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Black Man Vs. White Man Carrying AR-15 Legally

Asmo says...

Erm, I'm a fucking Australian and even I remember...

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

Thomas Jefferson

And for all those people saying "He shouldn't have done that because it's not safe", you do comprehend that you're proving the case these guys are trying to make right? You're openly admitting that the black guy was in grave danger as soon as he walked out in the open with that gun hanging off him, just because he was black.

Not a single comment expressing concern for the safety of the white guy for doing the exact same thing because you all assume that he's a lot safer doing it, right? \= |

If the social experiment of actually taking the gun out and seeing how the cops react isn't legitimate enough, the reaction of posters confirms the results emphatically.

JustSaying said:

That was stupid. Guy could've been shot to death. That ain't worth making a point, no matter how right these guys are.

Black Man Vs. White Man Carrying AR-15 Legally

wraith says...

No, as a valid social experiment, you would only have to repeat this often enough with enough different combinations to make sure you had not just caught the one racist cop in the US.

That being said, I just can't understand the US gun fetish.

ulysses1904 said:

I would share the knee-jerk outrage right on cue if it was the same cop in both situations. How do you know the first cop wouldn't treat the black man the same way, by walking up and talking to him? How do you know the second cop wouldn't pull his gun on the white guy in the first scene? How do you know whether there wasn't a report of a robbery in the vicinity of the 2nd scene? The first video apparently was taken in Oregon, I can’t tell what county is displayed on the police cars in the 2nd video, much less what state they are in. So I must assume there are logistical reasons why the creators of this video would not have been in the position to insert the black man into the original scenario, for it to actually qualify as a “social experiment”. I know these comments wouldn't easily fit on a picket sign, so that must mean I'm for racism (he said sarcastically).

Black Man Vs. White Man Carrying AR-15 Legally

ulysses1904 says...

I would share the knee-jerk outrage right on cue if it was the same cop in both situations. How do you know the first cop wouldn't treat the black man the same way, by walking up and talking to him? How do you know the second cop wouldn't pull his gun on the white guy in the first scene? How do you know whether there wasn't a report of a robbery in the vicinity of the 2nd scene? The first video apparently was taken in Oregon, I can’t tell what county is displayed on the police cars in the 2nd video, much less what state they are in. So I must assume there are logistical reasons why the creators of this video would not have been in the position to insert the black man into the original scenario, for it to actually qualify as a “social experiment”. I know these comments wouldn't easily fit on a picket sign, so that must mean I'm for racism (he said sarcastically).

blackfox42 (Member Profile)

Maybe some people are more decent than we expect...

Sagemind says...

So, This is really hard to vote for.

This video is heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time.

It's a social experiment, but it's more than that. We know people are basically decent people. It was hard to watch, emotionally, because you feel for the guy, no one should have to receive this type of message, and no one should have to translate it to him.

But in fact, no one did send it, and he already knows what it says which makes me feel manipulated. Of course this made me emotionally upset for the situation. These types of videos are becoming more popular, where a guided scenario is set up, to induce the outcome that is wanted. Essentially this was an empathy test.

This setting was essentially sterile and set face to face with no outside obstacles - the outcomes were practically predetermined.

What if the readers were a group of strangers? What if it was outside in an open environment? What would the creators have done if the reaction was, in fact, not a positive outcome?

So many questions on how this was created and presented....

Homeless Gets $1000 For His Honesty (Wallet Theft Experiment

newtboy says...

I'm torn about upvoting another 'social experiment', but I have to support supporting honesty.

Homeless Man Sees 'Do Gooder' Video For What It Is

ulysses1904 says...

Yeah, this has that stagey stink coming off of it, from both parties. They picked an odd place for a homeless person to be sleeping for this skit. And the cameraman is a little too steady for someone who just found he may be dealing with a potentially violent reaction, like when he calmly tries to track the flying pizza as it flies off screen. And how does this qualify as a "social experiment"?

Homeless Man Sees 'Do Gooder' Video For What It Is

newtboy says...

I'm torn between promoting this video to show what these 'helping the homeless' and 'social experiment' videos are about, and not promoting because the creator shouldn't get more views for doing this.
I leave it for the sift to decide.

Does Appearance Determine How We Treat People?

eric3579 says...

Thing is with these videos ("social experiments") and the people that make them is, i think most of then are made to generate views/income and so they show you what they want you to see. This particular outcome generates a large response much better then any other outcome. Call me skeptical.

However appearance will always determine how you are treated no matter what you look like.

2 year old girl scolds her Mum for laughing at her singing

Have the Homeless Become Invisible?

My_design says...

I agree. This isn't so much a social experiment as it is a study in urban camouflage. Some good military applications here...

RedSky said:

Yep, and when their face is down, covered and they have so much clothing on you can't even identify them by their own body shape, good luck recognising them.

A Boy Makes Anti-Muslim Comments in front of a US soldier

Bitcoin Explained

SevenFingers says...

That's exactly it.. it is a social experiment. Paper money to me only has enough value of what another thinks its worth, the same way with bitcoins. I personally believe that money is completely evil and only gives power to the ones who have it. Money is not needed for our society anymore. The reason the job growth rate sucks and everyone is unemployed is because we don't need any more jobs. The only reason people gets jobs now is to have money, so they can buy things they want.

But that doesn't have to be that way. Currency can go kaput for all I care. Shelter, food/water, joy/love are the only things that are needed. Everything else is a want. There is enough food and shelter for everyone on the planet, yet we as a species can't seem to figure out why people starve. The reason is money. If everything was free people would go around the world many times over with food to feed those who are hungry and love doing it.

I'm not saying people shouldn't work, but there's enough people who love work to do all the jobs necessary for us to survive, the rest can work on what they love or die happy in a place they love. Money stops this.

sorry I had to rant for some stupid reason.

reiwan said:

I still dont understand how these have any value. Is it driven by the marketplace? How are they tracked? Since they are digital is there some kind of serial key or crypto key to prevent people from 'making' bitcoins? It seems like a really cool concept, but I have a hard time putting any faith into it.

mintbbb (Member Profile)

How to Handle the Police When You're Videotaping

draak13 says...


I'm impressed with your ability to craft an elegant response when you choose to. However, many of your arguments can be cast on yourself in the exact same way. From your argument that, 'it depends on your experience,' perhaps you live in an armpit down in texas where all the police treat everyone terribly, and you can certainly go online and find examples from all over the world which self-support your idea that all law enforcement is bad. However, I have lived in a college town area in the midwest all of my life, and I have found the local law enforcement to be extremely helpful and amicable. Most of my friends are not white, and I do hear an occasional bad story, though on the whole, we have far more good stories than bad.

We indeed have our own constructs, but your assessment that 'all law enforcement is corrupt' is an example of everything you hate about law enforcement which you exhibit yourself. When I first read your statement, '...profiling, unprovoked aggression, and general douche-baggery from the hind-brained, alpha-or-wannabe-alpha victims of abuse and racism...' I was legitimately confused about whether you were talking about those in law enforcement or not. Consider your opening statement, 'up voted for all the times I have personally told cops to go fuck themselves. Some reacted as expected or were otherwise prone without my attitude, and the others took it very well....and those that did not, simply, dicks,' You seem to be exhibiting all of the behaviors that you personally detest, and seem to be describing it as a social experiment. You don't have to stretch the imagination too far to see why people are thinking of you as 'whiny' or 'not a good person.' Unless your goal is to troll for responses so that you can blow off your canon about law enforcement corruption, don't be surprised when people continue to think lowly of you.

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