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Awesome POV on snowboarder doing mad jumps

GeeSussFreeK says...

Is it just me, or is there just something unnatural feeling about this video. There is some uncanny valley of motion that my brain is having a hard time digesting. Perhaps it is just my own brain error, anyone else getting a surreal feeling from this?

Korea fails at being subtle

Mandtis says...

>> ^dannym3141:

I know you'll all just call me gay, but this reached some other kind of uncanny valley with me. This made me feel almost disgusted and put off with the "i just want to fuck you" and her thrusting her pelvis around. It was almost like i was thinking about the amount of people she was announcing that to and the ocean of semen she was swishing around every time she moved her hips. Euch. Total turn off.
Oh, in before "i'll go to her uncanny valley!"

Thanks a lot, I had nothing better to think of than "oceans of semen"...

Korea fails at being subtle

dannym3141 says...

I know you'll all just call me gay, but this reached some other kind of uncanny valley with me. This made me feel almost disgusted and put off with the "i just want to fuck you" and her thrusting her pelvis around. It was almost like i was thinking about the amount of people she was announcing that to and the ocean of semen she was swishing around every time she moved her hips. Euch. Total turn off.

Oh, in before "i'll go to her uncanny valley!"

Robot Sex Partners That Much Closer To Your Nightmares

Real dogs teased with toy dog.

New "Geminoid X" android, are we out of the uncanny valley?

New "Geminoid X" android, are we out of the uncanny valley?

KnivesOut says...

>> ^LarsaruS:

I don't get the uncanny valley thing... there is nothing uncanny about it at all to me... are Westerners really that traumatized by the industrial revolution and the Luddites that all androids seem evil to us, or what?

Educate yourself.

It's got nothing to do with modernization or automation. It's all about making things that look "almost" human, but not human enough.

New "Geminoid X" android, are we out of the uncanny valley?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Upvote for NerfTeeth&trade. (I must go register that domain)

Still in the valley - but I for one- think the land is starting to slant upwards.
>> ^Shepppard:

>> ^Shaka:
I shudder to think about getting head from an sex-droid. What if there's a glitch and it decides to chomp down with its metal jaw? What if it shorts out, ergo causing me to short out?

That's why we design them with nerf teeth.
Nerf solves all of lifes problems.

New "Geminoid X" android, are we out of the uncanny valley?

LarsaruS says...

I don't get the uncanny valley thing... there is nothing uncanny about it at all to me... are Westerners really that traumatized by the industrial revolution and the Luddites that all androids seem evil to us, or what?

New "Geminoid X" android, are we out of the uncanny valley?

kronosposeidon says...

Definitely creepy, but it does seem to be getting closer to reality than previous attempts. I believe the so-called "uncanny valley" (which is not without its own problems) will definitely be crossed some day in my life time. I embrace a future with robo-hookers.

New "Geminoid X" android, are we out of the uncanny valley?

Bionic Penguins

Mass Effect 2 Mineral Mining Rap

The Uncanny Valley also applies to cats!

arvana (Member Profile)

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