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Things about Relationships I wish someone told me about

Payback says...

They way she talks, she comes off like a stereotypical Millennial, the way they yammer about "microaggressions" and shit like that, but the illustrator is focusing on really large "in your face" toxic situations. The ones that make you shake your head and go, "how the Hell did you stay around that person?"

Is incongruous is all.

Tesla autopilot saves the day

dannym3141 says...

I feel exactly the same way as you, including the angry way you present it as though you've just been nearly killed by someone on a mobile phone.

These people clearly have a cartoon-like understanding of how a thousand lbs of metal and accelerant behave in a collision. As though you get out of the wreck with a few stars whizzing round your head and you shake your head and feel great again. Stuff like that can cost lives - and if you say that to the guilty party they'll laugh at you as though it's impossible, as though no one has ever negligently killed someone in a car crash. It can cause life-changing medical complications, take away people's livelihoods.

I'm also a defensive driver, and i've still been in many near misses. What i don't understand is why aren't all these reckless distracted drivers in more accidents? Do they have some sort of idiot's immunity?

lucky760 said:

What a fuck head.

What are they fucking blind that they can't see the car barreling toward them?

This kind of turd-for-brains shit happens to me all the time. Fortunately I'm a very defensive driver and always expecting doucheclogs to come out of nowhere, so I've been able to escape death so far, but it drives me insane how disgustingly ignorant some of these motherless fucks can be.

I'm just glad that auto-braking technology is becoming the de facto standard over the next few years, but it's not happening soon enough.

Chris Matthews Freaks Out At Obama After Debate

Yogi says...

>> ^TangledThorns:

Face it America, Obama is an empty suit propped up by the liberal media. That is why he lost to Romney. Oh, its not over yet as the pain of the VP debate is next week. Nobody expects Biden to do well.
2012 VP debate drinking game rules are as follows:
#1 When a Joe Biden gaffe makes you face palm in embarassment, take a drink.
#2 Face palm and shake your head, two drinks.
#3 Epic face palm with both hands, down the bottle and forget your worries.

Ryan can't even tell the truth of how fast he runs a marathon. Also there is no liberal media. Sorry it just doesn't exist.

Chris Matthews Freaks Out At Obama After Debate

TangledThorns says...

Face it America, Obama is an empty suit propped up by the liberal media. That is why he lost to Romney. Oh, its not over yet as the pain of the VP debate is next week. Nobody expects Biden to do well.

2012 VP debate drinking game rules are as follows:

#1 When a Joe Biden gaffe makes you face palm in embarassment, take a drink.

#2 Face palm and shake your head, two drinks.

#3 Epic face palm with both hands, down the bottle and forget your worries.

TYT: O'Reilly Shocked Military Run By Government

kceaton1 says...

Wow, I already deemed Bill'O as a complete waste of space for this Universe and often wondered why in the hell John Stewart went on there (as I doubt the "camps" changed hands very little, if ever). Now I know that Bill literally missed High School and most of Junior High. His misconceptions of how the government is run is amazing.

I also like that he uses the Post Office as his example. Which happens to be one of the best run programs bar-none in the United States government--except for that wound caused/created by the Republicans in Congress the recent past. The Post Office uses no tax dollars, stamps only! They also made a profit each year until the little fiasco I mentioned were the republican Congress decided that FedEx, UPS, DHL, and other shippers had a point, so they shot the Post Office in the back which literally crippled them in ONE year--that is how horrendous the law was (look it up, it's quite the stomach churner).

Fox News is out of touch with reality and of course it doesn't matter to them as they create their own reality as they see fit. Their watchers seem to suck it in fervently and then when they repeat it to others they can't even remember Fox News's version, so they create yet another version of an already, completely wrong story (assuming there was a story to begin with).

Of course, Alan can barely point out to Bill that he's wrong and he still lets him finish the sentence making him look atleast safe in the "no fact zone" to his loyal flagellating viewers. Alan really is "Droopy Dog" as pointed out in comedy pieces, it's pathetic how close he is to that character. When you have someone by the throat like that and you basically let him get away by shaking your head in disapproval and saying, "Well that's just not...quite...right.....".

