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VideoSift v3.1 Unveiled (Sift Talk Post)

Krupo says...

>> jonny:
comment quoting = +1 comment voting = -1

Oooh, new quote feature. I like!

The elmination of "*save" means that I have rename my two playlists:

Everyone, I'd like to re-introduce you to "UnpublishedVideosToPromote" and ... "Published Videos To Promote".

I may consider deleting the latter actually but I'll hold on to it for now.

>> MINK:
>> lucky760: All this is brand new. Like any new changes we add or propose, it is met by most with hatred and disgust, but ends up working out perfectly well. Give it time. you sound exactly like tony blair.

Oooh, it works. Nice!

>> K0MMIE:
this is worse than world of warcraft! Now I have to lvl up to 250 to get my instaban! OMG! Epic!

That's both hilarious and sick.

>> blankfist:
Cool, thanks, Lucky. I wasn't sure if we could promote our videos back into queue-siftence or not, but I'm guessing we cannot. I'm still trying to figure out the new rules.

I think queue will do the trick in that case.

VideoSift v3.1 Unveiled (Sift Talk Post)

MINK says...

>> lucky760:
All this is brand new. Like any new changes we add or propose, it is met by most with hatred and disgust, but ends up working out perfectly well. Give it time.

you sound exactly like tony blair.

New Climate Change Study - Jan 3rd 08

Irishman says...

A child born in a modern western city like New York or London or Berlin will have 1300 times more of a negative impact on the planet than a child born in Zimbabwe.

Surprisingly and quite dramatically a one child per family policy will reduce the population of the planet to one third of its current level within 50 years.

Such a policy is already being considered by the british government in relation to global warming. The chinese policy was imported by Tony Blair but remains off the books for now.

9/11 WTC 7 Collapse: Is it a controlled demolition?

MINK says...

simple physics... how else is it supposed to fall?
nothing's pushing it sideways, and it isn't stiff enough to stay in one piece past a certain angle of leaning, and the impact was not at the bottom. i have no idea why people expect it to fall any way except "straight down".

This is not Jenga.

What i don't understand is how the core disintegrated so completely, but the reason i don't understand that is probably because i am not a structural engineer. However, you can't rule out the possibility of a classified material being used by the government, they do have secret weapons you know, that's a fact.

So you're arguing about inconclusive bullshit, and meanwhile neither George Bush nor Tony Blair is in the Hague on trial for his life, for starting an illegal and catastrophic humanitarian disaster. So, guess what, they win.

Blair converts to catholicism

BarneyCam IV: Your Tax Dollars at Work

qruel says...

that was awesome. glad to know our tax dollars are going towards something useful.

From the White House press briefing:

Dana Perino: Barney Cam, you may have noticed, is now available at The theme of this year's video is "Holiday in the National Parks," and it features the president, Mrs. Bush, the twins and some other very special guests, including Prime Minister Tony Blair -- former Prime Minister Tony Blair -- and country singer Alan Jackson. The entire production team did a fantastic job, and I'm sure everyone will have a lot of fun with it.

Reporter: Who produces that? Is that government expense?

Perino: We do it here at the White House. Remember, the whole reason we started Barney Cam was because there was a lot of interest in 2001 for people to be able to see the decorations of the White House, and that year, if you'll recall, after the September 11th attacks, the tours were closed. And so this was an idea that we came up with. And actually now we've decided to keep going because there's so many Americans who would love to see the White House at Christmas time and can't make it.

The Best Speech so far in the Barack Obama Campaign

The Gloves Come Off At The Democrat Debate 10/30/07

MINK says...

Watch out America, that Obama guy sounds EXACTLY like Tony Blair. EXACTLY.
And Hillary OMFG, she doesn't even understand what a terrorist is, and "vigorous diplomacy" presumably includes starving a population to death with sanctions.

Biden seemed like the only human being up there.

Live Forever Trailer. Cool Britannia. When Britain was Cool.

MINK says...

Sleeeepeeeerrrr??????? daymn. I liked their album but I knew it was crap.

Blur were very very very good. Pulp were good. Oasis were good until they got famous. Other good bands to check out that normally fall below the history radar... the Bluetones, Gene, and of course elastica, the best band ever. Radiohead are in a totally different league and are not up for discussion.

Basically, Tony Blair fucked it all up by trying to play guitar and look cool... seriously, it was that damn Tony Blair guy, what an arsehole.

upvote for noel gallagher being much more intelligent than all his fans put together.

basically, the nineties was a failed sixties revival, the last gasp of humanity before 9/11. As my dad told me: "Seen it all before, son"

My uncle was in art college in the sixties, more than once the students locked the lecturers out of the college and had an orgy for a few days. I was at art college in the nineties, we sometimes didn't bother wearing our ID badges. That was it.

