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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The economic numbers are so amazing that the world bank recently said the American booming economy is almost single handedly stabilizing the entire world economy.

Your dream of a failing economy like your convicted felon and rapist candidate and disgraced ex president has failed, the economy has never been better. The market continues to hit record highs, unemployment remains at record lows, inflation is at zero for months, wages are still rising fast. You can’t lie fast or convincing enough to contradict the reality that the Biden economy is the envy of the world.

BTW- the deficit under Biden has been half what it was under the felon…$4.3 T vs $9 T…with $2.2 T being infrastructure investments in America. $2 T in deficit reduction under Biden vs $440 billion.

Many Americans have not yet recovered from 2020 when your guy drove us off a cliff, crashed the market, destroyed jobs, completely erased the economy to a negative gdp, ignored long term supply chain failures, and oversaw the biggest jump in crime rates in my lifetime, etc.

Suck it!

Surprising, but fun! Your team lost in the Supreme Court…red states cannot sue the federal government when the fed asks social media companies to police dangerous lies. Red state governors had sued the Biden administration because Twitter downgraded their disinformation campaigns, fighting all the way to the top to protect their right to lie to you without contradiction, correction, or comeuppance. They lost. Not good news for your guys campaigns that rely on misinformation to mislead voters into voting for them.

Suck it again. 😂

Sadly the maga court just legalized bribery so long as the payment comes AFTER the corrupt act. No surprise, two of the six were guilty of bribery under the near 40 year old anti corruption law they struck down. America can suck it again, says maga.
The same corrupt court accidentally released their decision about emergency abortions in Idaho. Alito again? The corruption and incompetence increase daily.

bobknight33 said:

If The economic numbers are all amazing, then why are so many Americans BROKE?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Reminder, Don’s beloved grandfather was arrested for being a KKK leader who attacked police in NY trying to start a race war.
Don and his father willingly paid millions in the 80s for refusing to rent to black families, paid the fine but continued to redline at their properties.
Don then pretended he didn’t know what the KKK was or who David Duke is and happily accepted their endorsement, and has NEVER said he doesn’t want racists in his party or it’s leadership, indeed he promotes based on intolerance.

The democrats do not tolerate racism in their ranks.

To your ilk, nothing at all is racist except pointing out blatant racism….then that’s racist.

bobknight33 said:

Lets see White guy hires 10 black guys and that is racist?

Democrats are the racist because everything to them are racist.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh-oh….Gaetz witnesses confirm multiple instances of Gaetz paying women for sex and to attend drug fueled sex parties….minors….they brought receipts of the Venmo payments. Remember Cawthorn, your own representative who said his fellow officials were inviting him to sex and drug orgies…these are those parties.

He tried to explain the payments as “generosity towards ex girlfriends” but she was STILL UNDER AGE THEN…so how long before making the payment to a 17 year old for sex (and he also paid for her to cross state lines for sex, so that’s felony sex trafficking like his best friend was convicted of in the same case) was he having sex with her as his girlfriend? Since she was 12? WTF!?!

This the day after the Rapist Felon’s spiritual advisor quit after admitting a long term sexual abuse of a 12 year old.

Typical MAGA. Public pedophilia and long time best friends and “partners in crime” with convicted pedophile rapists and simply denials are enough for your ilk….as long as he kisses the Rapist Felon’s cock properly.
Speaking of which, did you get your $1000 desecrated flag pin? Supplies are limited (limited to exactly the number of suckers with $1k willing to desecrate an American flag to prove their hatriotism).

Wow. Those who short sold Trump Social made a mint.

WOW! The RNC is now on record saying McCarthy was right and we should return to full blown fascist McCarthyism.

The hits just don’t stop coming, Lansing police arrested Michigan MAGA Representative Neil Friske (R-107th Dist.) for the sexual assault of an exotic dancer then chasing her down the street shooting at her when she fled. More MAGA family values.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 Jr is telling you idiots that his Daddy (he thinks it’s his daddy anyway) isn’t on the “Epstein list”. 😂

I bet you take his word for it.
Truth is no one else is featured as often or as prominently as Doe 174, (DJT). A minimum of 7 trips on the Lolita express to kiddie rape island (and recall he had multiple planes himself, and absolutely took them to kiddie rape island repeatedly as well, and flew with Epstein on the Trump plane often as well, proven with flight logs), he’s accused by multiple Epstein victims of rape, and they were all under legal age, some under puberty age…all told “you look like my daughter”.
Epstein rode on Donald’s plane too, with Donald and girls as young as 15.
Trump was on the SS Lolita too, the party barge full of 14 year old girls and 60+ year old millionaires.
Multiple Epstein victims were referred to him by Donald, told Epstein would give them a better job than they had at Mar a Lago.
Recall, he still wishes Maxwell well, after her conviction for facilitating the sexual abuse of young girls. She must have serious dirt on him.
Donald is on audio recording talking about forcing his way into the dressing room of 15 (and younger) girls to leer at them nude.
Donald is on video lusting after his daughter a few hundred times, talking about wanting to have sex with her, etc.

