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This Is Why You're Fat

Dumb or Unlucky? Guy Robs Bar Full of Cops

Virus / Malware creators need to die (Blog Entry by burdturgler)

burdturgler says...

I had Malwarebytes (among other things). It's good stuff. It did help remove some of the infected drivers after the fact but didn't stop them from installing or doing the damage. I just got unlucky. I wound up containing everything in safe mode later and uploaded the individual files to and each time only 2 or 3 picked it up and it was rarely the same engine that did.
I don't have any benchmarks to show (anymore) but my XP performance was good.
I had UBCD4Win on a usb key but couldn't get it to repair my drive (it got to the point where the BIOS wouldn't even recognize the drive). I think I will just ghost this install now sort of like you're saying so I can re-install easier next time. I was overdue for an install anyway I guess, just sucks all the stuff I lost

Michael Moore Responds to Canadian Press About Wait Times

sillybapx says...

Maybe I'm jaded because I work in healthcare - I try pretty hard to keep myself healthy. Many of my patients do not try at all, and are now very sad, physically sick people that require all sorts of medical help just to live a normal life.

I also have money saved to pay for medical expenses, the insurance that I have has a very high deductable. That means if there is a medical expense under $8k I pay it out of pocket. That seems reasonable - the health insurance I have is there to cover unexpected costs. If I go to the doctor, I pay the doctor, not my insurance company, not extra taxes. If I take an ambulance ride and need a limb reattached it costs me $8k (pretty reasonable) and the insurance company loses the gamble they took when they wrote the policy for me.

I don't want government provided healthcare because when someone who did not prepare for their eventual decline in health (either by being unhealthy or being unlucky) I will have to pay for it (increased taxes) and then my ability to be prepared for my eventual decline in health will be reduced. Why am I the one paying to keep an unhealthy person treated - when I have to keep myself healthy and pay for my own treatment? It seems a little backwards to me.

Louisiana Police Choke Man to Death for Drugs in His Mouth

kulpims says...

>> ^Creature
"Stogner died from severe coronary artery disease, an enlarged heart, and a fracture of the hyoid bone in his neck"
As I said before, if you're so angry as to wish death as a punishment for disobedience and a victemless crime go get counseling. Its unhealthy, and quite frankly disturbing.

>> ^Mikus_Aurelius: That's a little overboard. I haven't heard anyone wishing death on anyone. I'm not a doctor, but I imagine that small fractures are a frequent consequence of resisting arrest. This guy just happens to be the unlucky dude whose condition and the exact nature of his injuries lead to his death.

read what creature wrote, again - it's in bold, hard to miss. the cop broke this guy's neck. now that's what I'd call overboard, no matter what.
so much inconsiderate bs, I just had to upvote and join the legion of douche, who think "resisting arrest" is a legitimate excuse to kill people

Louisiana Police Choke Man to Death for Drugs in His Mouth

Mikus_Aurelius says...

>> ^Creature
"Stogner died from severe coronary artery disease, an enlarged heart, and a fracture of the hyoid bone in his neck"
As I said before, if you're so angry as to wish death as a punishment for disobedience and a victemless crime go get counseling. Its unhealthy, and quite frankly disturbing.

That's a little overboard. I haven't heard anyone wishing death on anyone. I'm not a doctor, but I imagine that small fractures are a frequent consequence of resisting arrest. This guy just happens to be the unlucky dude whose condition and the exact nature of his injuries lead to his death.

Frankly, whether we have a war on drugs or not, I hope that cops continue to pull over people who are driving impaired. If there's cause, I hope they haul these people off to the station to sleep it off.

Obviously it sucks that this guy died for no good reason. If this is a cause for outrage though, I'd be interested to hear what the outraged people would prefer the police do differently. Not pull over impaired drivers? Not arrest people who seem to be driving under the influence? Let a suspect swallow god knows what and choke/OD and die in police custody? Let people who resist arrest go because there's a danger that once in awhile the force needed to subdue them could cause serious injury? Or is there something else?

I'm legitimately curious.

Liberty Activist Ian Freeman Pays Property Tax with $1 Bills

bcglorf says...

if nobody is being harmed then its a GO in my book.

And that is EXACTLY the point. You, somehow, don't see any harm being caused by this guy.

Yet anybody trying to do business there on that day was delayed considerably by him, costing them the loss of their time. That is harm, by forcing that inconvenience on people unlucky enough to do business on this guys chosen protest day.

His buddy was videotaping people in a county office, presumably people paying things like traffic tickets and other business they may not want public(now they are on youtube). It should be their right to request they NOT be filmed while doing business there. That right was violated by this guy, again causing harm.

The county office then had to call the police when the guy refused to respect everyone's wishes to not be filmed. This cost everybody money and put people at risk by tying up a police officer for no good reason. Again, causing harm.

(T)hats the only beef i really see in your argument. That this man was interrupting "business".

