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World condemns Gaza flotilla raid - Russia Today

cracanata says...

And what exactly do you expect from desperate people surrounded by military boats? Especially knowing how Israeli forces act. I'm not an expert, but I can only assume that they were preparing for the worst and probably getting ready to resist the boarding. So I don't see the point of your argument.

>> ^Pprt:

>> ^moodonia:
Like I said earlier, I'd be interested to see Greta Berlin "foolishly flaunting... plans to smuggle ordnance and weapons into Gaza".
Also what has ancient history got to do with commandos raiding a ship? Apart from diverting the disscusion.
>> ^Pprt:
Strange that everyone is ignoring the first video I referenced, as if what they were chanting has no bearing...
They are chanting a traditional song about Muhamad's massacre on Khaibar, the Jewish settlement that he raided in 628~9. Ten thousand Jews were killed and Muhamad ordered the leader be tortured before he appropriated the widow. As a matter of course, he helped himself to the coffers.
Since Wikepedia is liked by the liberal persuasion, see
You can contest the translation if you wish, but please pay attention to a word the lady uses: Shahada.
Listen for the same words in these clips

It was on the radio.. afraid I can't find a copy online.
Do you think the Khaibar chant was just a little ditty to pass the time?

Pprt (Member Profile)

cracanata says...

hmm. wrong button

In reply to this comment by Pprt:
>> ^moodonia:

Like I said earlier, I'd be interested to see Greta Berlin "foolishly flaunting... plans to smuggle ordnance and weapons into Gaza".
Also what has ancient history got to do with commandos raiding a ship? Apart from diverting the disscusion.
>> ^Pprt:
Strange that everyone is ignoring the first video I referenced, as if what they were chanting has no bearing...
They are chanting a traditional song about Muhamad's massacre on Khaibar, the Jewish settlement that he raided in 628~9. Ten thousand Jews were killed and Muhamad ordered the leader be tortured before he appropriated the widow. As a matter of course, he helped himself to the coffers.
Since Wikepedia is liked by the liberal persuasion, see
You can contest the translation if you wish, but please pay attention to a word the lady uses: Shahada.
Listen for the same words in these clips

It was on the radio.. afraid I can't find a copy online.

Do you think the Khaibar chant was just a little ditty to pass the time?

World condemns Gaza flotilla raid - Russia Today

Pprt says...

>> ^moodonia:

Like I said earlier, I'd be interested to see Greta Berlin "foolishly flaunting... plans to smuggle ordnance and weapons into Gaza".
Also what has ancient history got to do with commandos raiding a ship? Apart from diverting the disscusion.
>> ^Pprt:
Strange that everyone is ignoring the first video I referenced, as if what they were chanting has no bearing...
They are chanting a traditional song about Muhamad's massacre on Khaibar, the Jewish settlement that he raided in 628~9. Ten thousand Jews were killed and Muhamad ordered the leader be tortured before he appropriated the widow. As a matter of course, he helped himself to the coffers.
Since Wikepedia is liked by the liberal persuasion, see
You can contest the translation if you wish, but please pay attention to a word the lady uses: Shahada.
Listen for the same words in these clips

It was on the radio.. afraid I can't find a copy online.

Do you think the Khaibar chant was just a little ditty to pass the time?

World condemns Gaza flotilla raid - Russia Today

moodonia says...

Like I said earlier, I'd be interested to see Greta Berlin "foolishly flaunting... plans to smuggle ordnance and weapons into Gaza".

Also what has ancient history got to do with commandos raiding a ship? Apart from diverting the disscusion.

>> ^Pprt:

Strange that everyone is ignoring the first video I referenced, as if what they were chanting has no bearing...
They are chanting a traditional song about Muhamad's massacre on Khaibar, the Jewish settlement that he raided in 628~9. Ten thousand Jews were killed and Muhamad ordered the leader be tortured before he appropriated the widow. As a matter of course, he helped himself to the coffers.
Since Wikepedia is liked by the liberal persuasion, see
You can contest the translation if you wish, but please pay attention to a word the lady uses: Shahada.
Listen for the same words in these clips

World condemns Gaza flotilla raid - Russia Today

Pprt says...

