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Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

How to make safe and reuseable firecrackers

chingalera says...

I got a better one: Roll-type-caps, they still sell those, right?...for cap guns?

Take a roll or two-at-a-time, place on concrete ends-out, bash with mallet or the end/tip of a baseball bat. *NOTE: If using a baseball bat, hold the bat with one hand firmly by placing the knob of the bat in the center of your strongest hand and from about a foot above the caps, bring the bat's barrel-end down directly on the cap rolls.

One rolls' as loud as a .38 caliber round, two, a .45......Wear ear protection.

This dart-cap is lame and impractical, and destroys perfectly good darts, AND, there is no thrill from the smell of gunpowder, simply a lingering sulfur stink complete with lame "pop!"

World's first Brussels Sprout powered Christmas tree

lucky760 (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Unsettling Facts About Love

skystrom (Member Profile)

CryptoLocker Virus Explained - Scary Stuff

Choo choo train - Musical Nursery Rhymes

Choo choo train - Musical Nursery Rhymes

chingalera says...

I'm gonna go out on a short limb here and leave it up to you, oh new user of the Videosift, to defend what looks like a self-link bandana tied around your head covering the eyes.

Why? Is this on the Canada channel?? Could it be that 'bell' is Harivardhini Rhyme and lives there??? Hmmmmm??

By the by, this particular ditty is about as inspired as a fart and would no-doubt instill more than a modicum of developmental disability should your child be left to watch this more than once.

Slow-Motion Bouncing Boobs

chingalera says...

Yeah well, when ya got about 15 active users and 25 popping-in from time to time, mostly adolescent (which nowadays means 25-35 yr-old) males, whatterya expecting??? Some, 'time, space, and matter' type banter??

Tits have universal and lasting appeal, then again, so do empirical truths and complex mathematics, but you can't suckle, fondle or gawk at those!...unless yer a square.

direpickle (Member Profile)

Bryan Cranston's Advice to Aspiring Actors

Change The Way You Look At Boobs

chingalera says...

I love breasts because I like the way nipples feel in my mouth-Oh, and those brown, Asian, thumb-sized nipples?? The bestest! (cute, responsive pink ones are ok, too )

Oh and guys? Uhh, nipples are way better after they've nursed and weened at least once.

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