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Cops Owned By Legal Gun Owner

newtboy says...

Something does not have to be illegal for it to be suspicious. If you are found to be carrying a hammer and a towel down a residential street at night, you will be stopped and checked out to be sure you aren't using them to steal from cars or homes. That doesn't make hammers illegal, it makes someone carrying one at night suspicious.
A gun on your hip on a public street is more suspicious than a hammer, and at the least should give the officer the ability to stop and identify the person carrying it. In most jurisdictions, you must identify yourself to an officer when asked, (but nothing more) and they can 'hold' you until your identity is known.
As mentioned before, he could be a felon, therefore committing another felony by carrying a gun...therefore it's legally suspicious. Or you might be a known suspect in another crime...suspicious. Or you might be about to use that gun for a crime...suspicious. Or you might be selling crack and using the visible gun as a deterrent other crack dealers....also suspicious. So yes, anyone intentionally visibly carrying a gun on main street (where there's no need for a gun to protect yourself from anything) is suspicious, just as anyone carrying 15 legal knives would be, or someone with a samurai sword, or handcuffs, a blindfold, and a stun gun might be...none of them illegal but totally suspicious.
His actions were suspicious, more so when he won't identify himself. The officer could have said he 'met the description of a suspect at large', which he (and nearly everyone else on earth) does, there's lots of suspects at large of every description, and as I understand it he could have held him until they identified him. (really I would see that as harassment, but as I understand the law it would be allowed, I was held for 'meeting the description' of a vandal once, and the person eventually arrested turned out to be a 25 year old 6 foot black man, while at the time I was a 13 year old, 5 foot tall white boy).
Yes, people who act in a way that 'freaks normal people out' will likely be stopped and inspected if they're reported. We have all tacitly agreed to that long ago.

silvercord said:

My guess is this: It's not that this was a suspicious person. It's that this was a person with a gun. And in someone's mind that made the guy suspicious. (In actuality, for many people, anybody with a gun becomes suspicious.) It isn't really the person. It's the gun. Somebody freaked out because someone else had a gun. It's understandable, but it is also not against the law, apparently, where the video was shot. Are we going to going to agree to stop anyone who is conducting themselves in a legal manner because someone else freaks out over it?

Reverse Racism, Explained

newtboy says...

So, it seems you are saying that racism only counts if it's systemic and endemic, but not when it's only on an individual scale?
As a white boy, I WAS part of the "ethnic minority" (while simultaneously being part of the overall "ethnic majority"), I lived in East Palo Alto when it was the murder capital of the US and over 90% "minority". I repeatedly encountered racism against whites in a community that was predominantly black. Does that not count because they only held power in their community (where I lived)? Does it not count because I eventually moved? I don't understand...why would that not be "real scale" racism by a minority group against an "ethnic majority"?
It seems to me like you are stretching to say institutional racism is only one sided because it's MOSTLY one sided.
I feel like most of your examples are really more about (perceived) social/financial status than race....not entirely but mostly.

9547bis said:

Yes, I am not entirely convinced by the term "reverse racism" either, but that's the one he used so I opted to let it stand.

Nonetheless, it's interesting how people can remain stuck on the label and miss the bigger point.
Yes "racism is racism", but that's not what he is talking about. Let's use a simple example: you're a white guy out in the street (of a western country, that is), minding your own business, when suddenly you are insulted by a black guy out of nowhere. He hates white folks. That guy is an evil racist, you got that right. He even snatches your wallet. You've been mugged by a racist. It sucks. It's an event in your life, but tomorrow will be another day.
Now let's compare that to being a black/colored/minority person: The police can stop, frisk, and detain you. Any day. You may be refused service at some restaurant. Any day. You may not be let in a club. Any day. You may not get that job. You may not get that apartment. If where you live really sucks, you may be in for a mugging or lynching on a seasonal basis. It won't happen all the time of course, but it will happen again and again, with a frequency and severity you will never be able to predict, and when it happens you will have no recourse. It's not 'an event', it defines you life. You expect it around every street corner.

So you and I can encounter a racist, but someone from a minority does experience racism (in other words, they've encountered so many racists in their life they've stopped counting: they talk about 'racism', not 'racists'). These are completely different things. There is simply no way you can actually live that level of oppression if you are not part of a minority.

And this is what he meant. He's not saying that there are no non-white racists, or no racists aiming at whites. He is saying there's no way you can experience actual real-scale racism, as it happens in society, if you yourself are part of the ethnic majority. Quite the difference.

