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Thank you 81 million, thank you!

newtboy says...

You’re arguing with the mirror, buddy. There’s one anti American, anti democratic, anti fact, delusional cultist here. ROTFLMFAHS!!! You’re so silly.

Whine some more, kiddo. More sour grapes from infantile sore losers. You only insult yourself with these kindergarten insults. Your opinion is less than worthless. You calling me a “Tool” for the left only verifies I’m on the right path, if you had something nice to say, I would re-examine my position immediately. You are such a ridiculous full fledged cultist in a failed cult of personality. Keep screaming into the dark.

You CLEARLY hated Obama because he was black, you liar. Called him a Kenyan (as an insult), a Muslim (as an insult), a thug, and in private much much worse. Lie to yourself, we know the truth, and you are a well known verified racist liar no one trusts to ever tell the truth.

You also CLEARLY have problems with strong women too. Hated Clinton for being a woman in power. Pretend you aren’t sexist, it won’t fool anyone, you are a well known constant liar, who would listen to you complimenting yourself?

You hate Harris for the same reasons. Being black, and being a woman. Her being intelligent, professional, knowledgeable, reasonable, level headed, well spoken, and accomplished only pisses you off, doesn’t it?

I and really totally disagree, but after Trump, leadership skills aren’t a prerequisite, and you have no leg to stand on. That’s it.

We’ve never had a leader with less, worse leadership skills than Trump, who never led anyone who wasn’t willing to follow him literally anywhere. Jim Jones was a better leader, he actually cared about those he misled….Trump doesn’t care one whit about anyone not named Trump, and when the chips are down, only people named Donald John Trump. That’s it.
Her leadership skills are infinitely better than her MIA predecessor, Pence, his were non existent.

Obama led conservatives from depression to a healthy economy. True, they obstructed him for the entire 8 years, but he was leader enough to make serious progress anyway, including growth that eclipsed Trump’s dismal 1% gdp growth per year, and health care for all Americans.

Woefully diminished is still exponentially better than his predecessor, whose cult tried to overthrow the government and make us a dictatorship. I still blame him for Trump, if he had run in 2016, the nation, probably the world, would be in such better shape it would be unrecognizable.
I wanted Butigieg, a super smart, knowledgeable, thoughtful, disciplined, younger president, but Biden kicked Trump’s ass despite multiple massive Republican fraud schemes, so he is a major success. That’s it. Nothing can change that…just like no attempted rewriting of history can make Trump anything but a massive failure on every front.

Go pander your idiotic cultist babbling somewhere else. You only come here to troll, no one ever agrees with you besides your sock puppet accounts, you just enjoy being a nasty liar, trying to trigger libtards with nonsense and prejudice. Here’s the problem, Bob. It doesn’t work when you have no real gripes to complain about and no one cares what you think.

I note you still can’t say who she slept with or how that got her elected….I did explain the top two in Trump’s administration got their positions by sleeping to the top, they had zero leadership skills, zero experience, and zero accomplishments. Harris is overqualified if Trump was only underqualified. He also had no leadership experience or skills. He didn’t run the companies he owned, those he tried to failed miserably, and no one goes to work for Trump twice.

Lots more whining and crying, but not a single fact in your posts, Bob. You seem allergic to fact. I understand, they tear at your fantasy world and, when you’re forced into reality, you must live with the piece of excrement you have become.

bobknight33 said:

You are beyond delusional.

A Tool of Tools for the left.

Like Obama, no give a fuck if she is black, orange or purple.
An no one cares if she is a woman.

She is lacking leadership skills. That it.

Obama had leadership skills but not conservative leadership.

Biden had skills but is woefully diminished.

Go pander your stupid thoughts elsewhere.

Thank you 81 million, thank you!

newtboy says...

Still no answer to posting an insanely edited misrepresentation video….no surprise. You’re an infant. A dishonest racist and sexist infant propagandist.