A small secondary story about our current modern lies pertaining to the "Fox News" way of life is recent attack ads from a "Democratic Super PAC" (if I remember right, I need to find out for sure--if I find it in time I'll change it in here) going after Mitt Romney (if I can find a good news link for this story I'll sift it--CBS had this story I saw). Current attack ads are going after Mitt Romney because he went to France on his Mormon mission a long time ago, but from that Mitt has kept up with French affairs, speaks fluent French and overall I can't see this as being a negative AT ALL (it's a positive in anyones book except for whoever ran the ad). Anyway, they of course are attacking him by saying that by having such close relations with the French he must of course be liberal... BUT, the "Fox News" part of this story is while the ad is running it has scenes were Mitt is talking in French to some people, down below it is being translated and what he is saying is further proof that he is an out right near liberal, certainly not Republican. Of course, CBS decided, just for the hell, of it they would have the ad translated by a French translator. They found that whoever made the ad was not only being disingenuous about his relation with the French people, but the translation done by the ad makers did not match what they were saying...

Pathetic... And it works, because people either don't think they have enough time to bother to care, they are literally just to stupid (I hate to say that, but it's very true and it can be dangerous), or worse of all they are more than smart enough and have the time, but just like Fox News they are the evil in this world. Our political system is dead, what the hell are we supposed to do about that other than Revolution?!

Senator Exposes Republican "License to Bully" Bill

hpqp says...

Thank you! This is the only way I, and probably many others, will have come to know the content of this bill. That the religious right would try to slip something like this by in what is supposed to be anti-bullying legislation is disgusting yet sadly predictable.

edit: thank you @NetRunner for the quality!

>> ^Sagemind:

Promote - Kudos for taking a stand and sticking up for the kids and people that will never see that Bill before they try to slip it past. Completely makes you shake your head at the people who wrote that Bill in the first place.

Senator Exposes Republican "License to Bully" Bill

Sagemind says...

*Promote - Kudos for taking a stand and sticking up for the kids and people that will never see that Bill before they try to slip it past. Completely makes you shake your head at the people who wrote that Bill in the first place.

GenjiKilpatrick (Member Profile)

albrite30 says...

In reply to this comment by GenjiKilpatrick:
If you wanna be rivals. We can. I don't see the point tho.

I said something about your poor choice of video. Nothing about your character or personality (other than that you might be a FPS fanboy).

So cut it the fuck out unless you want a big retarded flame war.

I haven't said anything about you personally in anything I have posted. Everything I have put out there has been in the interest of slightly provocative humor. In fact when I responded to you I treated your post and you with the utmost respect. If you can't take a little bit of humor... then I suppose I would have to recommend you toughening up your skin, because frankly giving you some friendly ribbing was really funny. However in the interest of peace, I will desist in my attempts to make you laugh and shake your head.

Homeopathic A&E - Mitchell & Webb

heathen says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:
Count my mom in the group that buys homeopathic crapz. She swears by it and takes it for things like headaches and car sickness. {shakes head}

No, you've got to {shake your head, dilute it, shake head again, dilute some more, and then more shaking} or it will never work!

Jennifer Holliday tears it up in Dreamgirls (Tonys, 1982)

coupland says...

One of the best vocal performances I've ever heard. You can listen to this a hundred times and it still makes you shake your head.

Coulter - Psychotic Motormouth Strikes Twice

Monster says...

And if someone was saying that Pat Robertson was a latent homosexual you'd all be shaking your head in agreement (or at least laughing about it). It's not the fact that she's saying that, it's the fact that she's saying it about Clinton that really gets your panties in a bunch. Do I agree with what she's saying? Eh, Clinton could be bisexual, it wouldn't surprise me a bit. But he's obviously not homosexual in the strictest sense of the term.

A Terrifying Message from Al Gore

Lethin says...

I saw this movie. its actually really good. this advert dosent do it justice but its still really well done. really makes you shake your head at just whats going on. oh and theres something bout the election go see it

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