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Incredible Ultimate N Korean Taekwondo

What is the point of the down vote system? (Blog Entry by ZappaDanMan)

enoch says...

while i totally agree that one cannot discern the intent of the person who cast the downvote,i feel @shinyblurry makes a valid point concerning his own experiences.
while circumstantial,18 scrubbed videos is not a normal,nor average,number.

i think i could make a case that those scrubbed videos (due to downvotes) directly correlate to a time on the sift when many were viewing shiny's comments and posts as trollish and confrontational.
and lets be honest...sometimes they were.

but there were a few posts of shiny's that were genuinely of good quality and thought-provoking and they too..were scrubbed.i even promoted a few even though i totally disagreed with the content.

which ties in to the point in which @ZappaDanMan is trying to make.some people vote more on how they feel about the person rather than the content of the video.he also alludes to a cult of personality and its a valid observation.

so while i agree with you that we cannot discern intent and i also agree with shiny that downvotes are more an irrational,emotional response,rather than a logical and thought-out vote but at the end of the day it does not matter.
because they are votes and we all tend to vote with our hearts rather than our heads.

here is a small observation i have made over the years here on the sift.
totally non-scientific.just an observation:
ever notice when somebody posts a horrid,or venomous comment?
and it will have ZERO votes.neither UP nor DOWN.
until it receives ONE downvote and then what seems like minutes the downvotes start a torrent.

the same will happen with videos.
there is a reason for that.

speaking only for myself i rarely downvote a video and choose to abstain rather than downvote but i will downvote a comment if i find it offensive or un-necessarily attacking another sifter.(which i have been guilty of from time to time).

my videos have garnered more than their fair share of downvotes.
sometimes i understood why and othertimes i did not and i have never been shy in PMing that person to inquire why they downvoted and,to those peoples credit,they always responded.
that was very gracious of them to explain the thinking behind their downvote and i always appreciated the time they took to share their reasoning with me.

so in conclusion to my point (do i even have a point?).
even when we consider that some (or many) use downvoting as a passive-aggressive way to punish those they may deem unworthy or simply because they disagree.
the downvoting system is just as vital as the up-voting because it can promote discussion and interaction and that is always a good thing.
the positives far outweigh the negatives.

@shinyblurry is a perfect example of how interactions and attitudes can change on both sides of the spectrum.

if we do not interact with those we disagree with then we will be doomed to hold pre-conceptions and presumptions as inviolate and stagnate on our own hubris.

there are so many here on the sift that have surprised and delighted me by shattering my assumptions about them.
oftentimes it was the downvoting that sparked that interaction.

i think we all felt that sting that @Boise_Lib speaks of concerning our first downvote but if we can get past that initial slap in the face we can explore a whole new range of interaction and discussion in which we all can benefit and garner a much more dynamic understanding of people whom we may disagree with.

now that this rant has come to its conclusion i shall remind my gentle and kind readers that i shall be here all week and to not forget to tip their bartenders and waitresses.

thank you wisconsin!!
and good night!

Cutest Creature Ever

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^meggymoo:

Here's a fun fact. The slow loris is the worlds only venomous primate. They also stink.

That's debatable since they secrete the toxin from their elbows. "Venomous" implies that the toxin is injected directly with a bite, sting, spur, etc.

Cutest Creature Ever

A guy cleaning a Cobra Pit filled with 200 cobras

Gunter says...

cobra's show signs of intelligence far greater than any other snake species, so if they've been raised like that I'm sure they're used to it by now. I really doubt throwing them like that will hurt them considering they can climb trees and fall out of them unhurt from other videos I've seen. I also doubt they are de-fanged, I'm pretty sure I saw some venom coming from one of them.

This is what snake venom does to blood!

xxovercastxx (Member Profile)

steroidg says...

I didn't know that. Thanks for the information mate .
In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
>> ^steroidg:

Cool as it is, the title of this video is an over statement. Not all snake venoms does that. My understanding of the subject is that by example hemotoxin produced by vipers destroys red blood cells which prevents blood clotting.

You're half right: not all venoms are coagulants. You're also right that vipers have hemotoxic venom.

But vipers and their hemotoxic venom are exactly the ones that often have this coagulant effect. Venom can be hemotoxic and still be either coagulant or anticoagulant. Neither is necessarily implied.

There's lots of non-venomous snakes that have anticoagulants, too. The bites aren't especially bad or painful, they just bleed like hell.

Chaucer (Member Profile)

This is what snake venom does to blood!

This is what snake venom does to blood!

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^steroidg:

Cool as it is, the title of this video is an over statement. Not all snake venoms does that. My understanding of the subject is that by example hemotoxin produced by vipers destroys red blood cells which prevents blood clotting.

You're half right: not all venoms are coagulants. You're also right that vipers have hemotoxic venom.

But vipers and their hemotoxic venom are exactly the ones that often have this coagulant effect. Venom can be hemotoxic and still be either coagulant or anticoagulant. Neither is necessarily implied.

There's lots of non-venomous snakes that have anticoagulants, too. The bites aren't especially bad or painful, they just bleed like hell.

This is what snake venom does to blood!

This is what snake venom does to blood!

steroidg says...

Cool as it is, the title of this video is an over statement. Not all snake venoms does that. My understanding of the subject is that by example hemotoxin produced by vipers destroys red blood cells which prevents blood clotting.

This is what snake venom does to blood!

CheshireSmile says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

Last time I was in Thailand, you could get a shot of whiskey mixed with snakes blood and if you were really insane they'd add a drop of venom to it. Apparently the alcohol does something sciencey to the venom.
My take on this was to spend my entire time there drunk on the off chance I got bitten.

actually the difference between venom and poison is the fact that it has to be injected directly into your bloodstream to take effect. assuming you don't have any cuts in your mouth, you can (but probably shouldn't) drink it.

This is what snake venom does to blood!

ChaosEngine says...

Last time I was in Thailand, you could get a shot of whiskey mixed with snakes blood and if you were really insane they'd add a drop of venom to it. Apparently the alcohol does something sciencey to the venom.

My take on this was to spend my entire time there drunk on the off chance I got bitten.

kulpims (Member Profile)

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