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Something to think about when you post your youtube videos

dotdude says...

Not that this has anything to do with how you vote on this video, but this YouTuber was put through a Siftquisition because of self-linking on the Sift:

Also, he mentioned VideoSift in this video of his, beginning at 6:48.

And another blurb at 3:17 on this video:

David Sedaris Delivers A Pizza

WARNING: You can never unsee what you are about to see.

uhohzombies says...

I really never thought I'd see Willow Ufgood dance with Sloth from the Goonies in a gimp mask. It's so so so so bad, but I can't look away. I'm scared.

Will Wright Demo's his new Evolution Game: Spore

Doc_M says...

The game looks awesome.
To answer qruel, no your play will not effect other players. The only thing their system sees of you is an A.I. controlled duplicate of your civilization. They also gimp it so the other player has a chance to beat your civ in their game. So when they go flying off into their galaxy or whatever, they will encounter a copy of your civilization played by their computer. Neat anyway.

Pro-Surge Propaganda Denies Reality on the Ground

AnimalsForCrackers says...

"..except that they DID find biological weapons in Iraq."

Hilarious how you misconstrue a report which confirms exactly the opposite of a credible threat. Also, very clever of you to not refer to them as WMDs, because that's exactly correct, they're not! If such a gimped arsenal represents so huge a threat then why aren't we out there invading far more militarily endowed + willfully naughty countries (world police we are)? What we found are old stockpiles of leftover components from the 80s and early 90s, which were found after the fact that we invaded with little to no evidence, popular consensus or not; surely a big enough "threat" to invade/disrupt a whole country & region (including our own) for, right? Stop blindly towing the official party line.

The first commercial channel tournament: CSS coding (Sift Talk Post)

looris says...

looks great, except the overall background which should be darkened, but I can bear with small changes.

the logo I belive I can edit if you give me either the XCF (if using gimp) or a transparent PNG (I only have gimp, so no photoshop formats).

since I like it, I'd say it's fair to wait 12h to wait if someone pops up saying "but I was making one too!" and then we can fine tune and name you winner if this doesn't happen


iMario - Love is Over

Why Our Kids have A.D.D

Change a person into the opposite sex using Gimp | Photoshop

echoFoo (Member Profile)

Change a person into the opposite sex using Gimp | Photoshop

What about racist comments? (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

So, a dago, a Lithwhack, a kangy and gimp from Ohio are sitting in a bar.....and a fly lands on the rim of the whop's glass...."Grazie per la pulitura dell'orlo per me, ora....SHOO!

The fly jumps over to the A.I.'s glass...."You know that flys carry germs??? "Bartender!! What kind of insect-infested joint are you running here!!" Can you believe that!!" I'm never coming here again!!!" He gets up and leaves...

The fly then lites on the Litvok's glass, he takes a drink, finds the fly with his tongue, and spits it to his right, hitting the bushranger, in the side of the cheek....

He turns to the Esto and says, "Oi mate, if Ida wanted a raisin, Ida had my grain in a bowl, at breakfast...

Did I miss anyone????

Change a person into the opposite sex using Gimp | Photoshop

Change a person into the opposite sex using Gimp | Photoshop

echoFoo says...


That's a 9 page article asking 3 groups of 55 people to chose different rectangles that appeared in some magazine!! What does THAT have to do with beauty? The golden ratio has also been applied to music. Heck even Zelda Music uses the golden ratio.

Da Vinci was the first to identify that the proportions of the human body have the golden ratio occurring over and over again. I'm sorry but this picture:

is a little more famous than your articles about people's preferences selecting rectangles.

> Basically almost everyone on this earth who looks 'normal' will fit within that graphed mask.
no. Symmetry between the right and left side of the face is a big part of beauty. The more healthy people look, also the more beautiful. I can give you a source if you want but seems like common sense.

>Besides, it's no rocket science that you'd find a man with 2 feet of jaws and a cranium the size of Jupiter not fit for 'pretty ratio'. Duh.

??? Yeah the more disproportionate the more people are generally considered ugly. Similarly the more in perfect proportion the more good looking. I don't see why you say duh, because that's just supporting the golden ratio, which you call BS and compare to nazism in the first comment... how upsetting too. This vid shows people how to have fun with gimp, learn a little more about the structural differences between a male and a female (the main point), and on the side teaches people about how the golden ratio corresponds to the face. I hope people don't look to your comment as a review for the video -_-.

Change a person into the opposite sex using Gimp | Photoshop

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