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WTF Happened to Movie Posters?

00Scud00 says...

True, but if done right a little mystery could also spark curiosity, with me at least.
Some of those posters smack you upside the head so hard the studios could almost be charged with assault with a blunt instrument. The resulting concussions could easily explain our nation's terrible viewing habits. ( as I try and fail to look innocent while standing in line to buy a ticket to 47 Ronin)

Disrespectful students during U of O's first snowfall

chingalera says...

@brycewi19, Yeah well, look where they're at-Smack-dab in the middle of the valley of suffering-The damn native Americans never even stayed there all year! These choads are a sun-starved, rag-tag collection of all the dysfunctional, depressed, and derelicts who fled their home cities all over the country and gravitated towards that vortex.

Lived in PDX, worked in Eugene, Oregon has an over-abundance of America's flotsam and jetsam and continually too-stoned-for-their-own-good, hipster flakes and in the rural areas, a certain brand of redneck that makes Texas' seem tame!

Even black folks are afraid of the place! Pasty White People, EVERYWHERE!
Welcome to Oregon!

Up-vote for first-time embed of svoiperez!

World War Two Movie Making Gone Wrong

chingalera says...

I have mixed feelings regarding cycling enthusiasts. The ones who see the world as a polluted shit-hole because of cars, who dress in biking-gear and ride to work everyday and don't own a car, the SAME people who obsessively recycle their garbage and preach about it to others (as if the world would be a better place if everyone "recycled").

It's THESE insects, OCD, tweakers that I can't stand, self-absorbed, self-righteous gimps on two skinny wheels.

Add to that description the DICKHEADS that preach cycling-over-automobiles who intentionally stick their ass in the center of the road while conducting traffic and talking smack to drivers sharing the road with Professor Suicide??

THOSE motherfuckers, can moisturize my ballsack.

I had an old roommate who died in San Francisco during a Critical Mass ride, the poor fucker got creamed by a truck driver who was ALSO a dickhead, of the opposite persuasion.

I certainly believe that anyone who chooses a bicycle as their only means of transportation who do so in a large cities where the majority of people commute to work from rural areas in cars everyday, have a fucking death wish.
San Fran, NYC, Chicago, Philly?? No problem. Any city where cyclists are not very prevalent on the roadways, yer an idiot plain and simple.

shatterdrose said:

And typical non-cyclist response. Nothing new to see here either.

All I see is a bunch of assholes who honk at me, try to hit me on purpose (one intentionally ran me over), and hundreds of people a day with absolutely no respect for someone else's life. And all that happened while in the bike lane. Oh, the guy who ran me over? He hit me because I WAS obeying traffic laws. Both the person behind him and the officer both concurred.

So yeah, nothing new to see here, right?

Disrespectful students during U of O's first snowfall

Payback says...

Nah, he should of just left and called security or the cops. Let them use up some of their pepper spray quota.

This type of stupidity doesn't bug me. No real damage is happening.

When fuckers throw EGGS is when major paint damage occurs. You see someone throw eggs at a car "for fun" you have my permission to smack them around. The cracking egg shells wreck paint terribly. People who egg someone's car are vandalizing it.

Olympic Diver Tom Daley Comes Out

chingalera says...

Aren't all competitive divers gay??
Srs'ly, congratulations Tom, let go and let em talk smack, assholes are assholes and are always gonna be that way.
Celebratory 90 meter belly flop!!

Babies Riding Roombas

Cat Recreates Prodigy's Infamous "Smack My Bitch Up" Video

Usual Cat Day - Smack My B*tch Up (Prodigy Cover)

Usual Cat Day - Smack My B*tch Up (Prodigy Cover)

Usual Cat Day - Smack My B*tch Up (Prodigy Cover)

"Medieval Land Fun-Time World" Bonus & Extended Scenes (GoT)

GOP's Little Rule Change They Hoped You Wouldn't Notice

BEST of the WEB September 2013 (Videomashup)

GTA V - Mount Chiliad Police Chase

Chickens Demonstrate New Mercedes-Benz Suspension

MilkmanDan says...

I grew up on a farm, and like many/most such kids, went through the experience of having "pet" chickens, pigs, and even a cow or two that ended up on our plates. I think that the key is to explain verbally that such animals are being raised to be food, and then using your best judgement about when they are ready to see something small get slaughtered and butchered.

For me, it was when I was about 6. We had an old rooster (we mostly had chickens for eggs, this fella was a 1-off), and I was a few feet away when my dad held it down and hacked off its head with a hatchet. Got to watch it run around headless, etc. Then I had to help (a little) in the plucking and processing. If you don't regularly do those things, you don't know the little tricks and they take FOREVER. We put way more hours and dollars of toil and effort into plucking, skinning, and preparing that old chicken than it would have cost to buy 10 whole rotisseried chickens from KFC or something. And he was too old to really provide good meat. BUT - I learned something and appreciated the food more, which was the point.

Later in life I was involved with the raising of pigs and cows for meat. I helped feed them every day, and then would help get them into a trailer and deliver them to the meat locker when it was time for them to be slaughtered and butchered. I didn't witness that in person, but I was old enough to fill in the gaps between putting that animal in the trailer and then eating a steak or pork chops a few days later. I think that if my parents had wanted me to have the experience of actually seeing the slaughter, the locker would have easily obliged. Not sure if the same would be true today.

OK, I've been rambling but I'll throw one more thing out there. Now I'm living in Thailand, where a lot of food is purchased in small farmer's market kinds of places, and some is slaughtered and prepared right in front of your very eyes. I love eating fresh Tilapia fish here (the "farm"-raised and frozen fish back in the US always tasted like algae to me, but the fish here don't have that taste at all) and they are alive in tanks when you order one at a market in Thailand. Within 45 seconds, they will pull out a fish of your selection, smack it on the head with a blunt instrument to kill it, rasp off the scales, gut it, put some slices into the sides for even cooking, and hand it to you in a bag to be cooked at home. Sometimes they flop around in the bag a bit (not alive, just muscles unwinding/relaxing) like a headless chicken. I think that will be a similar growing experience for my daughter that she'd be able to witness at a much earlier age. Then maybe when she's 5-6 like I was we'll watch a chicken get the axe.

lucky760 said:

Makes me hungry.

Funny story about my oldest son: Whenever we go to our local children's museum and he sees the young chickens walking around in their small enclosure, I tell him to say "Hi chickens," but he instead always just yells "Yummy!"

I really want to instill an understanding and appreciation in my children for the origin of their food, especially the breathing kind. Growing up, I guess it always seemed to me like technology had gotten us to the point we could manufacture all our food.

I don't know what would be a good age to show my sons live animals being slaughtered and butchered.

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