Thanks for the reminder Jr. “Not on the Epstein list”….MOTHER FUCKER HE IS THE EPSTEIN LIST! 😂

The fake “black church” event was hilarious….not a single black parishioner in the crowd because he RENTED a black church and (criminal) pastor, he wasn't welcomed by the church goers, he had a crowd of 300+- elderly white people wearing “blacks for Trump” shirts….they’re already claiming there were 8000 people in that max occupancy of 350 church (it wasn’t even full). There was literally only one single local black person there, and 5-6 they paid to come from elsewhere. The service was a worship of the felon, not God, not Jesus, but the one you put above them both, Don. Convicted felon Trump’s outreach to the black community doesn’t include the black community…he left that photo op to go to a rally by Charlie Kirk, a massive blatant racist, where on stage they flew flags saying “WHITE BOY SUMMER” and other racist, slogans.
The black community is insulted by the idea that such a sad little show will make them forget how he treated them for 4 years.

Meanwhile President Biden went to the black church that was attacked by a white supremacist in 2015 and prayed with its actual congregation.

BTW- Records prove that in 1927 Fred Trump Sr (The convict’s grandfather) was arrested for being a KKK member who was part of a racist KKK riot of 1000 racists that attacked police in Queens in an attempted race riot.
His son and grandson paid millions for racist redlining.
He refused to denounce the KKK or David Duke…he actually pretended he didn’t know who David Duke or the KKK was (hint- remember the meetings you went to with grandpa where everyone dressed as ghosts and talked about the inhuman animals and what must be done about them? Duke is their leader.)….Mr. ”I see nothing…I KNOW NOTHING!”

Literally everything you morons do is a fraud.


BTW- Crime stats are out. Dark Brandon is better at fighting crime than the entire Justice League put together. 25% drop.
Economic numbers are insanely good, best in the world, constant record high stock markets, low unemployment, high wage gains, dropping inflation…as long as you don’t have antixwoke stocks the market is BOOMING! Sorry DJT stockholders.. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh…the disgraced Ex president is behind in even far right polls now, and sliding. He’s outside the margin of error, unlike the polls against Clinton.

After all the whining and moaning about not being allowed to campaign, it seems someone forgot he can campaign now.

The calls for him to drop out of the debate (because everyone can see he’s going to end his candidacy if he debates Biden live) are becoming a scream. He’s coming up with multiple excuses, none of which are legitimate. Hate to tell you, but backing out of the debate will also end his candidacy because he can’t gain more voters by being too afraid to stand up to an 81 year old man he claims is in full blown dementia.

Turns out John Doe 174 is disgraced felon and pedophile rapist Donald John Trump.

Is the RNC going to replace him in July? They will if they want a chance next election, but since the cult took over the party that’s not their priority, cowtowing to your master is.

Uh-oh…Disgraced felon Trump admitted he still has a gun in Florida…ANOTHER FELONY because he was required to hand them over when he was indicted for felonies last year, something he knew quite well and he turned in other guns last year, and more so after being convicted. This is far worse than the minor infraction Biden was convicted of, and is another clear violation of his conditions of release. Any normal defendant would be in jail over this until sentencing, then remanded without release. Apparently this has been referred to the Florida police who have already reported that he did not turn in any firearms in Florida…so he’s in DEEP SHIT!

Uh-oh… Republican Nevada Senate candidate and former Trump ambassador Jeff Gunter just accused Donald Trump of taking cash bribes in return for his endorsements, and says he has proof to back him up.

