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Underwater Sodium - Periodic Table of Videos

oritteropo says...

I can, almost, oblige... watch this *related= video. The first barrel is close to what you're after.

MilkmanDan said:

Cool -- I vividly remember my High School Chemistry class demonstration on this, with a pea-sized bit zipping around the surface of the water.

I want to see a big brick of it (1kg or so) in a similarly breakable but enclosing container and held 10m or so underwater in a lake (or something) by a wire mesh cage. Would chopping it up into smaller pieces to maximize the surface area increase the effect? Or would the violence of the reaction make cavitation / hydrogen bubbles that push the water out of way and make the reaction happen in multiple phases as the water gets pushed away and returns?

WWII Newsreel of Exploding Sodium

Underwater Sodium - Periodic Table of Videos

Is Climate Change Just A Lot Of Hot Air?

bcglorf says...

Or maybe we tackle this from 180 degrees.

As opposed to what is happening, or how likely, we may find common ground on what it is we should actually be doing.

I've already made the suggestion of electric vehicles and fission, fusion or renewables in place of coal as the road away from emissions. Specifically improving li-ion batteries as Tesla is doing is a major step. Researching sodium-oxygen batteries would be even better as they can hold 4-5 times the power and have cheaper materials and recent results have us close to making them viable, so I'd like to see gov money directed there.

For power solar and wind are currently only cost-competitive because the scale is small enough that we get away with treating coal plants like giant batteries covering our baseline. They simply aren't cost effective to scale up for base load yet, and not likely to be for another 10-20 years. We can have a lot of nuclear plants built in that time. With electric cars coming into the picture, we're also going to need that extra electric capacity. I again would strongly encourage more gov money going into French style large scale nuclear power deployment. China's already doing it, even they've had enough of their current coal literally blocking the sun in the sky on them and nuclear is part of their clean air push. We should be encouraging that and following suit out this way.

I also wasn't kidding about Lockheed-Martin's fusion research. A lot of new ideas are out there for fusion confinement plans and Lockheed has publicly declared their intentions to have a demonstration reactor in 5 years time. I'm hopeful, and if that pans out, the roll out of truly cheap and clean power will start in the next decade for the sole reason that fusion under cuts coal for price.

Part of me reason for these measures versus more drastic ones is we need to keep our economies growing because regardless of what we do the next 30 years, the oceans will continue rising that entire time and the mitigation measures we're going to gradually be spending more and more on are gonna required us to have the money to do them.

If anybody's got better suggestions I'm all ears.

Debunking MSG myth

draak13 says...

Understanding why so much anecdotal evidence exists is certainly worthwhile! The following link cites many studies on double blind tests for MSG sensitivity.

Glutamatic acid (which is what MSG turns into after solubilizing in water, along with a sodium ion) is one of the 20 amino acids that is the basis for all proteins and life, since the beginning of life on earth. It is in relatively high concentration in every cell of your body. Consuming MSG would be akin to consuming 'protein' in your diet, and is commonly labeled as protein in food labeling:

Consuming too much protein in your diet can cause problems, but you need to be eating it to a relatively obvious excess (a gallon of milk per day). Weightlifters who protein supplement far too much quickly experience heart problems.

The business insider link suggests that there are some people who could potentially be sensitive to Glutamate, and be activating the vagus nerve in the stomach...though it seems to be speculative in that article.

The idea that another ingredient is causing the problem is far more likely. Americanized chinese restaurants all taste the same, because all of their food comes from the same place. A group in China has monopolized the american chinese restaurant market, and provides food and resources at unbeatably low prices. To remain competitive, almost all american chinese restaurants invariably purchase from this group. Given China's track record of putting all kinds of crazy stuff in their produce, it seems entirely likely that some ingredient other than MSG is a much more likely culprit.

I know a couple of people in particular who have reacted extremely badly to chinese restaurants in america, and even went to the emergency room for it. Given the details of their story (a mystery glob of black sauce that they ate from the black sauce egg tray), I could only imagine what kind of horrible things they could have ingested other than MSG. 'Chinese restaurant syndrome' may indeed be a relatively accurate term for what people are experiencing.

