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Modest Mouse The World At Large (Live)

lurgee says...

yo @makeReBone! not a fan of sweets. i prefer halite. tis a good tune no doubt. me thinks this is the best single from this album.

BoneRemake said:

Horrible tags. That is showcased in what siftbot said.. on the fixes..comparison and such. I'd like to smack you in the face and buy you breakfast.


@lurgee needs to eat more marshmallows and search FLOAT ON

probie (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

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Fox News Guest Accidentally Describes Fox News

Key & Peele: I'm Retired

Conan Visits the Guinness Brewery in Dublin

EvilDeathBee says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^bareboards2:
Put a shot of blackberry cordial in the glass before pulling the pint.... 'tis grand, I'll tell ye that fer nuttin'.

HERESY!! You don't mess with Guinness. It is sacred.
I'm about to go all shinyblurry on everyone.
Whoever that unfunny ginger bloke is should learn some respect. It is a privilege to learn how Guinness is made. Much like Bruce Lee and Kung Fu, learning to pour a pint correctly is something that we only just recently started teaching foreigners. Woe betide the heathen who drinks before the pint has settled, and may god/allah/buddah/hitchens have mercy on your soul should you attempt to refill a pint .
Arthur J be praised.
Guinness: serious business.
I have to admit I was genuinely appalled when he did that.

Now that's pretentiousness!

Conan Visits the Guinness Brewery in Dublin

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^bareboards2:

Put a shot of blackberry cordial in the glass before pulling the pint.... 'tis grand, I'll tell ye that fer nuttin'.

HERESY!! You don't mess with Guinness. It is sacred.

I'm about to go all shinyblurry on everyone.

Whoever that unfunny ginger bloke is should learn some respect. It is a privilege to learn how Guinness is made. Much like Bruce Lee and Kung Fu, learning to pour a pint correctly is something that we only just recently started teaching foreigners. Woe betide the heathen who drinks before the pint has settled, and may god/allah/buddah/hitchens have mercy on your soul should you attempt to refill a pint*.

Arthur J be praised.

Guinness: serious business.

* I have to admit I was genuinely appalled when he did that.

Conan Visits the Guinness Brewery in Dublin

Controversial PSA from Chile: Boobs Throughout Everyday Life

Cr1TiKaL/penguinz0's Video Gameplays & Commentaries Playlist (Wtf Talk Post)

ant says...

>> ^hpqp:

>> ^ant:
>> ^hpqp:
Aw man, that was pretty hilarious. You should post the Peta turkey one, I would totally upvote that sheet.

I haven't seen that one. I only watched the games I know and played like Oregon Trail! Why don't YOU submit it and I will vote it up? I have too many to submit.

Thanks, 'tis done!

Cool! Hopefully, it will be a good one for everyone. I will watch it later since I am watching OTHER videos at the moment.

Cr1TiKaL/penguinz0's Video Gameplays & Commentaries Playlist (Wtf Talk Post)

Crab Amputates Own Limb After Battle With Birds

Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death

Colbert on Meet the Press

Eurogamer - Cosplay Music Video

President Bill Clinton on the First Presidential Debate

quantumushroom says...

"Mitt never let our national security get so lax the red chinese swooped in and stole our missile guidance tech." Nixon (R - crook) opened China.

Isn't that what liberals want--"dialogue" with our enemies? Nixon also created the EPA. Pobody's nerfect. The 'crook' who had no knowledge of Watergate and never ordered it, but still stepped down, unlike Slick Willie the convicted felon. Nixon is a statesman by comparison to both Bubba AND Obozo.

"Mitt didn't built bureaucratic walls between law enforcement agencies to hide his own crimes." Bush II (R - derp) built the Homeland Security Department which helped the CIA cover up crimes of torture.

You mean the guy with higher test scores than Kerry? By international law tis only a crime to torture recognized enemy soldiers of an actual nation, not IED-laying sh1tbag terrorists. If it saves American lives, I'm for torturing every last one of them.

"Mitt didn't tell subordinate women, 'Suck this or lose your job'" Clarence Thomas (R- Koch Ind.) did.

Hearsay and bullshit, rebuked testimony, no charges filed. Nice try, though! Nothing brings out the racist in a liberal like a Black conservative, who by the way, is an intellectual giant compared to Obozo's recent affirmative action twins. Oh, and Thomas was never accused of rape like bubba.

I know pointing out facts won't deter qm, it's just fun to show him up as an ill informed redneck.

Facts? Where? Oh, was that your version of facts? You've failed in your mission. Utterly. I expected less--much less--from a liberal. And you delivered. Let me know when you want another keyboard beating.

>> ^Boise_Lib:

>> ^quantumushroom:
Mitt never let our national security get so lax the red chinese swooped in and stole our missile guidance tech. Mitt didn't built bureaucratic walls between law enforcement agencies to hide his own crimes. Mitt didn't lie under oath, which for you and me would mean serious prison time. Mitt never cheated on his wife. Mitt was never disbarred and disgraced. Mitt didn't tell subordinate women, "Suck this or lose your job", and if Mitt did any of these things, he sure wouldn't have in-the-tank, subservient media shills covering his ass like they did this clown.

"Mitt never let our national security get so lax the red chinese swooped in and stole our missile guidance tech." Nixon (R - crook) opened China.

"Mitt didn't built bureaucratic walls between law enforcement agencies to hide his own crimes." Bush II (R - derp) built the Homeland Security Department which helped the CIA cover up crimes of torture.
"Mitt didn't tell subordinate women, 'Suck this or lose your job'" Clarence Thomas (R- Koch Ind.) did.
I know pointing out facts won't deter qm, it's just fun to show him up as an ill informed redneck.

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Beggar's Canyon