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Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench ft. Kiss Guy (Yayo Sanchez)

Name Striped off of trump Hotel In Panama..

newtboy says...

What I've heard on tv is the building's majority owner wanted the Trump group out of the building manager position, claiming they failed miserably at every task they had, and they refused to leave, culminating in multiple instances of the Trump team hiding in locked offices and attempting to have the owner thrown out for trespassing while frantically shredding documents before he finally managed to have the Trump team removed by force by the police.
This probably happened within an hour of their expulsion.

The Trump team claims to have some secret deal with him they claim guaranteed them that managerial position forever no matter how poorly they preform, but haven't produced any signed contracts to that effect.

Sagemind said:

This tells me nothing - Why is it coming off.
Context is everything !!

A Brief History of Metal

newtboy says...

Bah...Sabbath rules, Slayer shreds, Limp Bizkit just blows. ;-)

What DIO? (Nice that you included his "secret devil sign", thanks for warding off the evil eye for us, or were you giving it to us?). No Fearless Iranians From Hell, no Vengance Rising, no Current93, no GWAR...not even Brendon Small? I get it's a short video, but they left out tons while including Van Halen and Durst!? Alrighty then, just be that way.

ChaosEngine said:

Slayer DOES rule!


Impossible Bassline

Senator Jeff Flake's Retirement Speech-Short Version

radx says...

"Indecency of our discourse"... his voting record is as indecent as it gets. And that includes his vote to shred the CFPB's arbitration rule six(!) hours after this speech. Same for Corker. As much as they seem to be aghast at what a dumpster fire the current administration is, they sure don't have mixed emotions about getting in line when it's time to cast a vote.

Real champions of the common folk, these two.

Ready Player One trailer 2018

sillma says...

Failed to generate even a shred of interest. Usually I hate trailers because they spoil too much of the plot points, but I couldn't see if there's a plot at all, and the mediocre CGI didn't really sell it either.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

BEFORE HE TWEETS - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

Drachen_Jager says...

"slightly" dumb?

He's an absolute moron. There is no evidence anyone can provide (to the best of my knowledge, please, prove me wrong, @bobknight33 ) that he has a shred of intelligence.

And no, being rich does not equal being intelligent.

Sick of winning yet?

CNN begs for forgiveness, Project Veritas plays its Zapruder

newtboy says...

Sorry, gotta disagree with you @enoch.
First, yes, America is guilty of interference in third world elections, but not so much in free elections.
Second, the level of interference in this election is unprecedented (EDIT: Including evidence the Russians tried to hack voting machines and virus many poll workers, and there's absolutely zero question which candidate they were trying to help).

Third, there is plenty of EVIDENCE his campaign colluded, they've admitted doing so after the election but before confirmation, and that at least he tried hard to hide that fact, and the fact that he has financial ties to them.
There is no publicly available PROOF that Trump himself colluded to steal the election....yet.

There is mounting proof that he has, since the election, at every turn, used the office for private financial gains from numerous foreign entities, which is totally illegal.

Does this translate to undeniable proof that he colluded to steal the election with a foreign enemy? Again, not yet, but the investigation is still in it's infancy, largely due to his interference in it and his stonewalling every legal question. It's far worse than just being a used car salesman abusing his power, it's the "leader of the free world" subverting the constitution for financial gains.

It was actually 17 agencies, and most of them were certain the evidence that Saddam had WMD's was suspect at best, and not credible....they said so, but were drowned out by the few agencies that went along with Bush's narrative...that has been shown fairly conclusively in the intervening years.

Again, I don't believe there was a joint statement about the gassing, that was again Trump's administration claiming certitude about Assad, not the intelligence community.

Not sure what you mean about Gadhafi, he did kill thousands, but again, I don't recall any joint public statement from the intelligence community.

In fact, I recall the joint statement being a first.

That doesn't mean they're right, just that your implication that they are so often wrong is a bit exaggerated and not factual as you wrote it....or at least as I read you.

Unfortunately, the evidence that would be proof is classified we may NEVER see it without high level clearance of a bad leak. Not seeing it is no evidence at all that it doesn't exist, you should not be able to see it.

The term "deep state" is an Orwellian term meant to delegitimize ANYONE not in step with the current administration...just call them liberal holdovers and dismiss them...that's the idea...don't buy it. Most intelligence agents are non political....not all, but most.