Yes Bob.
Because she’s a black woman, you can’t accept that she’s accomplished, that she earned her position. That is racist and sexist. I know your little brain has trouble figuring that out.

You are a blatant racist piece of shit. Evidence: your comment above and all previous racist comments
You are a blatant sexist piece of shit. Evidence: your comment above and previous sexist comments
You are an ignorant, moronic piece of shit. Evidence: all your previous comments
You are a pro Putin, anti American, anti democratic piece of shit. Evidence: many of your previous comments.
Plenty of hammer and sickles, Russian, and nazi flags at your far right rallies…for years now. Not found at Democratic rallies, you dumb shit.

Better red than blue is a Republican slogan, you lying piece of shit.
We should be friends with Putin and let him expand is a Trump position, not Biden dumbshit.

All those are insults to shit and complimentary to you….better than you deserve. You lying worthless waste of skin. Fuck you you liar.

All delusional nonsense bullshit Bob. How many Republicans went on international tv to tell those immigrants the border is wide open, starting new waves of immigrants? Not one Democrat did that.
Energy independence is a lie, we never stopped importing oil, you liar. We produce more oil today than under Trump.
Inflation is a Trump legacy, idiot. It will get worse. That’s the problem with just printing 1/3 of every dollar over 4 years, it makes every dollar worth 1/3 less. Trump did that, not Biden. When inflation hits over 33%, we can talk….until then keep your ignorant whining to yourself.

Trump spent far more money than any two terms of any administration and for that we had a recession, 750000 dead, Russia expanding, a useless wall that hasn’t stopped a single immigrant, inflation through the roof, negative GDP, skyrocketed unemployment, an insurrection, etc. Nothing good to show for it, no investments in America, just failed trade agreements, wasteful spending like drunken sailors, huge debt, loss of international standing, loss of allies, recession, and unprecedented death.

Anti immigration = anti American. Anti democracy = anti American. Pro Russia = anti American. Pro China = anti American. Vote fraud = anti American. Insanely high deficits = anti American. Doubling the debt = anti American. Tax breaks for the rich = anti American. Removal of social safety nets = anti American. Racism = anti American. Sexism = anti American. Fraud = anti American. Insurrection = anti American. White Nationalism = anti American. Suggesting the death penalty for people not even charged with a crime = anti American. These are all Trump policies, bob.

I paid less for gas last week than I paid in 2019, dumbass. $5 a gal for super.

I know you don’t remember, because it wasn’t yesterday, but Trump policies caused all your issues…including your panicked insanity. Trump was the worst president in history by far by almost every measure. Biden is an unqualified success by comparison, and you can’t stand it so you go off on insane sexist racist rants, like accusing the accomplished professional VP of sleeping her way to the top despite not having a clue with who or how that could work in public office.

Edit: Here’s your chance, exactly who do you claim she slept with to be elected VP? 1/2 of America? The entire DNC? Who? How does that work, exactly? (Don’t worry, no one expects you to be able to answer, we know you don’t have a clue, and that you can never back up your hysterical delusional racist claims).

Biden removed the national cancer. He’s a winner no matter what else happens.
Trump will always be the biggest loser, the worst president in history by far. He made W look reasonable and competent! Deal with it.

Edit: oops…I missed the part where shipping logistics are now Biden’s fault, even though the issue began in 2020 and is purely in the private sector. I guess you are upset Biden hasn’t nationalized the ports so he can take control? Same complaint about the oil industry. If it’s Biden’s issue, you must be suggesting he take charge, and the only way possible would be by the nationalization of private industry. Who’s the socialist? ROTFLMFAHS!!!

bobknight33 said:

racist sexist???

You making her color is racist.

Sexist. I think not.
She is a political whore. Slept with who ever to get her power.

She is not VP material by any measure. You know it .

