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Evolution?--Three Republicans in Debate Don't Believe in It

theo47 says...

Evolution is the basis of much of our understanding of biology, so let's just throw that out and chalk it up to God, too.

If you want to reject science, fine - but no more typing on this computer, using your cell phone, your TV, your car, your toothpaste...all the ways that you benefit from science have to go, too.

How to Open a Jar

Why Soy Is NOT a Health Food

choggie says...

know a lot of folks with this particular tunnel reality, it serves to keep most healthier, but turn them into preachy, pains in the asses of all who know them...
Problem with the FDA warning anyone to shut up, is that the FDA is an entity hell-bound determined to be the cheerleader for the pharmaceutical industry, and chances are good, that when they get pissed at someone, that someone, is seen a threat not to the well-being of folks, but to the omnibeing of the FDA, and the train of disease that follows the Medical establishment.

Flouride, by-product of aluminum smelting, added to toothpaste to prevent cavaties, is highly toxic. Many countries outlawed its introduction into water supplies, wish the fucking U.S. would, but of course, people are more concerned about wobal glorming, and other such things.....

Mercury-almalgum fillings....toxic, no longer used in modern dentistry
Microwaves are harmful, to food, and to humans....shielded you say?
Learn to boil water I say, you lazy, clueless monkeys.

Prescription drugs kill more people than they help, and are abused by more people than those who use them prescribed...
Vaccinations are toxic coctails that are as nefarious as they are helpful, but that wasn't on this list...

Stop poisoning yer body with food, and the doctor becomes a legendary, mythical creature, whose assistance is appreciated when bones break, or blood flows freely, but whose prescence as a saviour, is seen for the ruse that it is....

"clean the inside of the cup and bowl", was a parable used by Big J, to teach folks about the hypocrites, the Holy men of his time, the Pharasies.....

Cool Science Experiment

waka says...

"This experiment shows the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by potassium iodide. The reaction is done in a tall graduated cylinder so that the foamy product shoots out very quickly in a tall cylindrical shape; hence, the name elephant toothpaste." - Link

Richard Dean Anderson sings in a 70s band

Crest Gel Toothpaste Cavity Creeps Commercial

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