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fastfret79 (Member Profile)

Eden (Member Profile)

rembar (Member Profile)

Deano says...

You slapped him down so hard I think if he does come back he'll be too woozy to say anything meaningful

In reply to your comment:
This thread will not die until Enfathom comes back on here, man's up, admits he was wrong, and upvotes this sift.

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

kangamoo (Member Profile)

Deano says...

Yes I know, I was joking. And I thought your comment was a bit patronising. You might want to get a few posts published before calling people out.

I just don't think the clip was good enough to get my vote.

In reply to your comment:
Just seen the comment you made for a vid i posted and I'm sorry but I just had to reply! ( )
".... I won't vote for this as it might be seen as condoning the quality of the acts..."

You know voting for videos dosn't have to mean your condoning whatever it is, the fact that the 'singers' themselves don't know how bad they are is comedy itself. Bush for example proberly dosn't know himself how stupid he looks when hes saying his idiotic speeches but if your voting for that, then does that mean your for Bush being president and the actions he's done? Think about it...

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