CNN hasn't been pantsed IMO...they admitted what everyone knows, they are less about reporting important news than they are about ratings. That doesn't make their story wrong or fake, it makes it make sense that they ignore other actual news to talk incessantly about the one story that makes them money/ratings, even with no new information to share. Certainly that detracts from their value as a news source, but doesn't make them Breitbart willing to make up stories out of whole cloth and back them to the end.

Perhaps there's something there I'm missing since I won't watch a Breitbart story or give it a shred of credence, but not from what I've heard and seen elsewhere. I've not seen any evidence they made things up or lied, just that they are operating like a business rather than an independent news source.

enoch said:


look at what i wrote.

i totally agree with you,and the mounting evidence that:

russian intelligence may have attempted to influence our elections,but name a first world country whose intelligence agencies do NOT try to influence elections,or unduly influence legislators to implement legislation favorable to their interests?

the argument isn't that russian intelligence did what every ..single..intelligence agency does on a global scale,with US intelligence agencies being the biggest offenders.

the narrative being shoved down our throats is that the trump campaign COLLUDED with russian intelligence to install trump as president,of which there is NO

is there evidence that trump may (and let us be frank,most likely)have engaged in some suspicious and possibly illegal financial and business dealings with russia?

considering that no american financial institution will touch trump with a ten foot pole,and his global credit is in the shitter.also considering his blatant abuse of his son in law to garner financial loans from china with the promise of "presidential favoritism" (which is soooo fucking illegal).

i think it safe to say that trumps business and financial dealings with russia are,how shall i put this?
colorful and inventive?(and possibly illegal).

but does this translate to collusion to install trump as president?
nope..just a crooked car saleman abusing his status to broker deals with crooked russians.

you mentioned the 13 intelligence agencies.
do you mean the SAME agencies that were POSITIVE that saddam had WMD's?

the same agencies who were CERTAIN that assad had used sarin gas on civilians?

the very same agencies who were 100% proof positive that gadhafi had killed his own people?

THOSE agencies?

the very same agencies who are making the argument that russian intelligence colluded with the trump campaign and have not provided ONE lick of evidence besides:"trust us,we know".

sorry mate,you know i love ya,but i am gonna need some proof,because THOSE fuckers have lied to me more often than not.the term DEEP state is referring to the very agencies that have lied to us time and time again.

and i ain't buying it.

and for CNN to get pantsed in public by the likes of a slimeball such as james o'keefe and breibart..FUCKING BREITBART..they need to just walk out into traffic and end themselves.

not that i gave CNN much cred to begin with,but now they are just dead to me.a pimple on a syphillis infected rhinocerous's ballsack.

so much fail...but corporate bobbleheads do not experience shame,or guilt.

cuz they get paid to lie,obfuscate and gaslight you,and me.
despicable human beings...the lot of them.

Mark Blyth: Globalization and the Backlash of Populism

radx says...


Mark's been on the money since about the time he wrote "Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea", but there have been two significant developments in Europe that he seemingly didn't see coming: Portugal and the UK.

The Left Alliance in Portugal has basically been giving Schäuble the finger for two years now, with their unilateral end to austerity. How dare they defy the master of coin?! If Schäuble says you need another round of austerity, by God, you better tighten your belts, even if they are already around your neck.

Unsurprisingly, everyone going along with austerity without having a completely export-dependent economy is in deep doo-doo. Meanwhile, those pesky Portuguese actually managed to massively reduce unemployment, despite running a deficit that is entirely too small for their current situation. But that's a different story.

And then there's the UK. There's Corbyn. Tribune of the Plebs. Managed to get the youth voting by offering actual left-wing policies (the "radical youth", as the NYT likes to call them, while claiming that the warmongering, Constitution-shredding, wage-depressing, ecosphere-destroying "centrists" are not the real radicals). Managed to turn quite a lot of UKIP voters around as well. Within striking distance of the Tories, despite the media running 24h a day of drivel like "Jezza's Jihadi Comrades" -- Goebbels would be ashamed of the crudeness of the propaganda campaign by the Sun/Daily Mirror/etc.