Crosswalk Madness

MINK says...

re: city drivers...

one day i was in london, the day tony blair was pretending to have a vote on going to war... with a friend we started crossing the road back and forth very slowly. a few people joined in. then one guy sat down. then we all sat down. then other people sat down. then the road was blocked. right in front of the houses of parliament.


people > cars

President Bush compares Iraq War to Vietnam

BillOreilly says...

"oh, and bill, iraq was secular, had running water, electricity, and a middle class. four steps back is not one step forward."

Word, Iraq was a great place to live. The Iran-Iraq War, Persian Gulf War, chemical weapons, torture and killings of civilians, executions for "treason", I'm sure the middle class was really something to behold... Don't you kids ever study history? Ever? Do they not teach it in schools these days? Or is it just the Videosift anti-Bush kids that conveniently forget everything pre-George W?

"Tony Blair was not as bad as Saddam"

Really? Are you sure?

President Bush compares Iraq War to Vietnam

MINK says...

one thing to say: War Crimes Tribunal. These guys have been covering their asses all along.

Anyone got a link to a speech where rumsfeld et al say "this is not like vietnam" ?

oh, and bill, iraq was secular, had running water, electricity, and a middle class. four steps back is not one step forward. by your logic, it would be ok for me to kill tony blair, because violent crime and corrupt officials existed in the UK under his regime, and he never had the support of more than 50% of the country.

Tony Blair was not as bad as Saddam, but does that mean we are only allowed to criticise one of them rather than both?

Good lord the Japanese are simply mad - video - NSFW (Sift Talk Post)

Deano says...

They are probably discussing Gordon Brown's first cabinet line-up and how Tony Blair will do in the middle east - but I don't think the guy on the right is taking it all that seriously

Panorama: 'White Fright - Britain's Growing Ethnic Division'

gwaan says...

I have a number of point to make about this documentary:

(1) While I accept that there is a growing ethnic divide in some Northern towns like Blackburn, I think that the problem is far smaller in the South - particularly in London where I live.

(2) The problem of ethnic divide has only been increased by foreign policy decisions of Tony Blair and the Labour government - unobjective support of George Bush's neocon foreign policy in the Middle East and wider Islamic world; the illegal invasion of Iraq; unobjective support of Israeli aggression against Palestine and Lebanon; etc. Furthermore, a great deal of repressive domestic 'terror' legislation has eroded many of our cherished civil liberties.

(3) However, the problem has also been exasperated by 7/7 terror attacks in London and the fact that the Muslim leadership in this country (and abroad) often seem unwilling/unable to address problems in the Muslim communities. For example, they often defend any Muslim who is being criticised - regardless of how deserved the criticism is. Furthermore, they often use genuine criticisms of British foreign/domestic policy as a smokescreen for deflecting criticism away from their own shortcomings.

(4) I think that the title of this documentary is unfortunate as it implies that blame lies only with the Asian Muslim community.

Maher Panel discusses the War on Terror

colinr says...

This "if we knew then what we know now" argument about why the Democrats voted for the war doesn't wash with me. The same thing happened in Britain, where Tony Blair was facing defeat in his own Labour party and the only way he managed to win the vote on going to war was by getting support from the Conservative opposition (which adds weight to my suspicions that Blair turned his party into a facsimile of the Conservatives in order to come to power in the first place!). This, I think, is the policitian's way of 'getting round' the democratic process, by making deals with other parties in order to do the things that they wouldn't be able to do because they don't get enough support on their own!

So not only does this "we were stupid to believe them then" argument not wash it seems to cover up for dirty behind the scenes deals. If even someone like me knew that the war was stupid and illegal at the time and the policitians didn't then that makes the policitians either incredibly stupid or desperately trying to extricate themselves from the mess which they voted for at the time - with both their vote at the time and their plea of ignorance now being based purely on self-interest.

In that way the Republicans (and Labour in Britain) were 'smart' in that they tarred everyone in the politics with their deceits. Now they have the perfect alibi as they somehow managed to 'dupe' all the most 'important' people in power to go with them, so now all the vested interests of these outside parties might prevent Bush and his cabal getting the jail terms they so richly deserve, just in case their part in the sequence of events is also exposed and they end up going down with them! The Republicans have certainly proved themselves to be brilliantly devious because even losing the war can be twisted into being the fault of whoever pulls the troops out - because the Americans would have 'won' if they had just stuck to Bush's plan! I think that was the plan all the time - to tar the opposition with the 'loss' of an unwinnable war while Bush got his wish of killing Saddam.

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