PS- Baltimore harbor reopened after under 3 months. The last administration would still be playing the blame game at this point with zero action.
Also April - May inflation was zero %. ZERO! LETS GO BRANDON!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Corrupt maga judge Alito perjured himself to congress when he swore the insurrection flag he flew at home in January 2021 was in response to an argument with a neighbor (but the neighbor proved with her police report of the argument that the argument was a month AFTER photographs prove they started flying the insurrection supporting flag, proving with documentation he lied).
On top of that, he took $4 million in bribes…”gifts”… from people with cases before him that he did not refuse from….just like the insurrection case where he has a blatant conflict of interest in.
Maga has invalidated the Supreme Court with corruption to its core, and in next term they will be removed for their corrupt and criminal acts and replaced. The 3 progressive justices have nothing close to that corruption or refusal to adhere to the law and precedent in their record, non have taken millions in gifts from billionaires with cases before them, none failed to report millions in gifts for decades, none have unaccounted for millions in assets gained after being sworn in. All conservative “justices” do, every single one.

Bonus- there’s essentially a warrant out for “special enforcement” of convicted felon Trump in the UK for failing to pay a $300k judgement against him by Christopher Steele! Not to worry, his convictions mean he can never go there again.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Comer busted in huge illegal marijuana deal with China, illicitly using his position as Kentucky’s agriculture commissioner to fast track the import of what he claimed was hemp but in fact was potent thc producing marijuana that failed multiple tests before disappearing instead of being destroyed.
Thousands of emails released under foia prove the intent to hide the deal, the fraud in the importation, the failed testing, the missing thousands of plants, the emails indicating the plants/their descendants are currently still in use and emailed instructions directly from Comer to the grower to never allow their testing.
Shocker! More maga crimes in collusion with our enemies (China) to subvert the laws of America and the stance of their own party (anti drug) for personal gain…because hypocrisy is the main trait of maga.

And be clear….he never met her, doesn’t know her, but he paid her $130k to keep quiet about something that never happened, and went to such great lengths to hide it that he paid her in a way that cost him over twice the payment amount and put him in jeopardy of multiple felony charges…because he’s such a great and strong businessman that cares about law and order and stands strong against all baseless accusations.….right?
PS- Trump gave a phone interview I think yesterday… he might want to stop defaming Carroll on tv. She’s already got a third case in the works, he’s just giving her ammunition for her third, this time at least a $500000000 defamation case, maybe a billion since $100 million wasn’t enough. He might also think about stopping the gag order violations at least until sentencing. He’s continuing to attack the judges daughter, staff, and the jury despite still being under the gag order specifically barring him from talking about any of them, an order he already violated 10 times. It’s possible he has forced the judge to impose prison time for contempt and consider it for the sentence. How stupid is he?

PPS- Alito’s lie about flying the pro-insurrection flag right after Jan 6 has been proven a lie because the neighbor he had a dispute with made a police record of it, and that dispute was a full month after he flew the pro-insurrection flag in January 2021. The maga Supreme Court is not just corrupt, it’s invalid.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

In case there was any question about Trump idolizing and emulating Hitler and Nazis, his campaign put out a video saying if he wins the election America will be a “Unified Reich”.

No, I’m not providing you sources. If you can’t find it, you didn’t look. Every reputable news outlet has reported it.

In Time, he said he would deploy the military at the border to police migrants and across the country to police citizens, he would encourage states to monitor for pregnancies and keep close tabs on pregnant women (nationally if he can pass a national ban), fire any U.S. attorney that wouldn’t follow his directions to prosecute someone, evidence or not, and he would pardon the Jan 6 seditionists including those who viciously attacked and maimed police and those who plead guilty to sedition.
Sounds like a reich, only unified at gunpoint.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ahhhhahahah! Awww…”dickhead”?! Isn’t that one of Trump’s nicknames…Tiny hands Don…lil no shaft…dickhead….mushroom tip? Are your feelings hurt?

Cohen is the key…Who told you that?
They lied.

There are volumes of proof, from emails to texts to checks signed by the big man to recordings of him discussing the payoffs, how to hide them, try to delay and maybe not pay after the election because it won’t matter then, etc. Cohen only explained and corroborated that evidence.

The evidence is the key between Stormy and Trump, and far more importantly between Trump and the scheme to hide her payoff as legal fees to protect his election chances, which is the crime here, not the cheating to the second power…on his mistress and his wife.