>> ^Samaelsmith:

>> ^Pprt:
Strange that everyone is ignoring the first video I referenced, as if what they were chanting has no bearing...
They are chanting a traditional song about Muhamad's massacre on Khaibar, the Jewish settlement that he raided in 628~9. Ten thousand Jews were killed and Muhamad ordered the leader be tortured before he appropriated the widow. As a matter of course, he helped himself to the coffers.
Since Wikepedia is liked by the liberal persuasion, see
You can contest the translation if you wish, but please pay attention to a word the lady uses: Shahada.
Listen for the same words in these clips

I won't question the translation but I would like a clarification of what you think shahada means. All I can find is that it is a religious declaration saying basically "There is no god but God, and Mohammed is his messenger."

Correct. The Shahada is a declaration of Islamic faith. If you repeat it three times you're considered a Muslim.

Its meaning has been twisted to represent being the act of "martyrdom" (read suicide bombing) by hardline Islamists. I used the quotes because a martyr is someone who would lay down his/her life for a cause. A martyr doesn't intend to take someone else's life.

Someone who has done the Shahada in the latter sense is called a Shahid,

Good on you for looking into it, Samaelsmith!

World condemns Gaza flotilla raid - Russia Today

Samaelsmith says...

>> ^Pprt:

Strange that everyone is ignoring the first video I referenced, as if what they were chanting has no bearing...
They are chanting a traditional song about Muhamad's massacre on Khaibar, the Jewish settlement that he raided in 628~9. Ten thousand Jews were killed and Muhamad ordered the leader be tortured before he appropriated the widow. As a matter of course, he helped himself to the coffers.
Since Wikepedia is liked by the liberal persuasion, see
You can contest the translation if you wish, but please pay attention to a word the lady uses: Shahada.
Listen for the same words in these clips

I won't question the translation but I would like a clarification of what you think shahada means. All I can find is that it is a religious declaration saying basically "There is no god but God, and Mohammed is his messenger."

World condemns Gaza flotilla raid - Russia Today

Pprt says...

Strange that everyone is ignoring the first video I referenced, as if what they were chanting has no bearing...

They are chanting a traditional song about Muhamad's massacre on Khaibar, the Jewish settlement that he raided in 628~9. Ten thousand Jews were killed and Muhamad ordered the leader be tortured before he appropriated the widow. As a matter of course, he helped himself to the coffers.

Since Wikepedia is liked by the liberal persuasion, see

You can contest the translation if you wish, but please pay attention to a word the lady uses: Shahada.

Listen for the same words in these clips

Budd Dwyer Suicide Video

NordlichReiter says...

I saw this video on TV once. When people ask what it's like to see a gunshot wounding to the head I tell them to look for this video.

There is more history to this video then one might think.

The Suicide depicted in this video was more of a Sepuku to prove that he was not what the conspiracy, he thought, was against him made him out to be. He believed that he was innocent, and as such it drove him to the ultimate choice; death.

Since Dwyer died in office before being removed upon sentencing, his widow, Joanne, was able to collect full survivor benefits totaling over $1.28 million. A spokesman for Dwyer, immediately after the suicide, suggested Dwyer may have killed himself to retain the state-provided pension for his household, which had been ruined by legal defense costs.[19]

Read the section on the Bribe, and Public Suicide.

People shot in the face with cupcakes (Slo-mo)

Inslee Smacks Down Coal Executive for Being Stupid

NordlichReiter says...

The West Virginia coal mine where an explosion killed 25 workers and left another four unaccounted for in the worst mining disaster since 1984 had amassed scores of citations from mining safety officials, including 57 infractions just last month for violations that included repeatedly failing to develop and follow a ventilation plan.