And that isn't harm, why?

mike judge is a fucking prophet.

Seems to me you made him your prophet BEFORE you saw any signs. You might want to consider the possibility your letting personal opinion taint what you see, just a touch.

Collaborate or die - Tough choices for the sick in Palestine

demon_ix says...

The extreme security measures at the border crossings, including those of ambulances and clearly sick patients are the result of incidents such as this one.

This other incident involves a woman who has received treatment several times in Soroka Medical Center in Be'er Sheva, and on her last visit, however, she was recruited by one of the terrorist organizations, and was set up with explosive pants, to try and kill the very people who helped her in the hospital. Not soldiers, mind you. She was headed to kill her doctors, and any patient in the hospital unlucky enough to be caught in the blast.

Asking people to make that impossible choice is wrong, but as I see it, that's the only reason travel to Israeli hospitals is still an option for people in Gaza, given the fact that Hamas, the Jihad and other organizations have no qualms about using even pregnant women to conceal weapons and explosives.

This story is far from being the one-sided brutal oppression tale this article makes it out to be.

Also, I won't edit your tags, but tagging this "Zionism" is as meaningless as adding it to the Islam channel.

Pregnant 20 Yr Old British Girl Faces Death Sentence in Laos

Zonbie says...

^This is unfortunate. However Until more is told of this case, it may be that she really is innocent, cases where innocent passengers do not know there luggage is tampered with. I can think of many ways of trying to smuggle something using someone who has no idea...

Helps remove the risk to the real smuggler, if could he loses just the money, not his or her head.

Just sayin' - I don't always like to be the ever mindful optimist - and greed does get the better of some, but it's not always cut and dried (pun intended)
As as an example.

Although if it's just her, she was either very unlucky. Or greedy.
Oh, and don't druggle smugs!

Naked man tasered multiple times at Coachella festival

jake says...

I can't wait until cops just start tasering people as soon as they feel like it. It's not like they get punished for it beyond perhaps a slap on the wrist if they're unlucky. The poor dude has suffered enough with the tiny dick let alone being tasered what, 4 times in a row.

Shy mumbling girls really shouldn't make music videos. Srsly

Gabe_b says...

The video for the original video for "Push The Button" if really hawt, bordering on soft porn. This is just so hilariously tragic though. Kind of shit every girl does when they're 14, some are just unlucky enough to have it end up on the net. Or stoopid enough to put it on the net as it appears in this case.

So Battlestar Galactica is Over. Thoughts? (Scifi Talk Post)

Xax says...

No flaming here, just jealousy. I so badly wanted to love the finale, and I know many did, but I was one of the unlucky ones. You got to see it with the cast and crew? That's pretty damn cool.

Take the Political Compass Test (Philosophy Talk Post)

imstellar28 says...

Ambiguous, irrelevant questions, inappropriate implications, arbitrary relegation of historical figures with positions. I don't see how it is possible to "strongly agree" or "strongly disagree" with an ambiguous question so a score of |10|,|10| doesn't even make sense.


"Some people are naturally unlucky." Is this suggesting that luck is a physical property of the universe, or that statistically some people will have very bad luck?

"Charity is better than social security as a means of helping the genuinely disadvantaged." Better in terms of helping a specific group of people, or better in terms of its impact on society as a whole? AKA "Snuffing out a fire with a baby is better than snuffing out a fire with a small rock." The baby is more effective, but it is not a good thing to use, which sense does "better" mean?

"It is a waste of time to try to rehabilitate some criminals." Does this suggest that some people can't be rehabilitated, or that some people shouldn't be rehabilitated?

"A significant advantage of a one-party state is that it avoids all the arguments that delay progress in a democratic political system." Two people necessarily come to agreement slower than one person, in a time critical issue this is an advantage. This question is trying to suggest that the "advantage" is somehow wrong or authoritarian, which is not always true.

Economic Left/Right: 3.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.08

Basically the same as blankfist.

One Crazy First Hand of Poker

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^Duckman33:
He might have put him on two pair as well. I don't know, it's really hard to fold a FH. I don't think he really did anything wrong here other than get very unlucky. However, I'm not quite sure how you presume to know how Farha would play any hand since you are not him. These guys are pros and specialize in being unpredictable. If they played every hand in every situation the exact same way, they wouldn't be winning or placing in many tournaments for long.

Ya, I remember someone saying once the same 5 guys win the main poker tourneys each year...just not in a row

One Crazy First Hand of Poker

Duckman33 says...

He might have put him on two pair as well. I don't know, it's really hard to fold a FH. I don't think he really did anything wrong here other than get very unlucky. However, I'm not quite sure how you presume to know how Farha would play any hand since you are not him. These guys are pros and specialize in being unpredictable. If they played every hand in every situation the exact same way, they wouldn't be winning or placing in many tournaments for long.

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