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Awesome illusion - A static flow of water

Anemic Cinema (from 1926)

MonkeySpank says...

The Wikipedia entry is wrong:

"Parmi nos articles de quincaillerie par essence paresseuse, nous recommandons le robinet qui s'arrête de couler quand on ne l'écoute pas."

Frame at 5:30 states paresseuse, meaning lazy, not par essence.

which translates loosely to:

Among our articles of lazy kitchenware, we recommend the faucet that stops leaking when nobody listens to it.

>> ^oritteropo:

From Jimbo's big bag'o'trivia, the text is:

  • "Bains de gros thé pour grains de beauté sans trop de bengué."
  • "L'enfant qui tète est un souffleur de chair chaude et n'aime pas le chou-fleur de serre-chaude."
  • "Si je te donne un sou, me donneras-tu une paire de ciseaux?"
  • "On demande des moustiques domestiques (demi-stock) pour la cure d'azote sur la côte d'azur."
  • "Inceste ou passion de famille, à coups trop tirés."
  • "Esquivons les ecchymoses des Esquimaux aux mots exquis."
  • "Avez-vous déjà mis la moëlle de l'épée dans le poêle de l'aimée?"
  • "Parmi nos articles de quincaillerie par essence, nous recommandons le robinet qui s'arrête de couler quand on ne l'écoute pas."
  • "L'aspirant habite Javel et moi j'avais l'habite en spirale."

It's all puns and wordplay, like the title itself which is a palindrome.

Periodic Table Of Videos - Most Interesting Metal For Rings

deathcow says...

>> ^Porksandwich:

Well I think I'd pick a ring that could at least be cut off if needed. Although that mercury ring would be neat....
Personally I think if you could get the various metals to stay together, I wouldn't mind seeing varying shades of steel, titanium, gold, copper, and platinum made into a neat pattern. Kind of a mix and match but all one loop, not inlays or anything like that. Like how marbles are made, especially gold lutz marbles.

It'd certainly be unique, I doubt any one band would be the same if they could manage to get them to be solid enough to stay together on someone's finger in a not-to-big loop.

Cool idea. Start with the four metals as wires and then twist them into a spiral and then forge them into a cylinder.

Nine Inch Nails on Dance Party USA

Zifnab says...

Sorry to have brought this to your attention >> ^Drax:

I have the Broken CD edition with the seperate mini-cd for the last two tracks. The original Downward Spiral CD release with the extra white noise before hurt. Nearly evey LP. Owned the Broken movie on a bootleg VHS. Seen NIN over 30 times live.
...I never knew this existed.


Nine Inch Nails on Dance Party USA

Drax says...

I have the Broken CD edition with the seperate mini-cd for the last two tracks. The original Downward Spiral CD release with the extra white noise before hurt. Nearly evey LP. Owned the Broken movie on a bootleg VHS. Seen NIN over 30 times live.

...I never knew this existed.


9.999... reasons that 0.999... = 1 -- Vi Hart

messenger says...

You're right on two counts: first, I did think you were arguing against the point made; and second I shouldn't have insulted you. Sorry 'bout that.

FWIW, I dropped out of high school after grade 11, I have no college math except what I've been teaching myself recently, and I used none of it when I figured this out for myself. Everything Vi uses in her vids is high school or even grade school math, and if you trust yourself to do arithmetic, then this proof is accessible. She doesn't even hint that the idea of "limits" from calculus gives a quick solution to her 9th reason, the sum of an infinite series.

Anyway, I'm happy to see then that my original prediction has held so far, and nobody here is starting a stupid argument about their feelings about whether this is true.>> ^entr0py:

No reason to be quite that much of a jerk about it. Not everyone has had as much college level math as you. And presumably her videos are about teaching people who don't already know everything she does.
But if you thought I was making an argument against the idea, you're wrong. Vihart presents it very convincingly. I was just trying to think of the implications.
Honestly after watching that video late at night I could no longer wrap my head around inequalities like X < 1. I used to think that meant X could be a number infinitely close to one, but that doesn't work because infinitely close to one is one (most of the video is about explaining why this is true). So, what is the highest possible number that satisfies X < 1? It seems there might be no sensible way of expressing that boundary, and thinking about it just puts you into a spiral of non-working logic exactly like Zeno's paradoxes. Looking back, at 1:23 she mentions what I'm talking about, but doesn't go into it.
Ultimately, she finds this interesting enough to talk about for 10 minutes, and we find it interesting enough to watch. So why should it evoke rage and insults when there's a chance we might talk about it amongst ourselves?

9.999... reasons that 0.999... = 1 -- Vi Hart

entr0py says...

Messenger, there's no reason to be quite that much of a jerk about it. Not everyone has had as much college level math as you. And presumably her videos are about teaching people who don't already know everything she does.

But if you thought I was making an argument against the idea, you're wrong. Vihart presents it very convincingly. I was just trying to think of the implications.

Honestly after watching that video late at night I could no longer wrap my head around inequalities like X < 1. I used to think that meant X could be a number infinitely close to one, but that doesn't work because infinitely close to one is one (most of the video is about explaining why this is true). So, what is the highest possible number that satisfies X < 1? It seems there might be no sensible way of expressing that boundary, and thinking about it just puts you into a spiral of non-working logic exactly like Zeno's paradoxes. Looking back, at 1:23 she mentions what I'm talking about, but doesn't go into it.

Ultimately, she finds this interesting enough to talk about for 10 minutes, and we find it interesting enough to watch. So why should it evoke rage and insults when there's a chance we might talk about it amongst ourselves?

Want to Watch a Black Hole Rip Something Apart?

jonny says...

Well, they did say they're not really sure what's going to happen. The animation is just one possible trajectory of events. But I don't think it's an unlikely one. You just noted that the cloud is moving at 1.2% of light speed - and it's still accelerating. The cloud isn't a single body, but I'd guess that for any bit of mass, the only relevant gravitational forces are the black hole and the rest of the cloud. Depending on just how close it passes and how fast it's moving (.03c? 0.05c?), there won't be enough tangential acceleration due to the black hole's gravity to deflect large amounts of matter from the nearest part of the cloud during the first pass.

It would be more spectacular if it was shredded just enough to form a bright spiraling ring around the hole....
>> ^Payback:

I have a problem with the animation. It treats the cloud as an entity of X mass. It isn't. It's a cloud. The main part of the cloud wouldn't fly by, it would suck down the drain like a toilet.

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

Ricky Gervais on The Daily Show

One Way To Deal With A DUI Checkpoint (Refusal)

budzos says...

>> ^liverpoolfc:

You claim Police stopping people for random breath testing will lead to all that paranoid crap i'm not going to bother repeating.
If you think police performing random traffic stops to catch drunk-drivers is a dangerous thing I feel sorry for you and the state America is in.
I'm not British but i'd put money on you being a Republican. I'm not afraid of my Government or police force - clearly you are.

You're desperate to paint me as illogical but to me it just looks like you have poor reading comprehension. I don't claim random stops will lead to those other things. I claim that if the government felt they could get away with it, they would do those things.

EDIT: Some people don't understand what liberty and freedom is. I'm not anti-cop or even anti-government. Again, not any more than Ben Franklin or anyone else who gives it a LOT of thought. Randomly stopping people who are just going about their lives to assert your authority by shining flashlights in their eyes and interrogating them, which puts some people into weeks long spirals of panic and paranoia completely unrelated to any actual criminal culpability, is not harmless or purely protective.

Doodling in Math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant pt 3

messenger (Member Profile)

Doodling in Math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant pt 3

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