fact that she's going to be unemployed quickly. No company will employ a nurse that's so clearly advocating racist murder.
What an ignoramus.
Didn't notice the Nazis/confederate traitors in the street? They had no permit to March, only rally in the park. I guess she thinks they should have been attacked with vehicles as well?
Upvote because know your enemy.
Ps: choose a side. Do you want to honor your ancestors who fought to create the Union, or your ancestors who fought to destroy it?
Jinx (Member Profile)
i think you are onto something there about the reasons for the political extremes gaining traction.
people are far more isolated in today's world,which ironic considering how open everything is.
but now they have the option to:ignore,block or defriend.
creating a nice,warm and comfy bubble in which to reside in and never have to deal with those who may disagree,criticize or challenge anything in their pretty little head.
during the presidential election i had liberals defriend me because i was critical of hillary.
oh they LOVED me when i was telling them that sanders was going be exposed to the "ron paul" treatment.the fact that the primary was obviously rigged made no difference to them.
but when i continued to be critical of their golden child?
misogynist traitor (actual quote).
the trump supporters adored me when i was breaking down the reasons why some people may vote for trump,and that people should not simply dismiss trump out of hand.
my liberal friends despised me for this,thinking that somehow me pointing to the political climate of my country translated to support for trump.
but i was just a cis gender white privileged male who did not deserve and opinion (another actual quote).
and those trump supporters turned on me in an instant when i began pointing out the more disturbing aspects of trump,his history and politics.oh..they didn't like that.
fucking commie fucking libtard.i thought you were on "our" side! (another quote).
all in all...over 400 people,from both sides of the political spectrum,called me some impressive names..and defriended me.
all because what i was posting conflicted or challenged their cult of personality,which they had attached their ideology.
so now they all sit in their little circles and smell each others farts and call them good and righteous.
i think charlottesville,virginia,seattle are just the beginning.....i fear things are going to get much MUCH worse.
(Member Profile)
dude..seriously..are we related?
thanks for the promote bubba.stay awesome!
I like turtles.
*doublepromote the resurgence of my favorite kaiju.
cosmovitelli (Member Profile)
i love you
I feel like you don't quite understand the concept of a RIGHT.
As in you can't be physiclaly attacked, kidnapped and/or shot for REMAINING SILENT.
It really is that simple.
Otherwise it's no longer a right, but a favour occasionally gifted from omnipotent state power.
And unless you are in North Korea and kinda like it, you DON'T WANT THAT and the rest of us DONT WANT GUYS LIKE YOU TELLING CORRUPT/INCOMPETENT/MURDEROUS POWER THEY'RE COOL because it actually KILLS INNOCENT PEOPLE.
Dems Double Down On Taking Billionaire Money
thanks for replying mate.
it is interesting that when you remove labels,the majority of people tend to overlap politically.
even YOU are conceding that there are some liberal/progressive policies that are simply common sense.
which is what @newtboy is pointing out,and was my main goal in getting you to clarify.
and you did.
partisanship serves only those who wish to dominate and never serves the people.
(Member Profile)
you may want to watch this:
(Member Profile)
check it out:
(Member Profile)
i love mashups
Dems Double Down On Taking Billionaire Money
Dems Double Down On Taking Billionaire Money
i really do not understand you bob.
i get that you are republican,and lean towards the philosophy of the tea party.
i have absolutely no issue with that,but didn't you admonish my post which was promoting the "justice democrats" as not being a grass roots anti-corporate establishment democrats,but rather a tool for outlets like the young turks? whose FIRST order to address.the FIRST thing they are going after is:money in politics.which is exactly what kyle is talking about.
kyle is also talking about giving the boot to not only all the corporate donors,but the very politicians that have LOST,consistently,because they are more interested in dialing for donors than doing their job.pelosi did not retain her position due to her political acumen and ability to pass progressive legislature,but because that woman is a money funding machine.
kyle even mentions the justice democrats!!!!
as a viable option to combat the corruption in the democratic party due to the corrosive influence of corporate money in politics.
you literally just posted a video by secular talk,which is a founding member of justice democrats!
so which one is it bob?
do you respect and admire a small group of democrats who are part of independent media and are creating a group to combat the corporate,establishment democrats? a group who is already
growing in size,and have already got some politicians on the ballot?
or are you sticking to your position you took on my justice democrat video,which was dismissive and critical?
please help me understand bob,because as of right now you are playing two positions that are philosophically inconsistent.
*promote bob's support of the democrats new caucus "the justice democrats",which i am fairy sure is the seventh sign of the apocalypse.
(Member Profile)
luuuuub joooooo
Why it Probably Wasn’t Better Being Single
the possibility that this guy has some good points,for other people,not me...but i am a weirdo.