Just like the phone call you said he lied about that tanked the case but is now corroborated with video and photographic evidence and stipulated to by Trump’s team, he didn’t lie, he told the truth that he “stole” from Trump (or set his own fee for hiring and secretly paying the company in cash to falsify polls, depending on your viewpoint) by telling Trump to REIMBURSE him for $50k to redfinch but he only paid them $20k in cash to hide the payment…again (shockingly he wanted to be paid for making that clandestine transaction). Trumps entire defense is he didn’t have a NDA (something he’s admitted to having publicly) and he didn’t REIMBURSE Cohen he paid him for legal fees, but this was definitely reimbursed in that payment, stipulated by both sides now. There’s physical evidence proving the rest was reimbursement too, handwritten notes, texts, emails, ledgers, and recordings, and common sense, you know Trump knew what half a million was paying for, he OKed the repayment. You fool. You keep buying these immaterial minutiae that you are told will save him by people who know you don’t understand how court works. If only it registered when, one by one, they become ethereal vapors. But. It. Never. Does. And. I. Believe. It. Never. Will.

There are recordings, texts, emails, and checks tying Trump directly to the hush money payment. Whoever is telling you this nonsense is lying, and you just won’t understand how he gets convicted because you’ve been told there’s no evidence and you haven’t bothered to look.

Yes. I don’t just think it, I know it. He is, was, and he will be guilty. Trump is undeniably guilty of business frauds a hundred times over, and tax frauds by the dozen, and this particular business fraud to hide election interference too. Yes. Definitely, no doubt, he has admitted it all publicly. I don’t know if he will be found guilty. I am fairly certain he won’t be acquitted….he might get a hung jury if even one maggot lied to get on and save him. Reportedly many tried.

I can’t serve on a jury, I’m honest that I’m prejudiced against police who are professional liars in every aspect of their job, who fought all the way to the Supreme Court to secure their right to lie to citizens about anything, and I don’t trust professional liars.
It’s dishonest asshats like yourself we need to keep off the jury. Would you have lied to get on? Can you admit you wouldn’t convict him no matter the evidence? I know it’s true, do you?
I would admit his extensive history of civil fraud convictions and constant lying would make me more likely to convict and unlikely to believe him, which would get me excused. I’m not a liar, even when it would benefit me. You cannot say the same, indeed once when Trump was caught lying about this very incident under oath you once said only a moron would tell the truth under oath if saying it would hurt them, and rather than remain silent lying under oath to protect yourself was perfectly acceptable….for Trump.

It will be appealed, but like every other appeal he’s lost, just like every popular vote, just like every challenge to the 2020 election, just like the coup, just like his rape defamation suit, just like his many business fraud lawsuits… he will lose. His track record in court is worse than his track record in business where he went bankrupt over a half dozen times including with a casino! Worse, he can’t afford competent lawyers and appeals cost a shit ton, and even if he “finds” the money (like under a Saudi check book) no capable attorney will take him as a client, most never get paid, many lose their licenses, all end up looking foolish for thinking THEY can be the one to change him.

bobknight33 said:

Dickhead, pay attention,
Cohen is the key between Stormy and Trump.

But Cohen had no proof.
He lied again and again under this trial
He stole $ from Trump.

There is no connection between Trump "hush" $ and Stormy.
Totally fabricated after FBI nailed Cohen.

This is so clear even teh fake news is forced to admit this.

Yet , you dumb-ass dickhead still have you head up you ass.

You still think Trump will be guilty?

Its possible when you dumb dicks like you on the jury.

If so it will be appealed and overturned.

newtboy (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Police Hold Woman In Fire Ant Bed On Purpose, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 465 Badge!

newtboy (Member Profile)

Portland man drive through Grand Floral Parade

newtboy says...

He ran from police and made it home.
He was soon arrested and charged with 38 charges including reckless endangerment and attempted assault.
He’s a repeatedly convicted child molester, rape and sodomy, who had a suspended license and no insurance, so it’s incredibly lucky he didn’t hit anyone because they would be paying their own hospital bills.
There’s no follow-up I can find so I assume he’s awaiting trial still in jail, but maybe he’s out on bail.

ant said:

What happened after this?!

Hundreds Flock To Watch Man Eat Cheeseballs In Union Square

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Wow. So little support showed up today after Don called for massive protests that he claimed the police had closed the streets around the courthouse, but they had not, the street was open, there was ONE pro trump protester there. That’s it, all that showed up to support the disgraced ex president…no fans, no supporters, no family. Even Jeffry Dahmer’s parents showed up for him in court! No one is there for poor little DJ that he isn’t paying to be there.
Bonus- After their disastrous performance at the contempt hearing where their arguments were laughable (like claiming that if Trump adds “maga” to any post it becomes a political statement and that magically invalidates the gag order, or that retweeting statements doesn’t violate the gag order even when he edits them, the judge has said he, Trump’s only real attorney, has lost all credibility in this court…Trump already had none, now his lawyers won’t be believed and the judge will instruct the jury to that effect. The keystone cops of lawyers! You get what you deserve sometimes. 😂

Today’s testimony….