The federal records catalog the problems at the Upper Big Bra More..nch mine, operated by the Performance Coal Company. They show the company was fighting many of the steepest fines, or simply refusing to pay them. Performance is a subsidiary of Massey Energy. Another Massey subsidiary agreed to pay $4.2 million in criminal and civil fines last year and admitted to willfully violating mandatory safety standards that led to the deaths of two miners. The fine was the largest penalty in the history of the coal industry.

The nation's sixth biggest mining company by production, Massey Energy took in $24 million in net income in the fourth quarter of 2009. The company paid what was then the largest financial settlement in the history of the coal industry for the 2006 fire at the Aracoma mine, also in West Virginia. The fire trapped 12 miners. Two suffocated as they looked for a way to escape. Aracoma later admitted in a plea agreement that two permanent ventilation controls had been removed in 2005 and not replaced, according to published reports.

The two widows of the miners killed in Aracoma were unsatisfied by the plea agreement, telling the judge they believed the company cared more about profits then safety. After the deal, the Massey subsidiary pledged a renewed focus on safety after the fines were levied.

But Bruce Stanley, the attorney who tried the Aracoma Mine accident case, had doubts. He told ABC News Monday there are a lot of similarities between the Aracoma mine and the one involved in this week's tragedy, and he has concerns about Massey's checkered track record on safety issues. Data kept by the Mine Safety and Health Administration show the Upper Big Branch mine has suffered three worker fatalities in last 12 years.

"One can only hope that the level of criminal neglect evident at the Aracoma accident was not repeated at the Upper Big Branch mine," Stanley said Monday night.

After the Aracoma accident, Massey Energy released a statement that said the company "is a recognized leader in safety innovation and performance and remains committed to working with federal and state agencies to fully understand the causes of the accident and to prevent a similar occurrence at Massey Energy or elsewhere in the future."

Monday night, Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship released a statement saying, "Our top priority is the safety of our miners and the well-being of their families. We are working diligently on rescue efforts and continue to partner with all of the appropriate agencies."

The company is well known in West Virginia, in part because CEO Don Blankenship grew to become a fixture in state politics, doling out thousands of dollars to candidates he favored – most of them Republicans. In 2004, he spent millions on advertising that attacked a West Virginia state Supreme Court justice, leading to the election of challenger Brent Benjamin.

Massey had a $70 million case before the state Supreme Court and, once elected, Benjamin made the controversial decision not to recuse himself because of Blankenship's support of him and to hear arguments anyway. Another member of the court hearing the case was Chief Justice Elliott "Spike" Maynard. He later recused himself after photographs surfaced showing that he vacationed with Blankenship in the French Riviera.

When an ABC News reporter tried to interview Blankenship about the possible conflicts in the parking lot of a Massey Energy office in Belfry, Ky., Blankenship became agitated.

"If you're going to start taking pictures of me, you're liable to get shot," Blankenship told the reporter before grabbing his camera.

Blankenship later told the Charleston Daily Mail he couldn't recall making any threats. "Quite frankly, I don't know what I said except that I know I'm never loud, vulgar or rude to strangers," he said.

The conflicts surrounding the state Supreme Court saga triggered a cascade of changes, including a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that called on judges to recuse themselves when major donors come before them in court, and a vote by the West Virginia legislature to adopt public financing of judicial campaigns.

Michael Moore on Afghanistan: Get Out and Apologize

bcglorf says...

I've got to hand it to Michael Moore, just when you think he can't say or do anything dumber, he finds a way to go further.

If you want to find a meaningful documentary about the strategic importance of Afghanistan start by throwing out every last one that doesn't spend 90% of it's time on Pakistan. Why do all the idiot boy talking heads like Moore(and his equally stupid Republican counterparts) insist on acting like the greatest prize in the war is the desolate wastelands of Afghanistan itself? Here's a newsflash for everyone, American throne makers NEVER cared about control of the deserts of Afghanistan!

