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Parents Explain Birth Control

Sagemind says...

Abstinence till Marriage is the dumbest concept I've ever heard of.

Told my kids get out there, be safe experiment but be safe. Find the right partner before marriage - of course waiting for the right age is recommended, adults need to not be so naive to think they will wait.

'Spy Monkey' Mistaken For Dead Baby And Mourned By Troop

Sagemind says...

If they really wanted to disguise the camera, why would they not camouflage it to look like a tree branch or something?
Obviously they're going to notice the monkey!!

It's not just Autotune - how singers cheat today(Pop Theory)

Sagemind says...

Disclaimer - my comments are based on this one video. I don't actually know him, I'm sure he's a great guy. If I interpreted his intent here incorrectly, then his script may need some work. It seems to me he's endorsing autotune (though, why, I have no idea).
Remember Niel Young's quote when he was told he was slightly off key. His retort was: "That's my style, man"
You don't need to be on-key to sing well and make hits. You need to be genuine and you need to work at it.

It's not just Autotune - how singers cheat today(Pop Theory)

Sagemind says...

I was with him for the first part.
And it's not that I can't take him seriously because of his hair - I found it very distracting to take singing critique from a Bieber look-alike...
He lost me when he says, "Even though your favorite artists probably cheats a bit in the studio, try to remember that tracks that you love by them might not have existed without this technology speeding up their workflow."

First, I think people like T-pain, Kanye, and Drake are most of what is wrong with the music industry today. So they definitely are NOT my favorite artists. Honestly, I refuse to call them artists. Artists hone their skills through tireless hours, years and dedication. Something these people don't do. (Hence the need for Autotune)

His point is exactly the point. Without Auto-tune, we wouldn't have these songs because they are utter garbage. It's Auto-tune that is the star, not the personas "behind the curtain."

And also, there is no fast track to learning skills. Yes, as he states, "speeding up their workflow" is just that. Workflow. This means it helps them produce tons of this crap without ever improving their skills, because they don't need to. They just need to rapidly produce song after song, while waiting for the one that is the most catchy to stick in people's minds. Then the conglomerate of industry leaches will pick it it up in hopes they all generate a few bucks from it. Meaning, they get radio play for producing crap song, after crap song.

Sorry to rant here, but pick up an instrument, learn to play. Learn how to sing, learn to hit a note. Entrance us with your skills and abilities. Seduce us with abilities that impress us. Gain our respect with your talents.

The guy in this video is just as fake as a Bieber look-alike, and while he starts to point out that they are3 cheating, he ends by enabling them showing us how great Lois's recorded voice sounds like once Frankensteined. This is not okay.

Note: I'm posting this comment to the YouTube video as well

Why PETA Is A Giant Nest Of Lies

The EpiPen and What's Wrong with American Healthcare

Debunking Hydration/Dehydration - Adam Ruins Everything

Sagemind says...

Wow - you are all making this more complicated than it needs to be,
If you are thirsty - then drink something.

Don't drink just because advertisements scare you into believing you need to, even when you aren't thirsty.

California Election Fraud-NPP Voters Get Provisional Ballot

Sagemind says...

Can someone explain this to us?

In Canada we walk up, are handed a paper ballot, we go behind a cardboard screen, strike an X in the preferred vote box with a pencil, pass it back to the person running the table, who puts it into the Ballot box in front of us, and then we walk out.

If I'm understanding what she's saying, you need to register how you're going to vote before you vote??
-Why would people be given different Ballot sheets to vote on? -Why do you need to be registered with one party or another to get to vote?
-Why would people who are not registered with a party, get a completely different type of voter sheet?
-Why would A Provisional Ballot exist?
-Why would Provisional Ballots never get counted?

None of this makes sense to me.
WTH is going on with US Democracy system? - which seems to be the least democratic system I've ever seen.


How Acidic is the Xenomorph Blood From Alien

Thor (Halvorssen) Hammers Fox's Anti-Sanders Piece

Sagemind says...

I made it to 1:41

The worst journalism ever. Hitting on keywords, What I heard from her: "Just push the agenda through, that's I want to from you Thor.".

A Revolver That Fires More Than 25 Cartridge Types

Sagemind says...

Won't shoot a 22 shell or a crossbow bolt, so what's the point... I bet you couldn't even get a shotgun shell in there!

Destroying a soda can with a ping pong ball

Destroying a soda can with a ping pong ball

Sagemind says...

I want to be more impressed than I am.
First of all, I expected the can to be full.
Second, Cans in the US are soooo thin, they're practically paper.
I always forget about how thin the cans are because of how thick they are in Canada. I expect they'd only dent one of our cans.
Looking at the blasted remains of the can, the flaps are waving back and forth while cans here are so rigid, that would never happen.

Ideal Body Types Throughout History

Sagemind says...

It's funny because although these are styles the fashion houses dictate, the people in general don't support the majority of them.

In addition tho that, most men have they're own preferences, and dictated body types don't always factor into men's tastes. Sure, they'll ogle what ever is presented, (they're men after all,) but only the really shallow of men choose their long time partners based on these flimsy ideals.

Smarter Every Day - You won't believe your eyes

Sagemind says...

Ok so, Judge me with your opinions here...
But, I knew all this, intuitively.

I knew what was happening. I understood the persistence of vision as a given phenomenon. I can actually induce this persistence of vision on things as I look at them. Slowing down and increasing this persistence. Not a great amount, but I can do it enough to observe it. This means I can look at any normal object and move my head slowly to the side and watch the image degrade on my retina as I move my direction of vision to the side.

Now Destin, immediately saw this as a trick that fooled the mind into believing the image was a solid. But I wasn't fooled. Why wasn't I fooled? HAve I just been exposed to this before, and my mind is telling me the truth, thus negating the illusion?

I've seen similar tricks like this before, like on a wheel, to create an image, but if I concentrate I can see and immediately comprehend what is happening. I can stare long enough to break up the image and loose the illusion, and then have it come back.

I hope I'm making sense here.
So what I want to know, is, "does everyone have or not have, see or not see as I do?" I assumed we all did. So much so, that I've never had a question in my mind as to how this worked or that it was a trick.

Tell me I'm crazy, that's fine. But I'm interested in what other people are perceiving.

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