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Iron Horse covers "Float On"

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - TV Trailer 1

Ryjkyj says...

No, no, no, no, no...

It's not necessarily the story that I'm pointing out. It's just that in the last film the Weasley's house, which is supposed to be surrounded by gardens, trees, etc, was suddenly placed in the middle of a prairie somewhere in the American west circa 1800. I don't know why they suddenly changed it from the way it looked in ALL the other movies and from the way it's described in ALL the books but the effect was that when the house was burning down and Mrs. Weasley is standing there in her shawl, with the sunset and the prairie wind in the background, I was expecting Clint Eastwood to appear at any moment and swear vengeance on old cattle-rustlin' Voldemort.

It's weird. I don't know why they did it but it's weird. I feel like it's 1984 and nobody is supposed to remember anything from the past except that they like Harry Potter and want to pay money to see the movie.

But on another note. Little-Weasley-house-on-the-praire aside. Anyone who would watch that last movie and say that they didn't leave out more of the story than they included should go back and read the book again. Not to mention all the shit they just threw in out of nowhere.

Trailer for Blankfist's feature film -- "Yeardley"

The Energy Problem and How to Solve it - MIT Prof Nocera

jwray says...

Almost all energy consumed by households is avoidable waste:
* think about the way you fry eggs. 99% of the heat from the burner is going into the air, not into the eggs. This should be solved by using small device that is well insulated on all sides and has an internal heating coil.
* Ovens have a high heat capacity and shitty insulation. More energy is wasted on heating up the oven itself than actually goes into the food. This could be solved by lining the inside of the oven with silica aerogel instead of metal. If an oven is properly insulated it will not feel very warm to the touch on the outside, even after being on for an hour.
* Most of your heating and cooling energy leaks out the windows -- if their inside surface feels significantly above or below ambient during extreme weather, your heating and cooling energy is being wasted and hemorrhaging out the windows. It would literally save energy to have a webcam on the roof and display that image on an LCD inside instead of having windows, if you live in a climate with extreme temperatures (especially in cold climates, as the energy used for the LCD would contribute to heating the house). All ventilation needs can be accomplished through a small portal with a fan (and a heat exchanger, of course).
* Hot water is produced very wastefully by just dumping energy into it instead of using a thermodynamic cycle to transfer heat and produce something cold as a byproduct. Hot water could be co-produced with cold water for AC / Refrigeration much more efficiently than doing them all separately.
* Hot water goes down the drain. This should at least go through a heat exchanger, which would dramatically lessen the amount of work that has to be done to heat up new hot water. A 7 Liter per minute showerhead putting water 30 degrees F above ambient down the drain is wasting over 8135 watts as long as it is running. However, I don't know of any houses yet designed with a heat exchanger between the shower drain water and the intake of the water heater.
* Fluorescent lights. Duh. Incandescent bulbs should be banned.
* Freezers built with the door on the top will waste much less energy to the convection of air when opened, for obvious reasons.

Here ends the lifestyle-neutral list of suggestions. The following would involve sacrificing something:

* Reduce excessive lighting -- if people wouldn't fuck up their retinas by driving just after sunrise or just before sunset, or seeing specular reflections of the sun on shiny cars and buildings outdoors, they wouldn't need such bright lights indoors. A 1 watt LED is plenty for reading. Sunlight could be used in the daytime instead of artificial lights.

Swarzenegger signs California bill decriminalizing Cannabis

BoneRemake says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:

I don't smoke. Never have. But I really can't wait for the day were weed is completely decriminalized. Not only do we spend WAY too much money fighting it, but Mexican drug violence has been spilling over the border. Legal weed in US = more people growing it here = less cartels trying to cart it across the border = less violence.

It is so fucking fun to grow, the hobbies people will have when that purple hazed sunset bestows itself on us, it will be a fine day.

What Americans Do and Don't Know About Religion

Morganth says...

15/15 here from a Protestant, but I probably would have missed the Sabbath one if I hadn't seen the video first. When I stop and think about it, I remember that Jewish Sabbath begins Friday at sunset and goes to Saturday sunset, but I would have just blown through that and put Saturday normally.

The karate instructor sketch- Jim Carrey ( in living colour)

BBC: One in four lap-dancers has a degree

Don_Juan says...

Watching a beautiful sunset, enjoying a ballet, enjoying the natural beauty of female presenting her beauty to male, appreciating the glow of a rose, all are aspects of precious elements of our world as human beings. To not enjoy ballet because dancing is believed to be a perversion does not eliminate the beauty of the art, except in the inhibited and hence enslaved mind of the one making the negative judgement. Male appreciation of female is natural and beautiful and vice-versa. Female enjoyment and appreciation of male appreciation of them is natural and beautiful, and vice-versa. Human enjoyment of human is natural and beautiful. Sexual pleasure, which is probably the peak physical expression of human love and shared bliss, has been distorted and perverted by superstitions which utilize this beautiful expression of human love into an injunction, an injunction empowering the superstition. RESIST!! Just sayin' !

Butcher Pete

cybrbeast says...