Here's what they did care about, the stability and reliability of the government of Pakistan and it's nuclear arsenal. That's the game. Before the war, Al-Qaeda and it's Taliban jihadist allies were spread from Islamabad to Kabul, with strong ties and connections to the governments all along the way. After 9/11, America's highest policy makers decided that Pakistan's official fence sitting between support for those that bombed New York and those that died there was no longer acceptable. Musharraf was given an ultimatum, them or us, and he was given an example of the consequences of siding with them when the Taliban chose them. Since then, Pakistan has been waging an internal war against the Taliban militants rather than openly supporting them. Their war is a direct mirror of the war in Afghanistan against the same opponents.

I'd absolutely love to see Moore try and explain why we should apologize for fighting the same forces responsible for killing the first and only elected female head of a Muslim state. I'm sure her widow, now leading Pakistan, would be so glad to receive a delegation of Moore and his film crew there to apologize to him for our solidarity with the cause his wife died for. Disgusting.

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

LarsaruS says...

>> ^peggedbea:
jesus, listen to yourselves.... either you guys almost exclusively deal with the sorriest, bitchiest, most spoiled, princess-complex females in the universe ... or you're really kind of dickish.
i'm using larsarus's comment as the example, but his sentiments seem to be close to the norm here.
expecting that my work and mind be valued and respected as much as yours, does not mean i don't value your existence too. and helping your neighbor reach something high, or get through the door with her hands full doesn't mean you've bowed down to feminist subjugation or were manipulated by doe-eyes. for fucks sake dudes.
social rule for all genitals: don't be a dick. (pun not intended)
>> ^LarsaruS:
My thoughts on equality
In my opinion equality is better than 17th century chivalry. The problem with equality though is that some people feel that they are more equal than others. This is, as far as I have observed, usually a female trait (unless you count the statistical outliers like the few ultra-rich and heads of states and the like) in that they demand equality in all things that benefit them yet refuse to fight for/accept equality in things that don't benefit them or is to their disadvantage. As I see it it is the old problem of living standards i.e. if you are used to having a high standard of living then lowering it is not a viable option. Giving way for a male can be seen as a lowering of their living standards in this instance.
How to deal with it
I have found that using their slogans against them and not helping them works quite well as they can't argue with you when you use their own arguments against them. Example: A female wants to reach the top shelves but can't because she is female and short. She sees a tall male and she looks at him with doe-eyes and asks with a lilt in her voice if he could help poor little her. Simply reply with a No and "Girl power!" or some other feminist slogan (In Sweden there was a slogan that went "Kvinnor kan!" which roughly means "Females can!" with [do anything males can] implied which I usually use). Some females realise the astounding irony of fighting gender inequalities and then relying on them for help but some of them get really pissed, in my opinion, because they can't get a male to do their bidding and are not used to being told 'No' by males. But hey if you want equality then you have got it. I would not help a random short male so I wont help a random female either. It is better for all to learn to improvise and solve their own tiny problems, how to get the crisps/chips from the top shelf, than to rely on the kindness/weakness of others.
In conclusion: you - right & they - wrong. Equality > Chivalry & Strength > Weakness
P.S. Wow this is a wall of text... congrats on getting through it :-D

Another wall of text is incoming... be warned (Not interested in starting a flame war but will probably derail the thread a bit but here goes...)

A couple of comments as you used my text as an example:
1) I would help my neighbours, I like them and know them... well most of them at least and the ones I don't like I probably would not help... As someone said above: chivalry and tipping is a choice not mandatory and so is helping others, especially people you don't like/care about.

2) I can't speak for all of the sift but when I write a text like mine I use broad generalizations to get the/my point across, Example: "All Iraqis and Afghanis are terrorists who want to blow up the world", even if it is "a bit" exaggerated or not true in many many many cases(I would guestimate it to ~99.99% of them or so)...