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You’re 1/2 right…we did have a leader, Obama, now we have a joke of an ex president who’s as unpresidential as possible and a whining, sniveling coward…but we do have a leader as president again. Sleepy Joe, kicking ass and taking names in his sleep! Wiped the floor with Dumb Donny.

America had an ex president that was a leader. Now we have an ex president that’s a bad joke. FTFY

This is what a leader looks like, Bob.
Not the privileged cowardly draft dodger who tried to blackmail Zelenskiy by withholding military aid during a Russian invasion and divided the nation irreparably, but the Ukrainian Jon Stewart who stayed and took up arms with his citizens uniting them against a super power.

This is a leader, Bob.

Now, look back at what the utter failure, traitorous Trump had to say about him when the blackmail attempt failed.
Or watch a leader lead….

bobknight33 said:

America had a leader. Now we have a JOKE!


The dangers of a Russian energy superpower

newtboy says...

Sky News!? That’s like Fox on meth without the pretext that they’re pro-America. Foreign Anti American propaganda from an anti democracy anti America foreigner.
Love the way you love those who absolutely hate America so consistently.

Sorry, @bobknight33….the only reasons Trump didn’t start any wars (and boy did he want to) are 1) his advisors repeatedly talked him down from most, but not all provocations (how we avoided war in Iran I’ll never know, multiple assassinations often lead to war, especially when you murder generals and their entourage on foreign soil.)
And 2) he never contradicted or stood up to our enemies, he courted, praised, and capitulated to them completely. Why would Russia go to war when we completely ignored their invasions and expansion and took their word over our own intelligence community?

Derp….the pipeline Trump’s whining about was cancelled by the Germans. How great an idea to have them spend billions then cancel certification!

I know you have the memory of a meth head gnat, but come on, Bobby. Are you really that clueless….oh wait, yes you are. You just claimed Russia didn’t invade under Trump a day or two ago.

You didn’t just fail current events and history class here, Bob, you got a 12% average. Once again, you make it impossible to believe you graduated from an American college, difficult to believe you graduated high school. So sad.

Stop Kowtowing to China | Real Time with Bill Maher

eric3579 says...

I say fix your own countries shit, or at least have it be the focus of your whining before you start bitching about some other countries shortcomings. Nothing i hate more than people who righteously point fingers but refuse to look in the mirror.

(edit) Although maybe i'm not focusing on the actually issue in the video as i couldn't listen to more than a minute of Maher blathering, and just read the comments.

Jordan Klepper Takes On Canadian Truckers | The Daily Show

newtboy says...

Dumb shit snowflakes have been whining for the last 2 years, ignoring orders to make minor changes for both public health and to be able to reopen quickly, but like spoiled two year olds on time out, you guys kept defying orders, making the pandemic and the shutdowns exponentially worse, and restarting the “time out” clock.
You also complained non stop about shutting down the economy, hurting small businesses and commerce, but when a tiny (100+-) group of mostly white, swastika/confederate flag waiving truckers decide to shut down international commerce, costing hundreds of millions of dollars weekly (more than all rioting damage done in 2020, because they are targeting businesses and commerce) just to throw a tantrum, not achieve a thing, you are not just accepting of it, you support it.
Clearly your complaints about shutting down and hurting the economy to fight Covid and save hundreds of thousands of lives were not genuine since you are happy to do the same and worse to save the feelings of 100 truckers.…fuck your feelings, remember?…...big surprise, bob is a hypocrite willing to say anything to support his position today, including the exact opposite of his position yesterday.

All Trudeau needs to do is confiscate the trucks at gunpoint. Any trucker joining loses his truck. If it’s not their truck, they’ll have a huge bill from the owner.
Also, maybe remove their licenses for 2 years (or until restitution is paid in full). (Edit: nice, seems they actually thought of all that and have made it the law, and added up to a year in prison for those blocking commerce.)

