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MonkeySpank (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Lazy, like the videosifter who starts to transcribe, gives up, goes straight to google, and doesn't check the whole list

Well spotted.
In reply to this comment by MonkeySpank:
The Wikipedia entry is wrong:

"Parmi nos articles de quincaillerie par essence paresseuse, nous recommandons le robinet qui s'arrête de couler quand on ne l'écoute pas."

Frame at 5:30 states paresseuse, meaning lazy, not par essence.

which translates loosely to:

Among our articles of lazy kitchenware, we recommend the faucet that stops leaking when nobody listens to it.

Anemic Cinema (from 1926)

MonkeySpank says...

The Wikipedia entry is wrong:

"Parmi nos articles de quincaillerie par essence paresseuse, nous recommandons le robinet qui s'arrête de couler quand on ne l'écoute pas."

Frame at 5:30 states paresseuse, meaning lazy, not par essence.

which translates loosely to:

Among our articles of lazy kitchenware, we recommend the faucet that stops leaking when nobody listens to it.

>> ^oritteropo:

From Jimbo's big bag'o'trivia, the text is:

  • "Bains de gros thé pour grains de beauté sans trop de bengué."
  • "L'enfant qui tète est un souffleur de chair chaude et n'aime pas le chou-fleur de serre-chaude."
  • "Si je te donne un sou, me donneras-tu une paire de ciseaux?"
  • "On demande des moustiques domestiques (demi-stock) pour la cure d'azote sur la côte d'azur."
  • "Inceste ou passion de famille, à coups trop tirés."
  • "Esquivons les ecchymoses des Esquimaux aux mots exquis."
  • "Avez-vous déjà mis la moëlle de l'épée dans le poêle de l'aimée?"
  • "Parmi nos articles de quincaillerie par essence, nous recommandons le robinet qui s'arrête de couler quand on ne l'écoute pas."
  • "L'aspirant habite Javel et moi j'avais l'habite en spirale."

It's all puns and wordplay, like the title itself which is a palindrome.

Remembering Mike Wallace 1918-2012

A Unique use for soapstone

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (March, 9th 2012)

Best Family Vacation Ever (at least the dad thinks so)

Fox News Fakes Up Audience Support For War or John Bolton

quantumushroom says...

How much effort was put into this "fakeout" when the dweeb who was there can so readily "expose" it?

Sorry gang, you can call this "trickery" or what-have-you, and even if you had a signed confession from Stossel that his intent was to dress up Bolton, what the libmedia does around the clock with manipulative rubbish, plus their backup Democratainment Wing (Vancouver nee Hollywood), you've still got a ways to go, removing the sequoia from thine own eye before the mote in FOX's.

>> ^dag:

Agree. The unedited version doesn't help Fox. What applause there is is for te questioner - not Bolton.>> ^longde:
QM, Stossel's clip in your link is damning; it's clear he manipulated the video to drum up applause for Bolton.
Where's Schultz when you need him?
>> ^quantumushroom:
Stossel has responded and showed the whole unedited clip.
No chorus of boos for Bolton. Not much of anything.

BTW if you want bias, here's all the liberal "news" bias you can eat.
This guy might be telling the truth, who knows? He's shilling for his little Mike Moore wannabe film company.
Do you really think official US policy was to blackbag random civilians? For what measurable gain? We won the Iraq War by offering the Iraqis a chance for freedom.
Invading countries run by tyrants in order to kill them? Good work!

Fox News Fakes Up Audience Support For War or John Bolton

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Agree. The unedited version doesn't help Fox. What applause there is is for te questioner - not Bolton.>> ^longde:

QM, Stossel's clip in your link is damning; it's clear he manipulated the video to drum up applause for Bolton.
Where's Schultz when you need him?
>> ^quantumushroom:
Stossel has responded and showed the whole unedited clip.
No chorus of boos for Bolton. Not much of anything.

BTW if you want bias, here's all the liberal "news" bias you can eat.
This guy might be telling the truth, who knows? He's shilling for his little Mike Moore wannabe film company.
Do you really think official US policy was to blackbag random civilians? For what measurable gain? We won the Iraq War by offering the Iraqis a chance for freedom.
Invading countries run by tyrants in order to kill them? Good work!

PolitiFact: Two wrongs make a Mostly Right

Red Aurora Australis

Media Treats Bachmann Unfairly Because She's An Insane Woman

7 Stages of Skyrim Addiction

xxovercastxx says...

So far I am less addicted to Skyrim than I was to Oblivion and I think there's primarily two reasons.

First is that I know what sort of thing to expect in Skyrim as the style of TES games doesn't really change. I know what's going to happen when I stumble upon a daedric shrine, now, so the "Holy shit! What the hell is this?" experience from Oblivion is gone.

Second is that I tended to play Oblivion in the winter when everything was gray and dreary outside and I wanted some color in my life. Skyrim doesn't satisfy this because it looks way too much like outside does right now. Who knows, though, maybe come August when it's sweltering hot outside I'll fire up Skyrim and take in the pleasant chilling effect.

Zero Punctuation: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

enoch says...

oh man,
how awesome to find out im not the only one sucked into this game.
my arena team on wow are sooo pissed at me right now due to skyrim.
i have been addicted to TES series since morrowind.
yahtzee called it correct.
its a great game with a ton of bugs and glitches but who cares?not one of them is a deal breaker.
lvl 48 in full daedric armor with a few daedric artifacts (spellbreaker is $$$) but even on the hardest setting im kicking the crap out of pretty much everything (unless i run into a few arch casters..bastards).
time to make a new toon.

Amazing Ren & Stimpy: The Banned Cartoon

OWS 'Wayward Mom' reacts angrily to NY Post article

DarkenRahl says...

Your logic is impeccable. Since you hold a "liberal" opinion or two, it makes you a liberal. Never mind the rest of te garbage you spew which runs directly counter to anything remotely "liberal."

And your "position of informed certitude" excuse is indeed crap, considering I haven't even been a member long enough for you to know for certain what my political position is.

Just admit you're a dyed in the wool republican trying to hide in libertarian sheeps clothing. At least then I might have a shred of respect for what you believe.

Nah, that last part was a lie.

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