3) Female wiles are still female wiles whether there is a "feminist agenda"/"feminist subjugation" or not. To clarify my stance/point: Males tend to get their way by use of force, physical/monetary/mental and so on, whilst Females get their way by looking good and using males to do their bidding, see gold diggers/black widows and so on. Yes, females are worth as much and contribute to other stuff using their brains blah blah blah. However, it is a, in my eyes at least, simple concept as (most) Males (except asexuals, homosexuals, paraplegics and others not interested in females and/or able to procreate) will do basically anything to increase their chance of getting laid, see plastic surgery/crazy diet & workout schemes and so on, and helping a female does that, in our minds at least, (increases the chance of it, not guarantees it. Don't confuse the two as it might land you in trouble ) and they know that we, males, believe that and use it to their advantage. It is all quite Machiavellian and I applaud them for it.

4) is a bit OT but ties in with My, not everyone's, views on things. Cont. of 3).
It's simply biology in action. Every single action we (as a biological species) ever do is for the ultimate goal of securing procreation/the continuation of our lifeform. (Once again: My views, maybe not shared with some/most...) We (as in males) work out to look good and to be able to fight off sabre-toothed tigers (Providing safety & security), we study to get a job that provides money (for food and shelter, more money usually = better food & shelter) and so on. These things lead to a higher chance of the young surviving and is therefore seen as positive traits when females are looking for a mate. In general animals that play to their strengths survive, those who don't go extinct, and in general males can overpower females but females can outscheme males. Remember to keep on copying and diversifying that DNA. It is the meaning of life after all. Survival of the most adaptable and all that junk...

PS. Oh I almost forgot to say that that was an excellent pun Bea... love that finishing touch... (Seriously I do, very nice)

PPS. Extremly long wall of text... hopefully it is clear enough to be read and understood by others but I know what I mean and that means others do too right?

Dexter Early Cuts - The Black Widow

Grimm says...

The premise of this mini-series titled Dexter Early Cuts is to see Dexter in action before we met him in the first see how he has evolved as a killer from those early days.
>> ^mentality:
Ok, killing someone with a chainsaw in an unprepared abandoned theater just doesn't seem like Dexter. He didn't even change his clothes!
Also, I always thought that the best part of the show was the mystery and suspense. Watching Dexter exact his own perverted sense of justice by torturing and killing his victims never had any appeal to me, and clips like this just seem f'ed up and tasteless.

Rachel Maddow - Missing C-SPAN Video Of McCain's Objection

TerryF says...

>> ^honkeytonk73:
Jesus doesn't believe in healthcare. That is why the Repugs are blocking it. They simply want everyone to use magical prayer.. because as we all know. It works far better than what any health practitioner can provide. If a priest is not available.. a voodoo doctor will of course suffice.

Wow, your ignorance and prejudice astounds me. Have you ever read the Bible?
Deuteronomy 26:12 When thou hast made an end of tithing all the tithes of thine increase the third year, which is the year of tithing, and hast given it unto the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, that they may eat within thy gates, and be filled;
You will find that compassion and responsibility to the poor are a recurring theme throughout the Bible.
To say Republicans are Christians and Democrats are not is pure nonsense. Why the hateful post? Did some hypocritical Priest abuse you? Sure the world is full of hypocrites, that doesn't make Gods word non-effect. Open your mind and you may find some of the kindest people do believe is Jesus.
Otherwise if you can't be tolerant of Christians at all, you could move to China where the government shares your disbelief in God, and all human rights are controlled by the government. I'm sure their medical benefits for the common peasant/man are wonderful.


bananafone says...

"Onan married his brother's widow and, from what the story says, was supposed to consummate their marriage and give the poor woman some sons to carry on the family name and to take care of her in her old age. It's a messed up scenario, but the vague statement that he "spilled his seed upon the ground" and that god struck him dead for it... could just as easily be about not consummating a marriage, or about disobeying god in regards to his husbandly duties. "

Yes and no. It was tradition in biblical jewish communities to marry the wife of your deceased brother. You had to. Also, any children she would have by the living brother would be considered to be the dead brother's children. Onan didn't want to give his brother children.
The story is often interpreted as the punishment for being selfish.

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