Dumb shit, the restrictions
1)were also USA restrictions, like everyone else, Canadian truckers can’t cross the border without vaccinations. How does Trudeau stop that?…serious question I know you will ignore.
2) were being lifted in short order once the current variant slows its roll or border crossers get vaccinated
3) you really think a few hundred truckers (and a few hundred more rabble rousing morons with them) should have veto power over an entire federal government, and a federal government in another country, don’t you? But only when they look like you and waive confederate and nazi flags.
No, that’s not right? It has nothing to do with race? Why didn’t you support Trump defunding the police and/or removing immunity then?

So incredibly short sighted, myopic, hypocritical, self centered, likely racist, and just plain dumb Bob. You never disappoint.

Lemme guess, you support My Crackhead’s plan to illegally fly a helicopter over the protest and dump thousands of his pillows with bible verses covering them on Canada in a massive foreign littering/proselytizing scheme against a country that’s already banned him from entry. Right?

bobknight33 said:

Government had been shutting down businesses / schools etc for last 2 years. Disrupting lives and incomes. Now the people have had enough so they gather and shut down traffic and now the government is upset for essentially doing the same thing.

All Trudeau needs to do is end the the restrictions, which are not even needed anymore.

Texas Cop Vapes Confiscated Weed on Cruiser Camera

newtboy says...

Case and point,
If you haven’t seen it yet, this fresh on the job good cop got strangled for stopping her sergeant from pepper spraying a handcuffed suspect already in the cop car….as she was instructed to do.
He’s finally on vacation as of late January (the event happened on November 19, and his supervisory duties were temporarily suspended) and his union is standing by him 100%, as is the police commissioner, whining that the mayor called the sergeant’s actions disgusting, outrageous because he’s not convicted of a crime, and in the same breath whining “ The fact that was a 911 call came over of a piece of shit beating up somebody, and then this is how it all started. That’s the sad part about this. It got thrown onto this and spun in a way so ridiculous right now, it is like beyond,”.
It’s the third official report of his being unnecessarily violent.
Right, ridiculous to investigate a cop on videos committing felony assaults.

Kinda odd they aren’t standing with the cop that stopped a violent abuse of power, and instead back the out of control violent cop that attacked her on camera.

surfingyt said:

initially some do exist but when their union and coworkers cover up all the time and IA is defunded and simpletons like beeeewb bootlick all day the whole bushel goes. this dolt was probably praised most of his career for his continuous quota busting record, instead it should be a red flag.

Americans Tell NBC, “Blown Away” By Bidenflation,

newtboy says...

I do….and I can list reasons why I think what I think, unlike yourself who is embarrassed to admit you never actually think yourself and all your arguments come from disgraced and debunked liars who’s jobs are to lie, almost exclusively when it comes to any political topic.

The ship only turns so fast. It needed SO much correction on SO many issues because the last demander in chief refused to steer the nation anywhere but into a reef for the last entire year of his term….the last 3 months totally intentionally while he drilled holes in the keel and cut holes in the sails.

The nation certainly needed serious and immediate correction. Glad to hear you admit it, even accidentally.
You’re complaining about more spending!? You must be joking! Compared to spendthrift Trump, he’s a fucking miser. Every major project he’s put forward has been paid for in the bill, not so with the last administration that thought they couldn’t overspend because they can print more money….the biggest deficit and fastest debt rise (both by dollar and percentage) EVER by a mile. And put us in a recession with high inflation, negative GDP, outrageous unemployment, and near a million dead for the privilege. Joe invested in American infrastructure. Complaining about spending will not be tolerated from you after supporting Trump. Not for a second, you unbelievable hypocrite.

He did many things, leading to a healthy economy and amazing jobs numbers and rising wages among other improvements. All work against inflation.