Debunking MSG myth

Sagemind says...

Well.., I guess the thing here is to define "Safe to eat" because many of my family members and friends "DO NOT" find it safe to eat.
Including nausea, stomach cramping and diarrhea and sometimes vomiting.

1). Is MSG the same as salt?

No. MSG is made from water, sodium and glutamate. Table salt is made from sodium and chloride.

2). Is MSG safe to eat?

Yes. According to Health Canada, MSG is not a health hazard.

BUT some people may have a sensitivity to MSG. It is the glutamate part of MSG that can produce symptoms such as:

Blurred vision
Tingling and/or burning sensation
Chills and shakes
Feeling of pressure on the face
Increased heartbeat
Nausea and vomiting
Pain in the face, back, neck or chest

These common symptoms of MSG sensitivity are generally temporary and can appear about 20 minutes after eating MSG and last for about two hours. The symptoms seem to happen faster and are more severe if you eat MSG-containing foods on an empty stomach or drink alcohol at the same time.

Hand in Hot Ice

Kids Throw Sodium into Lake

chingalera says...

Place chunk of sodium in suitable water-soluble bag inside of sealed/threaded cast-iron vessel, roll down hill towards enemy camp.
Exothermic Barrel-Bomb

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Science teacher got surprising results from McDonald's diet.

RedSky says...

A) Not here in Ozland. Certainly remember seeing it on nutritional information but here's from their site:

"85% less trans fat than our previous blend." Certainly not none though

B) Interesting how in the link it talks about mold growth being dependant on it breaking out before loss of moisture in the first few days. The rate it decomposes is still hardly normal though. Especially the fries (mostly because of the sodium content):

Sarzy said:

Just FYI:

A) McDonald's long ago modified their menu to remove trans-fats.

B) The notion that McDonald's hamburgers don't get moldy because of the excessive use of preservatives has been debunked.

Science teacher got surprising results from McDonald's diet.

RedSky says...

My guess would be he stuck to zero calorie drinks and avoided fries.

Had a quick on their nutritional website, a Big Mac is 520 calories, which is not great but not absurd. The issue is, you add a large fries (500) and coke (280) to that and you've added exactly 150% more calories on top.

All up being 1300 calories or about 2/3rds of your daily intake in one meal. Provided you avoided the sides though, it wouldn't be too hard to stick within the limits.

The issue is that MCD makes the minimum mandated attempt to educate customers. Australia legislates that food energy levels be published in a prominent fashion alongside the rough recommended daily energy intake of 8700kJ. They usually publish most of these on the side in small font. Having been over in France recently they didn't have them, I'm sure that's the case in most countries.

The larger issue with MCD and other fast food is the use of trans-fats and excessive sodium.

Trans-fats act as an insanely effective preservatives that keeps their produce looking like it'd been cryogenically frozen even years on. They're also have a reputation for clogging arteries causing heart attacks, strokes and the like.

Sodium which boosts blood pressure when ingested is a flavour enhancer which is probably why it's used in excessive amounts (e.g. a Big Mac has 40% of recommended daily Sodium). Even if this guy kept within calorie limits he would have easily been breaching recommended Sodium levels and in the long term would be elevating his risk of high blood pressure, stroke or various kidney diseases.

SODA / POP / COKE (Dialect Map of the USA)

Sagemind says...

To me Soda sounds wrong and doesn't make sense. I immediately think of Baking soda or something similar

Some chemical compounds containing sodium
Sodium carbonate, washing soda or soda ash
Sodium bicarbonate, baking soda
Sodium hydroxide, caustic soda
Sodium oxide, an alkali metal oxide

Man vs Dog: Food Eating Contest

How to Quit Smoking

How Turkish protesters deal with teargas

Mauru says...

its water with vinegar afaik. Baking soda and sodium metabisulphate (Campden tablets etc) also supposedly work.

Bruti79 said:

Are they just putting the cannister in the bottle, or is there some type of neutralizing liquid in it?

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