The populist left is back, bitches. Corbyn and Sanders are the first steps past the neoliberal warmongers of the Third Way. The Obama experience of a corporatist disguised as a left populist may have given us The Orange One, but it also put another nail into the coffin of neoliberalism.

Antonio Gramsci, founding member of the Italian communist party, who was killed by the fascist regime of Mussolini, gave us the appropriate description of our time:
"The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear."

That's your Trump. That's your opioid epidemic. That's the EU's austerity program in Greece, doing twice as much damage as the German occupation in WW2.

maddow-how comey's firing is like watergate

newtboy says...

Today, the morning after firing Comey, (possibly for requesting more funding for the investigation into Trump's administration colluding with Russia yesterday), Trump is meeting in secret (closed door meetings) with the two Russian diplomats that are indisputably directly involved in the collusion on tape.

There has yet to be a shred of evidence that even appears to exonerate them of these charges of treason, and every single action they take indicates guilt.

Insane that we are now in a position where we have to hope this follows Watergate's lead, because the alternative path is directly into tyrannical despotism.

Racist is what you do, not what you say.

newtboy says...

If you want anyone else to consider your salacious claim a fact, you must back it up. I was perfectly prepared to be on board, given some evidence, but certainly not based solely on someone's unsupported internet claim.
The fact that you still can't offer a shred of the proof you claimed would take seconds to find means it's even less likely to be true, and far more likely you just spouted some bullshit and won't admit it.
The fact that you keep making the same non argument that invalidates your own position means it's almost certain you're a troll, because the only alternative is you are the most dense person I've ever conversed with.
Thanks for the laughs.

C-note said:

To make a statement of fact about something that is true is not an attempt to be annoying insensitive nor is it I that is slow to understand. Please have a cookie there are enough for everyone.

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

Caught on Camera: Atlanta woman opens fire on home invaders.

Drachen_Jager says...

His avatar has never looked more appropriate.

Bob the sad clown.

That pretty much sums him up. Now Trump's in charge, he can't even bitch and moan about the state of the government anymore and (if he has a shred of intellectual honesty) he'll be forced to admit he was wrong about everything.

Babymech said:

What? The home invaders? The reporter? The police corporal? Oh Bob, you dumb, racist doofus.

Meanwhile, this is a great example of why nobody should have guns. It looks like a fucking lazertag game in a fortress of unopened toilet paper rolls. Having lethal force be a part of that equation is just loony.

chris hedges-understanding our political nightmare

StukaFox says...

As well as that from Charles Dickens, who wrote in "A Christmas Carol":

"Oh, Man, look here! Look, look, down here!" exclaimed the Ghost.

They were a boy and a girl. Yellow, meagre, ragged, scowling, wolfish; but prostrate, too, in their humility. Where graceful youth should have filled their features out, and touched them with its freshest tints, a stale and shrivelled hand, like that of age, had pinched, and twisted them, and pulled them into shreds. Where angels might have sat enthroned, devils lurked, and glared out menacing. No change, no degradation, no perversion of humanity, in any grade, through all the mysteries of wonderful creation, has monsters half so horrible and dread.

Scrooge started back, appalled. Having them shown to him in this way, he tried to say they were fine children, but the words choked themselves, rather than be parties to a lie of such enormous magnitude.

"Spirit, are they yours?" Scrooge could say no more.

"They are Man's," said the Spirit, looking down upon them. "And they cling to me, appealing from their fathers. This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. BEWARE THEM BOTH, and all of their degree, BUT MOST OF ALL BEWARE THE BOY, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased. Deny it!" cried the Spirit, stretching out its hand towards the city. "Slander those who tell it ye. Admit it for your factious purposes, and make it worse. AND ABIDE THE END."
(emphasis mine)

Ignorance is a bill that always come due and it comes due like a motherfucker when you will least expect it and can least afford it.

To quote Orwell:

"The point is that we are all capable of believing things which we know to be untrue, and then, when we are finally proved wrong, impudently twisting the facts so as to show that we were right. Intellectually, it is possible to carry on this process for an indefinite time: the only check on it is that sooner or later a false belief bumps up against solid reality, usually on a battlefield."

Reality is a motherfucker, too: if ignorance is the fall, then reality is the sudden stop at the end.

JustSaying said:

You should've listened to Eisenhower's warning.

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