Why it Probably Wasn’t Better Being Single
ah,the days of being in a relationship with a woman,who loved painkilllers with her jug wine.
who would wake me up in the dead of the night,using the super heated metal tops of a bic lighter on the bottom of my feet (those are called "smileys" for those who do not know) to scream at me about some girl who had the audacity to look my way at target,because 3:30am is the time to find out if i am having sexual thoughts about random women.
or an earlier girlfriend whose father was a prominent artist in the country and was holding a weekend jazz festival.i had a customer who had cerebal palsy,and one leg had been amputated,whose boyfriend had just broke up with her and she was a wreck.
so i had this bright idea! why doesn't this poor emotional wreck of a woman come to the jazz festival of my girlfriends dad? that will get her mind off things right?
but,having a second person accompany made me a little when i finally showed up,my girlfriend was already half in the bag,and mad.i tried to explain and introduce her to mary,the heartbroken girl.
and my girlfriend broke my nose with a bottle of michelob.i do not think she cared that mary was heart broken,and an utter wreck in need of human company.i could be wrong,this is just a guess,but the bleeding from my broken nose may have been a strong indicator.
or how about the time i was counseling a long time friend,who had pulled a midnight move out to escape a man who had basically had her trapped in a spare room,chaining her to the wall.that man had gone as far as severing her achilles tendons,after her first attempt to escape,and this woman suffered from a severe case of PTSD.
now she did form an almost childlike bond to me.maybe because i had offered her the first taste of true compassion,and offered her safety and comfort,and allowed her to talk the poison and bile out that had been building inside her for over three years.
but her attachment to me,which was to be expected,was not viewed favorably by my girlfriend.i spent a lot of time and attention in drawing this broken and damaged young woman to feel safe,and to begin to feel human again(which infuriated my girlfriend).my patio was always filled with friends,artists and people of interest,and i did my best to bring a normalcy to this young womans life in order to help her acclimate,and to feel human again.
and my girlfriend would come home,get drunk,and start to whisper the most vile.and disgusting things..not about this young woman,but about me.
which,of course,if you understand the mentality of an abuse victim.especially one who had suffered such as she had.any criticism,or perceived threat to the person who had (in their mind) saved them,will create incredible anger and anxiety.
so because of my girlfriends irrational jealousy of this woman,and in her drunken selfishness,she went out of her way to make this woman feel as uncomfortable,and as unsafe (the exact opposite of what i was trying to do).so much so that the young woman...who didn't want to be a burden,or affect my life in a negative way...left my home,and wrote me she would never come back,because she loved me and didnt want to cause problems.
two weeks later she was found dead in motel room.over dose of piankiller and xanax...and wrists slashed to ribbons.
or how about the time one of my girlfriends broke three of my ribs,because i was being kind to a waitress?
or the time another girlfriend stabbed me,because while she was unhappy with our relationship,she could not abide me talking to anyone who owned a this case a fellow artist i was collaborating with,and who happened to be not only an amazing human being but beautiful as well.
or that one time,when i broke up with a girl,because it simply was not working out and she repeatedly rammed her ford fairmont station wagon into my brand new firebird?
oh..the stories i can tell about all my wonderful relationships,and the women i have shared portions of my life with.i could write a book...
and then i watch this video,and i am overcome with an urge to drive cross country to the creators home,walk inside,grab him by the ankles and crag him outsides....and beat him senseless.
because he is coming from a false premise.
he is implying the that the benefits of relationships outweigh he selective memory our brains create when reliving our moments of singlehood.
when the reality is this:as long as you have friends,who love and accept you for who you are,you are never actually are surrounded and loved by an extended family.
i do not need a girlfriend.
i do not want a girlfriend.
i am not interested in getting married.
and as i have revealed here,i would prefer some memories to remain buried under the much happier and adoring memories of my actual friends who put up with my eccentricities,and my overall oddness,rather than deal with a woman who is smitten with the ideas fed to them by institutions,and periodicals such as comsopolitian and vogue.
though,ironically,i have two ex girlfriends living in my home as i write this.
one is a former porn star,and current stripper who suffers from paranoid schizophrenia,and is a recovering addict.
while the other i had to go do a midnight rescue from a place where she was renting a room,but the house was junkie house,and she is a recovering addict as well (and they also kept stealing everything from her).she has bought a house,but it needs work and that work is taking fooooooorever.
and BOTH of these women still harbor some residual feelings towards me.even though i have been quite clear,open and honest that i have ZERO interest in rekindling anything,with either of them,but that hasn't stopped them from being all catty with each other,and causing drama,and complaining about the smallest,tiniest and most ridiculous of things to bitch about.
at first i tried to play referee.
i did my best to help everyone get along,until i realized they both had no interest in getting along.they wanted to outdo the other in order to get my attention.
which is just.....dumb..but anyways,my new way of handling their insipid complaints is always this response:i don't care.
and it seems to work beautifully.
so there you have my story,or at least part of it.
and i have to say...this guy is kinda full of shit.
for those of you happily married,with a great partner,i salute you.good for you,and i mean that.
but for me?
no thanks.i am good.
(Member Profile)
i am crushing on this dude.watched every one of his lectures,and he predicted trump and brexit.he is adept at keeping the politics out and his way of expressing complicated dynamics is so fucking refreshing.
totally worth the time: