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Why Would You Eat That? - Buzz Buttons

25 Accidental Inventions That Changed The World

Railroad Thermite Welding

Red Hot Nickel Ball in Sugar

Forks Over Knives -The Movie That Changed The Way I Eat

chingalera says...

The only rule of thumb worth a damn that ever made complete sense to me. Eat instinctively or otherwise consciously-A rabbit, for example, eats only those foods which are beneficial to him, and he eats these whenever he desires/needs them. Rabbits for example, are rarely diabetic, overweight, or hypertensive, and their farts smell like dirt...OH, and they don't need to wipe, after....

25 Accidental Inventions That Changed The World

chingalera says...

and if THEESE folks hadn't invented, stumbled-upon, or otherwise orchestrated these wonderful (mostly toxic) phenomena, they would have eventually appeared anyhow.....Including Algebra, Calligraphy, and the game of polo.

jan (Member Profile)

Why do British and American spellings differ?

How to Make Russian Toothpaste

This is Why You Can't Outrun a Cheetah

chingalera says...

Science be praised! Just when we think there is absolutely no possible order to the chaos of creation, a douchely reminder to the contrary!!

Great wishful-thinking in your use of user name though...

notarobot said:

The cheetah hasn't been designed for anything or by anyone. It has evolved these attributes through the same genetic trial and error as every other organism on the planet.

Great footage though.

Deconstructing opening scene of Once Upon a Time in the West

chingalera says...

Agreed, love the flick-Seriously can't stand that frikkin' motif that Leone used for that harmonica Bronson carried around with him to constantly play that tired riff....Ugh!

Best scene, opening scene. Buildup to, and throw-down at the train station.

"Looks like we didn't come with enough horses."

(shakes head) "You brought two too many."

Mordhaus said:

This movie is one of the best Spaghetti Westerns of all.

How it's made - Hot Dogs

chingalera says...

I was musing and found a link googling, "designer hot dogs" and found this:

and if you wanna peruse the source I would guess it's here:

Google℗ makes things pretty simple, and I'm too lazy to perform html hoo-nah now..

20-Year Sat-Clips ~ Google Earth Porn Gifs

How it's made - Hot Dogs

chingalera says...

"In 2000, 160 children died from an obstruction of the respiratory tract. 17 kids in the US and Canada died from eating Asian Jello in 2001.

A call for redesign of the most dangerous foods is ridiculed by authorities such as Janet Riley, President of the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council (it's a real organization), but Eugene D. Gagliardi Jr., the inventor of Steak umms, and popcorn chicken, is going to save the day again.

The result? A new hot dog that looks the same in the package, but has eight deep slits that open when cooked, causing it to break apart into small pieces when eaten.

It will be marketed soon on the East Coast."

My question is this: What does a penis pump have to do with toddlers choking on hot doggies?

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

chingalera says...

Yah mon, Mordhaus-Cheers to another user with a winning personality making progress here-Hardly anyone wanting to play in this corner of the viddy-webs nowadays

(my bets' yer a sock-puppeteer using a charter to confuse and misdirect)

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