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Your Tax Dollars at Work

Baby Attacks Pitbull

NordlichReiter says...

I would not let a child that close to any animal that could possibly eat it.

I mean generally if an animal has a jaw bigger than your head, then they can eat you.

But then again I know better, its a gamble that I would rather not take. Having lived with 3 German Sheppards one can never tell when things will go south.

Still I do like altruism.

Royal Tenenbaums "Needle in the Hay" Suicide

Shepppard (Member Profile)

Fearless tiny puppy!

Oneonethousnd! Twonethousnd! ThreeonethssSSZZS! WAUHH!

Arsenault185 says...

Do any of you know anything about what your saying?^ (except MGR)

This is ADS, Active Denial System. Its non-lethal, does not cause permanent or lasting damage, and the effects wear off as soon as you move out of the beam. Its not so much radiation, as most people think of radiation. Your space heater radiates. (it all depends on how you use the word) This particular ADS uses electromagnetic wave at a frequency of 95 GHtz to excite the nerve endings in your skin, about 1/64 of an inch deep. This shit is bad ass, and its to bad they haven't developed it sooner.

@direpickle - So you would would rather people shoot civilians, than use something like this? Douche.

@Abducted - This is always been a fear of the people. How do you fight an oppressive government with such a huge Military? The English did it. Its about standing up for whats right. I took an oath to defend the constitution, and I ca tell you if i ever got some "suppress the free people" bullshit kind of orders, there ain't no fucking way. Thats the day I'll be tried for shooting A superior officer.

@Maximillion - Double Douche for the "prefer bullets" comment.

@HollywoodBob. Triple douche. Yes some older systems like PATRIOT are still large, but it is old technology and it has been around for a while. Did you ever think that the size serves a purpose? BAM. Know something before you make yourself look like an Idiot.

@Cumhuffman - I laughed, only because the RADAR in PATRIOT (the field I work in) will cook a bag of popcorn as you throw it across the antenna. This device will not cook you, or kill you, but your comment was funny nonetheless.

@Sheppard. Lasers? who said anything about lasers?

@rottenseed - your avatar right back at you. (insert avatar here) you buddy!

Cutting Edge Science Debate On Iraq TV: Is The Earth Round?

How to make your boss feel fat

Uhhh...what did she just say?? Miss Teen South Carolina 2007

bamdrew says...

I'd tend to agree with the idea behind Sheppard's comment...

She likely practiced over and over and over for the question part, as it was not her strong-suite, but instead of working on critical thinking skills she was really just memorizing the answers to the particular questions she was practicing. Apparently her coaches thought questions about Africa and Iraq might come up.

In the stress of the moment her brain just reverted back to the ingrained answers it had mastered, and jumbled them into an odd, spam-mail-like poem about her personal feelings on children, Africa, Iraq, etc.

UCLA Professor vs Preacher

MarineGunrock says...


Yes, this preacher certainly had better options to choose from rather than making an ass out of himself. There were better ways to go about this. If people want to be Christian, they will be. People who aren't won't just convert because someone yells at them and calls them a sinner.

But if you were to read the bile you would realize a few things.

God is as forgiving as people say. You just have to ask for it.
(This is going to be a terrible analogy, but see me through so I can make my point) Dominoes often runs specials, but you have to specifically ask for them. God gave man free will. This includes the free will of whether or not to believe and/or sin. Forgiveness is yours, you just need to ask. God doesn't force anyone to suffer for all eternity. They have free will to believe or not.

And the Devil doesn't just make it a more appealing place to go because it's not even his choice to be there. When Lucifer rebelled against God, he was cast into hell. He can't just "send the evil-doers to heaven" because it's not his choice.

Techno DJ Chris Sheppard Commercial Parody

Techno DJ Chris Sheppard Commercial Parody

djsunkid says...


True story- when Chris Sheppard came to Halifax, a friend of mine got a van and set up a renegade soundsystem outside the venue where Sheppard was "spinning". He got on the mic and challenged Sheppard to a DJ battle.

Seeing as how Chris Sheppard has absolutely NO DJ skills at all, it is not surprising that he chose not to respond to the challenge.


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