But you like to say he’s done nothing, so how’s 4 examples on the Afghanistan disaster alone work for you?
He negotiated 6 more months to be gone.
He evacuated any and all Americans that wanted out, including those that waited until the last day.
He set up and staffed new systems (granted too little and late) to assist Afghans that worked for us in getting at least refugee status if not visas. This should have been step 1 in February 2020….likely a big surprise to find nothing started or planned when Joe took office.
He pulled out billions worth of functioning, still owned by America weaponry (what you love to whine about is the weapons in Afghani’s hands, and decommissioned often scuttled vehicles we abandoned….yes, a waste) that before he took office were being left in country.
Simply put, he made a plan and implemented it, can’t say the same for his predecessor. It wasn’t perfect, but it was something….which is a massive improvement.

He’s a mile above the low bar set by your idol, who spent nearly a full 1/3 of his presidency off playing golf (after promising not to play at all), and >1/2 of every day on personal executive time eating junk food and watching TV (but only ever taking softball questions from far right outlets, refusing any non right wing reporters a question much less interview). The remaining 1/6 was largely filled with rage tweeting and executive toilet time (pooping or shredding, you choose).

Your position is old, dementia ridden, no leadership, no question taking, slow, incapable of speaking or thinking, doesn’t know who or where he is Joe kicked fat lazy dumb Don’s ass without even holding rallies, did it in his pjs without breaking a sweat or raising his voice. Odd you love to constantly degrade the guy who’s by every measure head and shoulders above your messiah and proved it by a historic landslide. Seems you wouldn’t want to keep putting Trump down as a massive total loser to such a sad, weak, incompetent opponent, but you gotta be you.

bobknight33 said:

If you think this is Trumps fault, think what you want?

This is on Biden, commander in chief. It is his job to steer the ship. To correct the direction of the nation.
What has he done to correct this? NOTHING, except more spending , making this worse.

Biden use by date has long expired. He has no leadership ability, He cant take questions He is kept from media and public for fear on looking tool old and too slow and unable to speak intellectually. His days are in the past.

Report” Blames Biden Administration For Chaotic Withdrawal

newtboy says...

“The fundamental problem is we decided to leave Afghanistan precipitously without a plan to get people out.”


Who, exactly, @bobknight33, made that half assed plan with the Taliban in 2020 and didn’t involve the Afghan government (or our military it seems) in discussions? Who made that plan to be out 6 months earlier than we left, but by Jan 20 had made absolutely zero actions or plans to prepare for the withdrawal he planned to complete 6 weeks later? (He was far too busy trying to stage coups and perform frauds, whining, crying, and throwing tantrums to deal with the business of the presidency.) How was Trump’s (total lack of) plan and actions any better?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh. Now the bank and tax fraud surrounding the Trumps acquiring the lease for the DC hotel are under investigation. This time Ivanka is going down with Daddy, because she overvalued properties used to secure the loan bu 3 times, claiming things like her apartment with a for sale price of $8.5 million was worth 25 million, etc.
nothing new, just more Trump fraud, more Trump theft from America, banks, and the public.

This is you pick. This is you guy? Only makes sense if you’re an anti American Russian troll trying to damage America as much as possible.

Edit: D’oh! Pence’s lawyer, present at many meetings in the whitehouse discussing the coup plans, testified for over 9 hours to the Jan 6 commission. He has direct personal knowledge of exactly what the president’s involvement before, during, and after the attack against America for Trump was, and apparently has no qualms about talking about it. He didn’t plead the fifth like all Trump’s lackeys (which Trump says is proof of guilt except when he does it), he didn’t fight subpoenas (which Trump has said is proof of guilt….when it wasn’t him). He testified, with members coming out of the session calling him a patriot who cares about America, unlike many others they’ve subpoenaed and interrogated. A man who put country before a person. Not good for Tangerine Palpatine.

Delay tactics are failing, obstruction is failing, destruction of evidence is failing, hiding the forging of fraudulent certifications for fraudulent electors failed, hiding and denying direct Republican Party involvement has failed, denying individual involvement has failed, denial of the event has failed, abusing expired privileges to hide evidence has failed, whining and crying like spoiled children has failed, threatening prosecutors has failed. Whole lotta fail going on over there.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So, Trump has now publicly promised to pardon the murderous cop killing seditionists if he’s re-elected.

