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How To Turn FAIL into WIN

Metropolitan Stories ep 1 "Someone Is Coming"

TDS: Cable News Investigators - Hoodie Threat

TED: The missing link to renewable energy

GeeSussFreeK says...

Imma throw in some recommended reading

First, from a genius that sums up the debates on energy like geniuses do.

Second, showing the horrors of the current state of energy production. There is no greater issue, IMO, than the production of energy as it relates to the quality of life for ALL men. The low hanging fruit for the improvement of lives is directly tied to energy.

How to fix an SLR with Peanut Butter

rebuilder says...

It would probably be a good idea to spray paint the part black before installing to avoid flaring.

Personally I'd go on to see if someone's already made a lens hood:
and print it out. But then I have a Makerbot and when you have a 3d printer, every problem is plastic waiting to be put in the right shape...

In any case, makeshift solutions are very cool. Realizing you're able to solve a lot of problems yourself is very empowering, and usually fixing stuff isn't hard at all. Case in point, a while ago I dropped my camera, too, and the shutter button got stuck in the focus position. Olympus gave me a repair quote that came to about half the price of a new camera, so I thought I'd take a chance and see if I can fix it myself. All it took was undoing some screws, googling around a bit to see how to take some of the less obvious parts off, and presto, the button was unstuck and I saved a nice bit of cash.


Women's Health Experts Speak Out

"Bully" Documentary Trailer Might Break Your Heart

PolitiFact: Two wrongs make a Mostly Right

NetRunner says...

@hastix you've got a point, but I think the problem is that if you look at their recent track record, there's a clear double standard.

Obama says something completely, unambiguously true, and they call it half-true because they think he was implying something that, in their opinion, isn't true.

A Republican says something that's not factually true, no matter how you slice the numbers, and they rate it "mostly true" because if you substitute the incorrect word he used with the factually accurate word he should have used, it wouldn't (in their opinion) undermine the opinion he was expressing.

Essentially they've gotten into this weird sort of state where they've stopped rating things based on factual accuracy, and have instead started trying to play referee on whether the arguments of the right or the left are correct in their opinion. Problem is, they're still issuing true/false ratings on specific quoted statements, rather than saying "we agree with the right/left on this one."

Here's the original PolitiFact article on this. The first two paragraphs read:

Liberals may want to argue with Sen. Marco Rubio’s remarks at the 2012 Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington.

But they don’t have the evidence to argue with this statement: "The majority of Americans are conservatives."

But then when they actually go looking for evidence to support Rubio, they find the evidence "liberals may want" to have:

First, he said a majority of Americans are conservatives. In Gallup’s poll, the number has never crossed the 50 percent threshold. Technically, he would be more accurate if he said a plurality of Americans are conservative.

Second, we should note that while more Americans identify as conservative, that has not redounded to the good fortune of the Republican Party.

More Americans than ever identify as political independents, at 40 percent. Republicans don’t even come in at second -- that would be the Democratic Party, claiming the allegiance of 31 percent of Americans. Republicans get third place, with 27 percent claiming the GOP label.

Oh, so you mean liberals who argue that Rubio is wrong, and that he doesn't speak for a majority of Americans have the facts on their side?

But you still rated that factually incorrect statement "mostly true"? Why?

Bob the Baby Already Has His Priorities Figured Out

Bob the Baby Already Has His Priorities Figured Out

Apple and Foxconn: Who made your iPhones.

ant says...

>> ^marinara:

promote my blog on china and jobs!

"404 - You are attempting to access a page that either does not exist or has been moved..."

Anonymous Exposes Ron Paul

Exosuits - That Debilitize You

Exosuits - That Debilitize You

Serious Sam 3: BFE Launch Trailer

jmzero says...

Serious Sam was a good game. Serious Sam 2 was a horribad impression of some other game. With number 3, it looks like at least they've figured out what was good about the original (ie. a million enemies, and shooting them) and are bringing the good gameplay ideas back.

But the writing needs serious help. It's funny; they owe much of their success to good comedy writing. Not in their game, but by Eric Wolpaw, who wrote about it on OldManMurray. Eric would later go on to write for Portal, and help create probably the best games of the last decade.

Do you think Valve regrets hiring Eric? And yet, other game companies haven't figured this out. If you want to do comedy in a game, hire someone who's proven successful at doing comedy.

The one-liners in this video are sad crap. Yes, I understand that they're supposed to be over-the-top. That's the problem: they aren't, and they aren't funny.

Without any digging, you can see Wolpaw had plenty of contemporaries that are still around, still being funny, and still available for hire. Seanbaby is slumming it at Cracked. Lowtax has to be bored over at SomethingAwful. Hell, there are tons of great writers at SA who'd be great for a comedy video game. I don't think it would take crazy money to get Yahtzee (or one of the other current generation) doing game writing either.

Why aren't they being picked up by someone? How do you still get crap like this in a high budget title?

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