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Person Rejected Job at McDonalds

Person Rejected Job at McDonalds

Person Rejected Job at McDonalds

Team Fortress 2 - Mass Bots

Opera you didn't know you knew (lucia sextet)

Deano says...

According to Wikipedia,, it's been used in;

The "Lucia Sextet" (Chi mi frena in tal momento?) was recorded in 1908 by Enrico Caruso, Marcella Sembrich, Antonio Scotti, Marcel Journet, Barbara Severina, and Francesco Daddi, (Victor single-sided 70036) and released at the price of $7.00, earning it the title of "The Seven-Dollar Sextet". The film The Great Caruso incorporates a scene featuring a performance of this sextet.

The "Lucia Sextet" melody is best known to some from its use by the American slapstick comedy team the Three Stooges in their short films Micro-Phonies and Squareheads of the Round Table, sung in the latter with the lyrics "Oh, Elaine, can you come out tonight...." But the melody is used most dramatically in Howard Hawks' gangster classic "Scarface": Tony Camonte (Paul Muni) whistles "Chi mi frena?" in the film's opening sequence, as he guns down a ganglord boss he has been assigned to protect.

It has also been used in Warner Brothers cartoons: Long-Haired Hare, sung by the opera singer (Bugs Bunny's antagonist); Book Revue, sung by the wolf antagonist; and in Back Alley Oproar, sung by a choir full of Sylvesters, the cat.

The "Lucia Sextet" melody also figures in two scenes from the 2006 film The Departed, directed by Martin Scorsese. In one scene, Jack Nicholson's character is shown at a performance of "Lucia di Lammermoor", and the music on the soundtrack is from the sextet. Later in the film, Nicholson's cell phone ringtone is the sextet melody.

The Sextet is also featured during a scene from the 1986 comedy film, The Money Pit.

In the children's book "The Cricket in Times Square," Chester Cricket chirps the tenor part to the "Lucia Sextet" as the encore to his farewell concert, literally stopping traffic in the process.

An aria from the "mad scene," "Il dolce suono" (from the 3rd Act), was re-popularized when it was featured in the film The Fifth Element in a performance by the alien diva Plavalaguna (voiced by Albanian soprano Inva Mula-Tchako and played onscreen by French actress Maïwenn Le Besco). A loose remake of this film version of the song was covered by Russian pop singer Vitas.

The "mad scene" was also used in the first episode of the anime series Gankutsuou (in place of L'Italiana in Algeri which was the opera used in that scene in The Count of Monte Cristo).

The "mad scene" aria, as sung by Inva Mula-Tchako, was used in an episode of Law & Order: Criminal Intent involving the murder of a young violinist by her opera singer mother (who performs the song right after the murder).

The "mad scene" was released as a music video by Russian male soprano Vitas in 2006.

Among other selections from the opera, the "mad scene", "Verranno a te sull'aure", and "Che facesti?" feature prominently in the 1983 Paul Cox film Man of Flowers, especially "Verranno a te sull'aure," which accompanies a striptease in the film's opening scene.

The opera is mentioned in the novels The Count of Monte Cristo, Madame Bovary and Where Angels Fear to Tread and was reputedly one of Tolstoy's favorites.

"Regnava nel silenzio" accompanies the scene in Beetlejuice in which Lydia (Winona Ryder) composes a suicide note.

A portion of the opera is also used in a key scene of the film The Fifth Element, written and directed by Luc Besson.

The Fifth Element - Opera Scene

The Fifth Element - Opera Scene

The Fifth Element - Opera Scene

This Is Not The Greatest Post In The World, No... (Mystery Talk Post)

gorillaman says...

I could go for some light peer bonding activity. Going to post before I read.


1) Season - Autumn.
2) Place in the world - My home. I don't really see the point of anywhere else.
3) Children's book - I'm going to count the whole silver age X-Men as one book and make that my answer.
4) TV Series - The Crystal Maze
5) Word - Appendices.
6) Film - The Fifth Element
7) Curse - Making something up on the spot is always the most satisfying.
Creature - Man.
9) Past time - Past time or pastime? The Victorian era, when people knew how to dress / playing board games.
10)Person - Myself. Everyone should be just like me.

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Cat, if they didn't have those brain parasites.
12) Sweet or savoury - Savoury unless I run out of sweet. Everything, and as much as possible.
13) Cereal or Toast - Toast.
14) Tan or pale - Pale.
15) Shoes or barefoot - Barefoot.
16) Desktop or laptop - Desktop.
17) Drive or walk - I'd rather have whatever it is I'm driving or walking to delivered.
18) Drama or comedy - Comedy.
19) Sex or food - Food. I made that choice a long time ago.
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Simpsons.

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - ...didn't get any votes.
22) A great comment on one of your vids - * promote
23) Most off the wall member - Obviously choggie.
24) Favourite user name - I would have to check every name to answer this question.
25) Your most used channel - eia
26) Personal dumbass moment - I've never made a mistake in my life.
27) Best avatar - dotdude's examples of his own artwork, and anything from that star wars thread.
28) Partner in crime - Don't have one.
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - To some extent.
30) Idea for the site - Bring back the new member queue.

About you

31) Where do you live - SE Britain.
32) Smoker/non-smoker - Occasional cigar/pipe smoker.
33) Left or right handed - Right.
34) Hair colour - Brown.
35) Relationship status - Leper.
36) How tall - Don't know, 6' 4"-ish.
37) Children - are too expensive.
38) Ever had an operation - Nope.
39) Best feature - Glorious human mind.
40) Use four words to describe yourself - Better person than you.

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Tolkien. I'd like to see what he made of those films.
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - Amnesty International.
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Sarah Palin.
44) Relive a moment in your life - Any time when I was hitting somebody.
45) Have a superpower - Wolverine's healing factor, in continuities where it makes him immortal.
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - The future of the human race.
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - Scarcity of awesome sex toys.
48) Be president for one hour - Have the last president executed.
49) Delete a period in history - Anything people are proud of today without having actually participated in the accomplishment.
50) Achieve one thing - Bomb something.

Scene from Fifth Element with only music score

Sci-Fi Film Reccomendations (Cinema Talk Post)

Best Car Chase on Film. (Cinema Talk Post)

Guy Learns To Never Hit Women... The HARD Way.

videosiftbannedme says...

A guy should never hit a girl. On that same note, it's NEVER ok for a girl to hit a guy, either. EVER. Take all that stereotypical macho bullshit out of the equation and get rid of that double-standard. And besides, if pain is your game, you'll hurt the person a lot more by just dumping their ass and not having anything to do with them anymore.

And regarding the proper action to take should you ever come across the above example, you separate the two. Forcibly, if required. But you don't attack the guy. Attempting to use violence to solve violence doesn't work. What did we all learn from Vito Cornelius (The Fifth Element)?

"Evil begets evil, Mr. President. Shooting it will only make it stronger."

In agreement with SDGundamX; it will only further emasculate him and make him that much more reliant on violence in the future.

The Top 10 Movie Weapons of All Time (Cinema Talk Post)

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Grimm says...

Bend It Like Beckham
The Big Squeeze
Enemy At The Gates
Escape From New York
The Fast and the Furious
The Filth and the Fury
The Fifth Element
A Fish Called Wanda
The Flying Deuces
Forbidden Zone
From Hell
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
The Green Mile
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Pee-wee's Big Adventure
The Sound of Music
The Phantom Menace
Swamp Thing
The Transporter
Hedwig and the Angry Inch

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