Hey everybody, did the news get around
About a guy named Butcher Pete
Oh, Pete just flew into this town
And he's choppin' up all the women's meat

He's hackin' and wackin' and smackin'
He's hackin' and wackin' and smackin'
He's hackin' and wackin' and smackin'
He just hacks, wacks, choppin' that meat

Butcher Pete's got a long sharp knife
He starts choppin' and don't know when to stop
All you fellows gotta watch your wifes
'Cause Pete don't care who's meat he chops

Ever since Peter flew into town
He's been havin' a ball
Just cuttin' and choppin' for miles around
Single women, married women, old maids and all

Wakes up in the morning, half past five
Chops from sunrise to sunset
I don't see how he stays alive
Meat's gonna be the death of ole Pete, yeah

The police put Pete in jail
Yes, he finally met his faith
But when they came to pay his bail
They found him choppin' up his cell mate

That Butcher Pete is a crazy man
Tries to chop down the wind and the rain
Just hacks on anything he can get
Say, turn this record over, you ain't heard nothing yet

Bye choggie, *promote

New World Disorder 10: Dust and Bones

Teabaggers Begin Campaign of Terror Against Democrats

NetRunner says...

@blankfist, remember when I told you about the JUSTICE Act, and you proudly told me that you'd called your Senators and asked them to vote No?

Good work there, skippy, it never even made it to a vote due since it was considered too radical by all Republicans, and the "centrist" Democrats. So instead they just reauthorized Patriot through the end of February 2011. Good news is that it sunsets again on that date.

Bad news is, there are likely to be more Republicans in Congress, moving us even further away from getting it to just go away.

Where's your overwhelming popular uprising of libertarian opposition? Us progressives could use a little help with getting Democrats to stand up for what they say they believe, and people pressuring Republicans on this issue from the right would be a big help.

So call me when Ron Paul sends out an e-mail about Patriot Act, and not fucking Obamacare. He used to care about that issue too, but I sure haven't heard a damn thing from C4L on anything but the Fed and Obamacare since Democrats took office.

@NordlichReiter, I responded to Cantor's political stunt on that page.

Where indeed did the Anti-war movement go? Same place it's always been, protesting, and being ignored by TV media.

Why aren't Democrats calling for Obama's head? Well, because he's keeping his promise on withdrawing troops from Iraq, and following through on what he said he'd do in Afghanistan -- give the war there the troops and resources it needs to put us on a path to being able to leave.

I'm really iffy about that second part, but I have a lot more trust that Obama really wants to get out of Afghanistan than I ever did with Bush. I think he gave the "begin to withdraw" date of July, 2011. You can bet that he's going to have a lot of explaining to do to his base if he doesn't meet or exceed that commitment.

Anyways, you are both engaging in Red Herring arguments.

Teabaggers and Republicans are engaging in political terrorism, and Nordlich insists on trying to establish a false equivalence so he can feel pride in his moderate independentness by refusing to say "Republicans are turning into violent thugs", while blankfist wants to pretend that he hasn't himself endorsed political violence, and try to turn the topic onto some form of "if liberals are so great, why haven't they fixed the messes created by conservatives already!"

Seriously, is it so fucking hard to just say "Yeah, what Republicans are doing is really scary and wrong", and use some other video comment section to air your grievances against the left?

Legalizing Marijuana - Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura

rougy says...

>> ^entr0py:
But the hardcore supporters do get on my nerves sometimes. They have a tendency to go overboard, and in doing so damage their credibility. For example, when they claim that that smoking doesn't impair your driving. That, in a sense it improves your driving, because the slowed reaction time gives you more time to consider things.

I guess I'm a hardcore supporter.

I'm for laws that curb driving while high, and as a non-smoker I understand your skepticism, but....

If you've ever watched a circle of college kids playing hacky-sac, upon close observation you'll notice that the best players are usually baked at the time.

Weed doesn't impair the reflexes like booze does.

And another thing, when you're high, you're just not in that great of a rush to get from point A to point B. You get into the music, and you laugh at the way the melody kind of accentuates the trip, and then you notice a pretty sunset, or some kids playing with their pretty mothers in a park...and the very last thing in the world that you want to do is to ruin that experience by running over a squirrel, or a dog, or a kid, or by smashing into somebody else's car.

Steel Panther - Community Property

Your My Documents

Inglorious Basterds - Landa Meets The "Italians"

gwiz665 says...

This movie is character driven. The dialog in itself doesn't have to carry much meaning, as long as it exposes the characters. I thought the movie was hilarious.

>> ^JiggaJonson:
>> ^JiggaJonson:
Another dialog driven scene from this pretentious piece of cinema trash. (I watched it again to double check) (trash confirmed)

It's not that I hate dialog, actually "After Sunset" directed by Richard Linklater is one of my favorite films of all time and it's composed of ONLY dialog. The problem with this film is this dialog has little to no substance. If you're going to have a film driven by nothing but the script then your character's conversations should be consistently meaningful. The conversations in "Inglorious Basterds" frankly, are not.

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