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Lawdeedaw (Member Profile)

A Message To California From Moby

Sagemind says...

Except, most meat tastes good, and most vegetables do not.

I'm a meatatarian. Why must my way of living constantly be criticized by Vegans. Why can't they celebrate their choices to themselves? Why must they come knocking on my door, asking me to convert?

Sesame Street: Game of Chairs (Game of Thrones Parody)

Sagemind says...

So, we take a TV series based on death, greed and sex and spin it into a children's program. Proof the children's shows are targeted at the parents and not the children.

oritteropo (Member Profile)

Sagemind says...

Thank you.

oritteropo said:

It was explained in the link in the description, but it was so they could compare datasets between the ground and remote measurements:

The objective, which was accomplished during Operation IceBridge’s March 19 inaugural flight of the 2015 Arctic campaign, was for the C-130 to overfly a survey field located on an ice floe next to the vessel, while taking remote measurements of snow and sea ice thickness. The survey field was almost simultaneously measured from the ground by the ship-bound researchers, so that scientists can compare both datasets in coming months.

The Evidence for Low-Fat Diets Isn't Really There

Penis Size and Suicide

Sagemind says...

Okay, how would they know this...., They would have to be measuring a lot of them, and I mean a lot. I highly doubt they can have enough recorded sizes to have an accurate reading on this.
I'm not going to talk about where I land on this chart, but I feel they are..., humph..., "Under-addressing" the average size.

Lion Opens Car Door in Drive-Thru Safari Park

Night Vision Hack

Sagemind says...

Try this while looking at the stars in the night sky.
If you look directly at a star it will fade or most likely disappear all together, (look at the dimmer stars).
if you look directly at them, they won't be there, but look to the side of them, or scan side to side and they will be there. Stop again, and stare directly at it, and boom, it's gone again.

science explains why rich people don't care about you

The Praying Mantis "Flower"

Why do mirrors flip horizontally (but not vertically)?

Sagemind says...

Seems as though she's paraphrased Feynman's video.

Instinctively, I know it's a reflection. What is closest to the plane of the mirror on one side will appear closest to the plane on the refection. We don't flip horizontal or vertically, we reflect. What is on our right stays to the right, and what is left, stays to to the left.
I love Feynman, and I can listen to him for hours. but I didn't need his discussion to understand it either.

From a scientific point of view, I suppose it's good to lay it out. A solid foundation is the best thing to build off of, and finding the words to describe seemingly abstract ideas is always a challenge. This one was easy, but I know they get harder.

eric3579 said:

Maybe not so obvious to most, as Feynmen thought it worthy of discussing and it seems pretty apparent he doesn't share your feelings.

Why do mirrors flip horizontally (but not vertically)?

Sagemind says...

I'm not really sure why this needs explaining.
There isn't anything here that isn't completely obvious.

What is great about this video is that she must have been confused herself, and had this big realization, prompting her to make this instructional video on mirrors.

I'm generally surprised when people make instructional videos on mundane, every day stuff that we all already know, and have known most of our lives.

What makes something right or wrong? Narrated by Stephen Fry

Sagemind says...

So it occurred to me, as I watched this, that although this makes perfect sense and it's pretty much how I see things as well, does everyone think like this.
I've seen the people who claim that morality comes from religion, and that without religion, we wouldn't know right from wrong.

So, that's when I wondered:
Are there people who actually don't know right from wrong? Are they missing that piece in their brains that limit their comprehension of empathy. That feeling when they are doing something wrong. There are no thoughts of doubt, no pangs of guilt. No recognition that they are hurting others, even if just emotionally.

And, if so, are these the people that need a God? Are all those god fearing people good members of the community just because they "fear a God"
Without a god to tell them, would they end up being the most unruly people on the planet? Is it religion that is keeping them at bay? Is chaos and anarchy the result of no religion? Not because we need it, but because without a GOD, certain people (currently religious) would have no compass, and would they feel free to randomly hurt, kill, steal and otherwise be the lowest of humanity?

Just some thoughts....

How To Sound Smart By Giving a TED Talk About Nothing

How To Sound Smart By Giving a TED Talk About Nothing

Sagemind says...

Well, he does sum up some of the other Ted Talks out there.
Learn to decipher good from bad.
Just because it's a Ted Talk, doesn't mean it has something to say!

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