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TED: The Science Of Scent (Shatters Ideas of Human Senses)

Wimbledon Line Judge lays an egg

Meat-eater poo vs. Vegan poo

bunidblanc says...

hmm, Stingray may be onto something w/ the Bristol Stool SMELL Scale... how about:

1 • The ninja (no smell at all)
2 • Eau du doo (a faint, heady aroma)
3 • Fried chicken (what's cookin'?)
4 • The rotten egg (somebody light a match)
5 • The drag strip (burnt rubber / asphalt)
6 • Mustard gas (noxious, eye-watering)
7 • Hiroshima (don't even think about lighting a match)

Individual results may vary.

Meat-eater poo vs. Vegan poo

Australian Masterchef judge loses it on set.

Porksandwich says...

>> ^solecist:

>> ^Porksandwich:
Just goes on to confirm that seemingly every chef on TV has some sort of anger management issue. It'd be different if the food was fresh out of the oven or just finished prepared, but 30 minutes sitting uncovered on a plate.....depends on what it is at that point.
Think it'd be a pretty good idea not to have your crew eating food that might have them shitting down their leg in the middle of shooting.
Even if it's fake......I don't much care for the attitude of a lot of the chefs on TV. Enough so that I don't watch the majority of those might make good television having high strung people on their shows but not my cup of tea.

if you're worried about getting poisoned from food that's been sitting out for 30 minutes you're probably too big of a wuss to be eating in the first place.

Food that we don't know what it is....if it's dairy based or seafood. You have an hour recommended by the FDA if it's a hot room (90F), considering they would presumably be using bright hot lights that food is half way to being bad at the admitted 30 minutes. Assuming the 30 minute estimation is even accurate. So if keeping my guts at peace makes me too big of a wuss to eat.....I can accept that. Reminds me of people who are on well water that smells like rotten eggs and they wonder why you won't drink it.

It's a motherfucking Roast, bitches and gentlemen! (Wtf Talk Post)

Can You Set Your Tap Water on Fire?

jwray says...

The tap water in Milwaukee has smelled very strongly of hydrogen sulfide (rotten eggs) for at least a decade in my personal experience. You can't drink it without vomiting from the smell. Hydrogen sulfide is poisonous, too. It's a fucking travesty. Whoever's in charge of their government and their municipal water supply ought to be in jail.

The Story of Bottled Water

Porksandwich says...

I can think of a few reasons for bottled water to exist. Primary reason I buy it is when I work outside or at different locations, you can be reasonably sure the water isn't going to make you sick.

I've been to jobs where the water coming out of the hose on their house smelled like rotten eggs, made me queasy just from the smell. And if you work anywhere commercial you can't even be reasonably sure that the water they are pumping through their building is even considered drinkable unless it comes straight from a drinking fountain. One place actually had it's own system to mix liquid fertilizer into the water supply and pumping it through the day it'd be pure water, one day it'd be a blue-green color. Had to use water for the equipment and to clean up, but I never trust drinking water at any location because I'd rather not get a stomach bug from it..or worse.

As for places where the water is SUPPOSED to be drinkable, like public parks, schools, etc. Drinking from water fountains when you watch people spit on it openly, or look like they are trying to deep throat the water nozzle, or have their kids who were just playing with dog shit run up and rub their unwashed hands all over it. Then imagine what people do that drinking fountain/sink/whatever when it's dark out and people can't easily see them.

I know my reasons for drinking bottled water...they don't necessarily exclude tap water. But it's easier to buy the bottles, stick em in a cooler with ice and be good for the rest of the day. Used to do the big water cooler setup, fill it up from a known clean tap water source..wash it out every day (it got pretty nasty in just a days period from the ice, dirty hands, and just dirt/dust). Then you had to worry about cups or something else to drink out of.......and after having a few co-workers who were just nasty. IE fill up their cup without even attempting to clean or cover their dirty hands while they did it...or drinking out of other people's cups because they wouldn't pay attention. I stopped doing that.

So, if your reason for drinking bottled water is because you don't trust other people not to get ass matter and worse all over the handles and spout of water spigots, etc....then I understand.

How smelly is the durian?

syncron says...

Stale vomit, rotten eggs, and smelly shoe with dog crap on it? Is that really the best they could do? I'd like to see how long he can take a whiff at a decaying roadkill carcass.

The Largest Street Gang in America

gwiz665 says...

Sure are a lot of rotten eggs in that salad. There are a few of them that I could defend (when civilians start yelling and further angering the cop), like the one with taser-mom elsewhere on vs, but the vast majority of these are deplorable and quite simply abuse of power. While people might say "Well, they're people too", the response is that they been goddamned trained to not be quick to anger and punish, they've been trained to uphold the law - fucking act like it.

Most of these are just school bullies with weapons.

Atheism WTF? (Wtf Talk Post)

EDD says...

^gwiz strikes gold yet again. The problem with the vast majority of proselytizing videos is that they're of an intellectual equivalent of a 6-year-old, whereas there may be a couple of rotten eggs in the anti-theistic videos crowd, but they're far outweighed by these.

Steven Jones Pipes In About 9/11

schmawy says...

But wait, what's this?

With the enclosed description:

From my local drugstore (specialist for paints)
I had some aluminum powder left.

When U mix it together with plaster powder
the aluminum can react with it.
But it needs a high temperature to ignite it.
Here I used a sparkler as a fuse.

I placed the mixture in a tin-can of peanuts.

WOW. Really a bright light,
overmodulating my camera.

This reaction produces an enormous heat,
melting the tin-can into an irregular shaped
piece of junk.
Residual aluminum or plaster cannot be found
after the reaction. The only thing is a slight
odour of rotten eggs
(H2S - hydrogen sulfide).

And another...

This mixture is stronger than thermite use aluminum powder with anhydrous Calcium sulfate(Gypsum heating above 250 °C),reaction start by ignite magnesium ribbon,and the chemical equation is:

TED: The Science Of Scent (Shatters Ideas of Human Senses)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'TED, Luca, Turin, hydrogen, sulfide' to 'TED, talks, Luca, Turin, smell, vibration, sulfide, sulfur, rotten eggs, coumarin, tonkene' - edited by my15minutes

No Halloween Treats for Obama Supporters

Fundamentals of physics--cruise ship pool

my15minutes says...


oh, come on you pansies! last one in's a rotten egg!

cannonbaaaaaaaaaohh fuck!

psst. mg's right. not gonna' learn a fuckin' thing about physics from this.
waves in a moving pool are intuitively obvious.
it's only the degree to which they're on display that's interesting.
but hey, that's up to rembar, who is notoriously, and often rightfully, stingy. cheers!

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