“[Pecker] Outlines Trump election conspiracy and reveals Trump’s constant cheating on wife Melania in damning testimony” Hilariously describing the then long time married Trump as “well known as the most eligible bachelor”.
Walt Nada has said under oath that he was promised a pardon when Trump wins if he lied to the FBI. 😂
Interviews from person 16 with corroborating evidence show Trump and his family were warned repeatedly that stealing documents from the whitehouse was a crime and they needed to return every page. They also reported under oath that there was never a standing “declassification order”, and could not be because it would be highly illegal. (Handling whitehouse records and preserving them was part of their job). Just more evidence that the treason wasn’t an accident, he stole those highly sensitive classified documents intentionally knowing full well it was criminal when he did it, and criminal to retain them. We still have no idea who he may have shown them to, but we know at the least that both Chinese and Russian agents have been free to roam Mar a Lago while they were there unguarded. You can’t say the same about the personal notes Biden accidentally retained and returned when they were discovered.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Projection will get you nowhere….loser. Your denial of a fact is a form of verification.

Again, every word I wrote is a verified fact, you can’t dispute a single fact so you just say “nuh-uh” like an idiot toddler told its bedtime.

Trump lost another delay, 3 in 3 days…Trump complains that his properties are worth 100 times what he pays taxes on…Trump’s CEO is BACK in prison for lying under oath for Trump, again…catch and killing news stories is exactly what he claims happened with Hunter’s (Russian fake) laptop and is what he did himself repeatedly and admittedly at this point…Trump is a well known speed addict and has been for decades, he takes it in pill form, this explains the constant 3am insane tweets….Trump’s whitehouse handed out more scheduled narcotics than every whitehouse in history combined…Trump’s fake bond has been rejected and if he can’t come up with another by Monday properties start going away.

Every word a fact.

Exactly what do you dispute?
Be specific. (Again, like the toddler you are, I understand you are incapable of making a cogent argument and will not respond, because I know you don’t have anything to say besides whining.)

Considering the plethora of baseless fact free insanity you have spewed from your fecant maw, having you say I don’t know shit is a compliment…you, sir, do know shit, and only shit…you know it so well you have completely replaced your brains with it.

And once again, I’m not Christ…if I was you would be in deep trouble.

Since you deny every fact I point out, here’s a few for you to look up….Google Kentucky Republican candidate Brian Ormes for yourself….more MAGA family values on display…notice the party has not asked him to drop out and stands with him saying he needs due process before they decide what happened despite the fact that his violent attack on a child and strangling the poor terrified kid in public leaving lasting marks on his neck was not only caught on security camera he also admitted it to police.

Then google Tennessee State Representative Gino Bulso who wants to make it legal to marry your first cousin.

Then google Jonathan Stone, Trump New Hampshire campaign head, child rapist, and disgraced cop who threatened to murder his workmates and rape the chief’s wife in front of him before murdering them both when he was reprimanded for having a 16 year old high school “girlfriend”.

Fun…Trump Media is being sued by its former CEO who claims his files were hacked and stolen by the new CEO in an illicit effort to oust the original CEO…all while the stock remains in freefall. At this rate by the time Trump can sell his stock it will be worth a negative amount. Already lost over half! A Typical Trump investment opportunity.

At the same time, Trump’s legal team is subpoenaing the wrong people, never thinking there might be two Mr Rosenberg in New York…and didn’t know for months because they’re so incompetent they put a disconnected phone number on the form so Mr Rosenberg couldn’t even tell them they got the wrong person, so he just wrote the court that he has no documents for them….they didn’t understand and complained he was stonewalling. The trial starts Monday, they haven’t subpoenaed their witnesses yet!

Sorry I’m spewing coherent facts, I know how that upsets you, but maybe one day you’ll join us in reality where a racist misogynistic delusional rapist and lifelong hypocritical fraud with dementia isn’t America’s best.

bobknight33 said:

Just quit posting your stupid slanted facts.

Christ you dont know shit
You just spew in coherent slanted 1/2 truths

Grow up and learn reality

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