It makes me wonder, do they even know that they admit guilt by accepting a pardon, and that unlikely to be president Trump can’t pardon them from most of the consequences of admitting to being a seditionist traitor…only the prison time? Anyone pardoned will have a nice red “T” tattooed on their foreheads for life. (The scarlet letter for traitors)

Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt, offering a pardon is an admission of recognition of their guilt. Their lives are going to be seriously impacted by admitting to being treasonous seditionists, relegated to pure Trumpist events, businesses, and employment because most companies don’t serve or employ known traitors….only the Trump loving ones do.

BTW….Trump just also admitted publicly to pushing Pence to CHANGE the election results, claims he had the power to overturn verified and certified election results, and complaining that unfortunately, Pence didn’t “overturn the election” and call it for the loser. This is Trump admitting he lost (you don’t change the results when you won), and whining that they should have been allowed to steal the office anyway.

I guess according to Trumpsters, Biden already won 2024 because Harris can hand all votes to him no matter what the states say, then to whatever democrat comes after him in 28, even herself.

Forget 2024, in fact forget all elections…you KNOW the process is rigged and now Biden is president, might as well not vote, since he rigged the last one so masterfully from the outside that no evidence of tampering exists….how well do you think he’ll do now that he controls the election? Zero votes for Republicans? Better stay home in protest, your vote won’t count anyway. Even if he loses, Harris will hand him the win, totally above board and legally. That’s what Trump wants you to believe….so believe it.
This is you guy? This is you pick?

Oh yeah, and Biden’s first year in office was the fastest growth of the economy in 40 years! D’oh!

New Rule: First Lady Barack Obama | Real Time (HBO)

newtboy says...

Yeah, you don’t sound triggered at all. Not one bit.

Way to intelligently answer the question.


Biden is moving towards putting American troops in Eastern Europe to stop Putin’s expansion plans….Trump illegally and secretly withheld congressionally approved arms and funding from the Ukraine that they desperately needed to fight Putin’s active invasion in a blackmail scheme, and recognized his annexation of Crimea without a whimper, and ignored multiple assassinations on foreign soil with collateral damages.
Biden helped draft crippling sanctions against Russia in 2016, Trump illegally negotiated those sanctions away for nothing in return before being sworn in, as a favor to his friend Vladimir….it’s what Flynn pleaded guilty to (after he learned he was on tape doing it).
So ignorant and deluded, bob. I guess that’s why you consistently fail to include any facts in your posts, it’s hard to fact check whining and sniveling.

bobknight33 said:

Not Triggered at all.


The Whiners on an Airplane - Saturday Night Live

The Whiners on an Airplane - Saturday Night Live


newtboy says...

Why are you such a dishonest idiot, @bobknight33? Seriously. Why? You aren’t good at it, you never convince anyone with your lies, you just get called out for lying over and over and over and over and over and over…….

How many videos have you had discarded for negative votes? I’ve never had one I can recall, I think most here can say the same. (Edit: 59, bob. You’ve had 59 videos discarded by the community. I’m certain you hold the embarrassing record.)

If we had Facebook rules about spreading idiotic blatant lies, you would have been banned before Obama was elected.
Such mushbrained sour grapes from the resident whining baby. Nobody here has one second for your bat shit crazy, highly edited and photoshopped, as usual falsified Qanon propaganda. Take it to Trump’s “truth social” where lies are acceptable but facts about the platform or Trump are not allowed.

(Funny how you guys like to name your corporations words 100% contrary to the company mission, like truth social where no fact checking is allowed but any crazed dishonest propaganda is, or Fox News where they have no news, only opinion, and only opinion they successfully argued in court is so outrageous and insanely hyperbolic no reasonable person could possibly believe it…the same is true but worse for Newsmax, and worse agin for OAN.)

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