TL;DR: racist != racism

Open Letter to Ellen Degeneres: Don't Promote A Psychic

poolcleaner says...

I have an ex which got me involved in this whole "Mystery School" thing and I regret the money dumped into that racket.

Well... no, no, it was a pretty decent experience getting my body felt up by a group of mostly women during "Reiki" sessions and the weird goddess orgies -- not too shabby for an ignorant white boy.

A Boy, a Mouse, and a BB Gun

Grimm says...

That's right...the North American white boy uses all the parts.

artician said:

It's fine, I'm sure he was going to make a nice cap from the pelt, preserve the meat for his family over the winter, and give himself a new set of tools from the bone.

Scathing Critique of Reaction to Trayvon Martin Verdict

My_design says...

Right up until the last comma I took your comment a completely different way. I thought you meant that if ZImmerman had killed a White boy in self defense, then something totally different would have happened.
1)The media would never have gotten involved.
2) Zimmerman would have been arrested on the site, charged with murder and unless the kid was a tattooed, white trash, white supremacist, gang member, Zimmerman would be in jail.
But you would never have known about it as there would be no cause to stand in the pulpit, no social ire that the Media could try to raise. They would ignore the whole situation, exactly how they would have ignored it if Zimmerman had been Black.
Seems that unfortunately the guy in the video is correct when he says that, "The life of a black man only has value when it is taken by a white man".

To that point it seems that Chicago is perfectly happy to let the violence in their city continue unchecked and unanswered. It seems that what is happening in Chicago barely get's any national media play. Certainly plays into the theory that the media is liberally biased and is trying to protect Rahm Emmanuel and President Obama from any backlash. Especially since they all seemed to project that Rahm could eventually run for President back when he won the mayoral race.

00Scud00 said:

I'm not a betting man, but even I would bet that if Martin was a white kid instead of a black kid then none of this would have happened in the first place. In a perfect world the color of a someone's skin should not make a difference, but in this world it means you don't belong in this nice neighborhood and are probably a thief.

Black Christians = Uncle Toms

poolcleaner says...

I got yelled at by a black person for saying something like this. He was right though: I'm just a stupid American white boy. My grandpappy was dumb, my daddy been dumb and so I am done dumber than dumb. Ignorant actually.

But I don't worship no GOD, so at least I got that goin for me. Hell. I got that going for me.

But if there is no hell then it don't matter anyhow We're all biological machines without a destiny, just flapping our various flaps; the constant filibuster on happiness.

Paul Mooney ~ On White People & Hip Hop

Paul Mooney ~ On White People & Hip Hop

MrFisk (Member Profile)

chingalera says...

Not really....If ya wanna critique, these folks are way too white...seeing them perform does little justice to their efforts filmed or otherwise embodied in recorded tracks on YT with a wannabe clever album cover...To Me, they strain at sucking and are incurably Caucasian....That coming form a white boy, that makes and loves music....these dweebs' sound make my skin crawl for an escape hatch away from hipsters...:)

And since you love em so much, i guess i need to copy this review to one of their sifted viddies (probably pimped by you or another incurable white person with no ear for talent) straining for attention....Yeah. Pretty much recoil from their sound and vibe altogether, they embarrass their creed and associative alliance with blood kin, wish they'd stop trying !

MrFisk said:

Maybe this is more your pace? Just replace Sofia with chog, er, chinglera.

White Boy Drops Sick Beat

ypsilon says...

I'm not quite sure if smartphone designers have planned this vertical format. Take a video camera for example. You wouldn't hold it vertical to shoot a video, would you? I think you would prefer the horizontal format.

The reaseon why some people shoot videos vertical with their phones is because the common smartphone is designed to be used and held vertically. The landscape view is "just" an addon.

In my opinion there is and always will be a difference in taking a picture or shooting a video in a vertical format. A vertical video just feels wrong. Maybe youtube will fit their players to vertical formats, but I don't see that in the next three or four years.

