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Computers store text (or, at least, English text) as eight bits per character. There are plenty of more efficient ways that could work: so why don't we use them? And how can we fit more text into less... continue reading

posted by Mordhaus 7 years 3 months 1 week ago • 64 views • 6:31

"... Watch this Simon's Cat Logic episode to find out how cats communicate using body language. Simon’s Cat Logic is a fun new series where we speak to a Cat Behaviour Expert at Cats Protection ( continue reading

posted by ant 7 years 6 months 1 week ago • 230 views • 7:45

"It’s all about active listening. This means to listen with your full attention by being in the moment, to listen with your eyes by reading the person’s body language, and most importantly, to listen... continue reading

posted by ant 7 years 6 months 4 weeks ago • 15 views • 12:31

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