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Dorkly Bits: Sim City Monster Hates Your City

3 years designing the ultimate Sim City

3 years designing the ultimate Sim City

MASSIVE oil tank explosion filmed from 2km away

Home film of San Francisco from 1958

FlowersInHisHair says...

Wonderful. I love the quality of the light on this old film stock, and the carefree attitude of the folks at the beginning of the movie. The music kinda makes me think of SimCity (no bad thing). Ah, San Francisco is one of my favourite places in the whole world. Great post.

Zero Punctuation: The Sims 3

Black & White - Intro

vairetube says...

It ran fine, then I updated the software, then it broke... or maybe service pack 2 broke it... i dunno, one day i was throwing people in the ocean and the next... no more omnipotence.

its kind of a depressing game, but spicier then simcity in terms of building up. great cutscenes!

New Sims 3 Trailer Is Several Kinds Of Strange

Zero Punctuation: Spore

Krupo says...

>> ^dannym3141:
>> ^Psychologic:
I didn't think the "nooooo" fit his particular style of humor (more of a Family Guy thing). It breaks up his normal rapid fire speaking style and after 2-3 seconds of that I'm thinking "ok, we get the joke, move on please".
I liked the rest of the review, but that part just doesn't fit his style.

It clearly does fit his humour style.. he thought of it and said it, therefore it IS his humour style.....? Or do you know more about his humour style than he does?
Sick of people ragging on ZPR's these days, for every 1 person making a good point there's 50 trying desperately to come up with something ANYTHING to complain about. Like "it doesn't fit his style" as though he's ??? replaced his writers (rofl!?) And "This is so obvious, he's just calling a bad game bad!" - OMFG he's a reviewer giving a review of a bad game and he calls it bad? WHAT A HASBEEN!!

Meh, no, he phoned this one in.

He ripped apart the first four stages and then skimmed over the MEAT of the fun part of the game, which was space.

Though the creature-non-space phases

I have to say, this time the audio from the warhammer ad was more impressive than the interview itself.

The DRM bitchfight (check out the ratings) also feels more significant in a weird way than this review.

And his reviews generally cry out tears of significance.

His obsession over the SC2000 implementatin of SimCity was also kinda odd.

He got some good jokes in there but could've taken things further.

KABOOM! Toronto's Propane Depot Just Exploded

Krupo says...

In other *Canada *actionpack news, the lawsuit's underway.

OMG, this kind of article reminds me why hack towns like Barrie get hack writers like the author of this piece:

What the hell? What kind of freak has a problem with wind turbines? HONESTLY???

I'm also annoyed with people who say "ooooh, how could they POSSSSIBLLLLAAAY allow a plant to be built next to houses????"

How about asking, why did they build a residential neighbourhood next to land still zoned industrial?

Perhaps decide to live in an area that's NOT next to land zoned industrial.

I see that people who don't play Simcity = malinformed.

Though I guess they didn't see a big yellow box with an "I" on it, maybe that's why.

A good little FAQ here:

Top Ten Most Innovative Games

xxovercastxx says...

Dare I say there was nothing innovative about Halo. It was just a really well done, well polished implementation of things that have been done before... like WoW.

I thought the same, that it's odd they'd point out Body Harvest but act like id's Hovertank 3D and Catacomb 3D had nothing to do with Wolfenstein 3D. Doom had more to do with the FPS explosion than any of them, anyway.

I'm not sure "The Sims" should be on here as much as the "Sims" should... SimEarth, SimCity, SimLife and The Sims. Mechanics of all of these will be coming together in Spore this year, and I think there's enough of a conceptual overlap to warrant grouping them together.

I think they should have titled this differently. This is really a list of the 10 most innovative and influential games. These games were not only innovative, but had a massive effect on the industry. System Shock, while unique and innovative, has not (for better or worse) changed the market.

In-depth interview with game creator Will Wright

Farhad2000 says...

The man is a genius.

Who else would have thought playing a computer version of Mayorship via Simcity and Barbies via Sims would actually be so commercially successful.

But damn him as well for Sims is now the worlds most successful computer game and it makes me cringe every time I see the endlessly expansion packs that come out for it.

PS: I totally loved Simcopter, I wish someone would update that game.

Zero Punctuation Review: Sim City Societies

entr0py says...

I'm surprised Yahtzee didn't mention that this isn't a true SimCity game in any sense. Rather, EA now owns the SimCity title, and decided to slap it on this game to increase sales and trick fans of the series. But not only is this the first SimCity game not developed by Maxis, the new developer threw out all of the gameplay and style of the original.

Cake - Comfort Eagle

Krupo says...

Ah, yet more 9/11 censorship. How nice of them.

I'm quite annoyed with Simcity's aircrash censorship too. I wonder if my original Simcity for Windows 3.5" disks still work? Hmm, maybe I should secure a 3.5" drive first...

Nuclear energy is your friend

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