>> ^poolcleaner:

>> ^ypsilon:
Vertical Video Syndrome!
But the kid is cool

Adaptation applies to video formats, doesn't it?
The vertical format is essentially a portrait view, which although is not typical to video, is acceptable for still frames. Why? Because of accepted status quo introduced by standards required for viewing and filming because of the costs of the analog systems used to create film/video. i.e. A time when you couldn't turn your television, projection systems, or computer monitors sideways -- something that a lot more people are doing nowadays; I have a vertical monitor at work and I've seen a few massive vertical monitors used for business menus or marques. We've been due a new acceptable format for YEARS. I believe this new, viable format is the portrait view that smartphones have opened, but it's the uninitiated and unbiased that will accept this format, not us old fogies.
Now, you can go ahead and list off reasons for preferring landscape view, especially citing the typical field of view for human sight, but it doesn't invalidate the choice, considering the media was created with a camera phone, which is designed with these options in mind. Camera phone is a sub-medium, which offers it additional standards, one of which is portrait view. If the subject choice is a human, we stand vertical, so portrait really is best suited for capturing human form. (Also, caputring a BJ is best done in portrait, but that's just my perverted opinion.)
Quick, someone invent a triangle camera!

White Boy Drops Sick Beat

Quboid says...

>> ^poolcleaner:

>> ^ypsilon:
Vertical Video Syndrome!
But the kid is cool

Adaptation applies to video formats, doesn't it?
The vertical format is essentially a portrait view, which although is not typical to video, is acceptable for still frames. Why? Because of accepted status quo introduced by standards required for viewing and filming because of the costs of the analog systems used to create film/video. i.e. A time when you couldn't turn your television, projection systems, or computer monitors sideways -- something that a lot more people are doing nowadays; I have a vertical monitor at work and I've seen a few massive vertical monitors used for business menus or marques. We've been due a new acceptable format for YEARS. I believe this new, viable format is the portrait view that smartphones have opened, but it's the uninitiated and unbiased that will accept this format, not us old fogies.
Now, you can go ahead and list off reasons for preferring landscape view, especially citing the typical field of view for human sight, but it doesn't invalidate the choice, considering the media was created with a camera phone, which is designed with these options in mind. Camera phone is a sub-medium, which offers it additional standards, one of which is portrait view. If the subject choice is a human, we stand vertical, so portrait really is best suited for capturing human form. (Also, caputring a BJ is best done in portrait, but that's just my perverted opinion.)
Quick, someone invent a triangle camera!

IMHO it's not that it's portrait, it's that everything is geared to landscape. This video has more black space than content, why? Why isn't the YouTube embed portrait?

White Boy Drops Sick Beat

poolcleaner says...

>> ^ypsilon:

Vertical Video Syndrome!
But the kid is cool

Adaptation applies to video formats, doesn't it?

The vertical format is essentially a portrait view, which although is not typical to video, is acceptable for still frames. Why? Because of accepted status quo introduced by standards required for viewing and filming because of the costs of the analog systems used to create film/video. i.e. A time when you couldn't turn your television, projection systems, or computer monitors sideways -- something that a lot more people are doing nowadays; I have a vertical monitor at work and I've seen a few massive vertical monitors used for business menus or marques. We've been due a new acceptable format for YEARS. I believe this new, viable format is the portrait view that smartphones have opened, but it's the uninitiated and unbiased that will accept this format, not us old fogies.

Now, you can go ahead and list off reasons for preferring landscape view, especially citing the typical field of view for human sight, but it doesn't invalidate the choice, considering the media was created with a camera phone, which is designed with these options in mind. Camera phone is a sub-medium, which offers it additional standards, one of which is portrait view. If the subject choice is a human, we stand vertical, so portrait really is best suited for capturing human form. (Also, caputring a BJ is best done in portrait, but that's just my perverted opinion.)

Quick, someone invent a triangle camera!

The Palmer Squares - Bareback Bath House

EndAll says...

>> ^chingalera:

There's very little good dub, rap, hip-hop anymore~
One of the most endeeeearing qualities being the propensity of ghetto-ass stoner white-boys to adopt some pseudo-Brooklyn accent and brag about how bad-ass they are~Bleeegh!

There's a lot of good rap and hip-hop these days.

They're not putting on any accents, they're from Chicago. That's how they sound.

And braggadocio in rap? How unusual!

The Palmer Squares - Bareback Bath House

chingalera says...

There's very little good dub, rap, hip-hop anymore~

One of the most endeeeearing qualities being the propensity of ghetto-ass stoner white-boys to adopt some pseudo-Brooklyn accent and brag about how bad-ass they are~Bleeegh!

This Was Totally Worth Leaving Practice For

kymbos says...

She'd be worried that she's black and confused about her race?>> ^raverman:

Classic comedy reusing a standard anti-homosexual trope
Don't think so?
Imagine she just kissed a black boy and needs to make out a white boy so she doesn't feel dirty or confused any more.
Still not inferring a negative stereotype?

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